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按照“实用性、科学性、易学性”的标准,高职院校的应用写作课程应力求突出培养应用文写作能力,以“简明知识,强化训练”为原则组合教学内容,加强训练的科学性、实效性,突出写作训练中的难点、重点,以贴近学生的职业需要。  相似文献   
以学论教是评价课堂高效的标准之一,本文从学生课堂参与程度、学生书写应用文水平、学生实际工作能力三个方面来评价高职院校应用文高效课堂的开展情况,以推动应用文教学工作的进步,进而提升学生的综合素质,促进学生的成长。  相似文献   
应用写作教学的终极目标是通过师生互动和写作实践活动让学生获得应用写作知识、能力和素质。在应用写作教学活动中,教师起主导作用。为了顺利实现应用写作教学目标,应用写作教师必须具备完备的知识体系和能力体系。知识结构主要包括应用写作专业知识、语言学知识、逻辑学知识、相关理论知识及其他多学科知识;能力结构主要包括准确把握教学内容的能力、获取和运用信息的能力、教学组织能力、文章写作及批改能力、科研能力。  相似文献   
余达父生活于清末至民国中叶,其诗深受百年家学、晚清诗风和杜甫、李商隐、苏轼等人影响,沉郁劲健,笔力兀傲;用典宏深,声调高朗,内容、语言和风格体现出多样化和丰富性特征。他转益多师,自成一家,是贵州乃至全国最优秀的少数民族诗人之一。文章从百年家学渊源、传统文化滋养、清末诗风熏染、诗友文朋砥砺四个方面探析余达父诗歌渊源。  相似文献   
自《申论》首次被中央、国家机关在面向社会公开招考公务员中采用以来,现已成为招录国家公务员和机关工作人员考试中笔试的主要科目之一.从《申论》的概念、性质及特征三个维度着手,全面探究《申论》的内涵问题.  相似文献   
This article introduces the Writing Center of the University of Kansas on levels of administration, training, hiring and practicing.  相似文献   
Few studies have explored how general skills in both reading and writing influence performance on integrated, source-based writing. The goal of the present study was to consider the relative contributions of reading and writing ability on multiple-document integrative reading and writing tasks. Students in the U.S. (n = 94) completed two tasks in which they read text sets about a socioscientific issue, generated constructed responses while reading, and then composed integrated essays. They also completed individual difference measures (general knowledge, reading skill, reading strategy use) and wrote independent essays to assess their writing ability. Mixed effect models revealed that general knowledge and reading skills contributed to integrated essay performance, but that once general writing ability was entered into the model, it became the strongest predictor of integrated writing scores. These results suggest the need for deeper consideration of the role of writing skills in integrated reading and writing tasks.  相似文献   
随着新课程改革的不断深入,教学理念逐步更新,学生的英语水平也在逐渐提高,但沿用多年的高考英语书面表达的评分标准并没有与时俱进,已经不能完全适应英语教学改革的要求。笔者认为,与《课程标准》相对照,它存在对学生的书面表达能力要求偏低的问题;与托福等考试的写作评分标准相比较,其整体评分方式不确定度相对较大,分项式描述不尽合理。针对上述问题,本文提出了"改良的整体评分法"的建议。  相似文献   
《上江宁府王龙图启》是王安石写给江宁知府王琪的兼有干谒与公务性质的书信,关于其创作年代,向有嘉辜占二年(1057)、嘉辜占七年(1062)、元丰六年(1083)三种说法.三说皆有未谛,此启当作于嘉祐三年(1058)王安石提点江南东路刑狱期间.王安石诗歌中屡次提及的“王微之”姓名当作“王晢”,通行本《王荆文公诗笺注》、《四库全书总目》、《全宋诗》小传将其姓名定为“王皙”系手民误植。  相似文献   
This thesis is about the skills of practical writing for Tour Guide.In this article,the differences between English and Chinese are discussed.As a Tour Guide,one needs to grasp these characteristics of the two languages,and has ability of describing sceneries beautifully and accurately by writing.  相似文献   
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