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“九一八”事变前后 ,是蒋介石对日战略形成的重要时期。蒋介石依据当时国内外形势 ,考察中日双边之各种因素 ,形成了其独特的对日避战战略。本文主要分析这一战略的背景和内容  相似文献   
济南事件发生后,作为当时在中国新闻界有重要地位的《申报》对该事件的发生发展和解决都进行了较为详细的跟踪报道。然而,由于受客观和主观因素的制约,使该报在报道的过程中呈现出与众不同的报道风格和特点,这种报道的独特风格和特点的形成既有报纸本身社会属性的制约因素,又与社会风气和政治需求紧密相关,报人既努力追求其价值信仰,又难以完全把政治排除在外,对此问题的研究在史学界还显的较为薄弱,没有引起学界的足够的重视,对此的研究和探讨对研究事件本身显得尤为重要。  相似文献   
西安事变前,中共对17路军的统战工作开展颇早,对联合杨虎城亦寄望甚殷。杨虎城虽在“艳晚事件”后一度有激烈的反蒋军事行动提议,但基本上却采取迟疑和委蛇立场,故其与中共关系一波三折、进展缓慢。直至沪杭之行归来,杨与中共关系方有较大改善。“西北三角”间非等距离的相互关系,对事变的发动、解决、善后以至张、杨的角色定位,均有着重大影响。  相似文献   
日本“历史教科书事件”的本质是历史观的错误。战后日本不能正确地反省历史,并通过错误的历史观指导下的历史教科书向青少年灌输战争意识,具有导致日本重新走上战争之路的危险。在历史教育中以正确的历史观为指导,十分重要。  相似文献   
美国、俄罗斯以及东欧国家披露的一些档案及回忆录显示,1956年苏联第二次出兵匈牙利的原因是多方面的。匈牙利事件是对苏联在东欧控制权的严重挑战,苏共领导害怕匈牙利事件会波及整个东欧地区乃至于苏联,从而使整个苏东社会主义阵营毁于一旦。纳吉政府采取骑墙立场并越来越受反动力量的影响,特别是他已不能左右布达佩斯的局势以及美国政府所谓的"不干涉"政策等都是赫鲁晓夫再次出兵的重要原因。影响苏联决策改变的决定性促进因素是1956年10月31日苏伊士危机导致国际形势的突变,即英、法发动的侵埃战争并"频频得手",最终使苏联决心再次以武力解决匈牙利危机,因为苏联决不能让匈牙利投入北约的怀抱,或成为反苏的"桥头堡"。  相似文献   
[目的/意义]1975年5月12日,柬埔寨海军在泰国湾扣押了美国商船"马亚克斯号",时任总统福特领导下的美国政府最终采用武力方式夺回了船只及船员。然而,美国在此次营救行动中的情报工作存在较多失误。研究此次行动中的情报方面的失误,能为改进危机预警与管控中的情报工作提供参考借鉴。[方法/过程]该研究利用解密的美国军事及外交档案,系统梳理了美军在"马亚克斯"事件中出现的事前威胁研判与预警、事后意图判断与战略选择、战场情报搜集与分析、情报上报分发等多个失误及其成因。[结果/结论]美国在这次行动中的情报失误启示我们,应当提升战略预警能力,准确预判风险;注重情报的提前储备,有力支持危机决策与行动;优化情报报送分发机制,充分发挥情报价值。  相似文献   
在救亡图存视域下审视近代中国的社会运动,可以发现,凡是民众觉醒得越坚决、越彻底,民众的觉悟程度越高,运动则越容易成功;反之则大多不能摆脱彻底失败或部分失败的结局。而考之民众觉醒的整个历程,华北事变所起的作用巨大。就华北事变时期的民众觉醒的促发因子而言,于外主要有两个:一是日本对华北的逐步侵蚀和南京国民政府的步步妥协,二是中国共产党的抗日主张对民众的启蒙影响;于内则主要在于民众亲身的亡家之痛与亡国之患,以及对华北时局的深刻体认,也即民众的真正觉醒是其自身认识升华的结果。  相似文献   

Being prepared to address an attack on a painting requires considerable input from both scientific and conservation personnel. When tailoring an appropriate and effective incident response, a well-developed knowledge of the collection, the museum layout, and staffing is also essential. This article discusses the nature of attacks on paintings and the materials and techniques used to mitigate the effects of malicious damage. Previous research into response procedures and the testing of attack substances is also summarized. The primary focus of the article traces the redevelopment of the National Gallery incident response grab bag that caters to various types of attack. Discussions center on developing the customized content of the new bag, material testing, and a practice run-through to establish a response procedure. Ultimately, the practicality and efficacy of the grab bag are demonstrated.  相似文献   
Recent revelations about the scope and severity of past child sexual abuse in German institutions set off a broad public debate on this issue, and led to the establishment of a politically appointed Round Table committee and an Independent Commissioner whose mandates were to reappraise the issue and develop recommendations for future policies. A media campaign was launched to publicize the establishment of a Critical Incident Reporting System (CIRS) whereby now-adult victims of past abuse could anonymously provide testimonials and let policy makers know what issues were important to them. Respondents could either call a hotline number or communicate by mail or email. The information collected was documented and analyzed by a research team, and the results of interim reports were included in the recommendations of the Independent Commissioner and the Round Table committee. Most of the respondents described severe and repeated occurrences of childhood sexual abuse. For many, priorities were improvements in therapy and counseling services, the abolishment of the statute of limitations on prosecuting offenders, and financial compensation. Based on the recommendations of the Round Table and the Independent Commissioner, two new laws were adopted as well as an action plan and some guidelines. In addition to rules for recompensation of victims in an institutional context a fund for victims of sexual abuse in intrafamilial context was established by the Federal Government. Another effect of this process was raising societal sensitivity to the problem of child sexual abuse. The use of a CIRS enabled those directly affected by childhood sexual abuse to have some input into a political process designed to address this issue. Such an approach could have applicability in other countries or in other domains of public health and other forms of societal conflict as well.  相似文献   
本文拟就马仲英研究史料以及学术界有关马仲英的总体性研究、河州事变研究、马仲英在新活动研究、马仲英下落研究等方面的论著做一综述。  相似文献   
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