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The aim of this paper is to discuss the negotiation and performance of researcher identities while conducting fieldwork. It draws on a larger study of masculinities, health and physical education, and sport in an elite boys’ school to analyse the researcher’s role as a female ethnographer in the world of health and physical education in boys’ schooling. Using data drawn from field notes, reflections, and observations from six months of fieldwork at the school, this paper joins a growing body of research, which attests to the importance of making known the ‘hidden histories’ of qualitative research. The significance of this paper is twofold. Firstly, it lies in recognising the details of how researchers position themselves in the field, negotiate and renegotiate their identities, and the significance of social dynamics and relationships to this process. Secondly, it raises awareness of the implications of negotiating researcher identities and embodied experiences in the field and suggests this analysis should become more public in qualitative research.  相似文献   

Data from the 2008 Olympic rowing regatta were analysed to determine the time distribution during races and to assess whether pacing patterns differ between heats and the corresponding finals. Absolute and relative sector times for all of the four 500 m race quarters were analysed, for all boats in all heavyweight heats and final races (n=72 boats for men, n=60 boats for women). Irrespective of race type, boat rank or boat type, analyses of variance with repeated measures revealed that absolute times in the second and/or third race quarter(s) were significantly (both sexes: P<0.001) longer than those either in the first or final quarter, resulting in a parabolic-shaped profile. Compared with the heats, the pacing pattern adopted during the finals was significantly different (females: P<0.013; males: P<0.001); that is, relatively slower in the first and second race quarter but relatively faster in the last quarter. The parabolic-shaped race profile indicates an anticipatory control of speed and energy distribution over the course of the 2000-m race. The observed changes in pacing pattern suggest that during the finals a more conservative starting pace is used, which could be physiologically advantageous, because some energy is withheld for the final spurt.  相似文献   
以就业为导向的高职英语专业教学改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“以就业为导向”的高职高专教学应区别于普通高校的“学科型”教学。高职英语师范类教学应始终贯彻“以就业为导向”的指导思想,突出职教特色,从“学以致用”的教学理念出发,采用任务型教学方法,建立多样化的评价体系,提高学生的专业素质和就业能力,以满足市场对高职英语师范类人才的需求标准。  相似文献   
"开放与共享"是开放教育的本质,"开放与共享"的关键在于优质教学资源的供给。需求与供给的不平衡成为开放教育发展中的障碍,也成为开放教育的现实困境。教学资源的共建共享成为开放教育发展的必然选择,如何突破现有困境,找出开放教育共建共享的合理路径机制,是开放教育切实可行的发展之道。  相似文献   
《周颂》、《安世房中歌》、《郊祀歌》同为祭祀诗,它们在为"安上治民"、"移风易俗"服务时,除了共同的祈福敬神功能之外,又表现出各自不同的特点,都反映了社会的发展和变迁。《周颂》对周王朝德行的歌颂,《安世房中歌》对高祖功德的描述以及《郊祀歌》浓烈的汉代风尚,都是这一变迁的鲜明反映。  相似文献   
武则天“扼婴”成为这位杰出女皇一生最残忍的罪恶,使她不仅不能成为伟大女性,而且连普通母亲都不配。在历史上,她成为一个最残忍的母亲,为了政治向上爬,甚至亲手扼杀自己的亲生幼女,连起码的人性都可以不要。从1300多年来的史籍中,这似乎已经成为铁定事实。其实,历史记载有许多不可解释的疑问和矛盾,实际上这只不过是封建文人对这位女皇的强加之罪,原因就在于她是我国历史上唯一的伟大的超凡女皇,这是封建社会男子中心社会所不允许的。通过对多种史料的考证,事件过程的对比,用确切的史实证明,考疑这实在是历史上一件天大冤案:女皇武则天不是一位残忍至极失去母性的人。  相似文献   
高校在注重知识学习、积累的同时更应注重学生素质、体质的提高,在高校进行的各项体育运动中田径运动是基础,它对学生不仅仅具有健身价值和竞技价值,而且田径运动中所蕴含的人文价值对学生具有重大的影响。  相似文献   
本文在查阅大量文献资料的同时,走访民众关于体育文化的不同理解,主要从民众参与体育的意识、体育行为、体育诉求分析中韩两国体育文化存在的差异;在一定的历史时期有助于我国沉积优良的体育文化成果,推进体育事业的进一步发展。  相似文献   
文章通过文献资料法、问卷调查法、实地考察法、访谈法对随机抽取的湖北省11所高校乒乓球运动的场地器材、课程开设、师资配备、社团和俱乐部建设、比赛的开展以及组织机构和规章制度建设等方面的现状进行调查研究。旨在了解湖北省普通高校乒乓球健身运动的开展情况,进一步发挥乒乓球运动在湖北省普通高校阳光体育运动中的价值与作用。  相似文献   
本文通过对河南农业大学公共体育课俱乐部教学模式的典型个案进行分析比较,寻找实施过程中高校公共体育课实行俱乐部模式存在的问题,探求解决问题的方法,促进高校公共体育课俱乐部制教学模式的顺利进行,为推进高校体育教育的全面改革,具有一定的理论价值和现实意义。  相似文献   
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