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刘淑洁 《海外英语》2014,(8):197-198
Scarlett,the heroine in Gone with the Wind,is always the disputed figure in the academic world.She gathers kinds of traits in herself,including contradiction intricacy and diversity.Then,Scarlett is a person not only selfish and rebellious,but also in the pursuit of equality and independence.What she eagerly seeks in her life is genuine love.To begin with her unique thought and conception,this thesis analyzes the characteristics of her self-assurance and self-reliance represented behind her selfishness and rebellion.It makes emphasis on the profound changes Scarlett has in terms of belief and self-value when she experiences the baptism of the Civil War.The process that she changes from a spoiled noble belle to an independent and confident businesswoman indicates the self-awareness of women has wakened up.  相似文献   
《孙子兵法》是中华传统文化中的经典大著,发掘其蕴含的思想价值固然意义重大,而探求它原始文本的真相则是根本和基础.计篇的“兵众孰强”一句,众说纷纭莫衷一是,我们运用分析语段结构、词语的出现时代、语法等手段,得出了一个新解为:“兵众”当为“兵甲”之误.  相似文献   
抗战时期,大量难民涌入桂林。为了解决难民生存问题,开垦桂林的荒地。中央委员会所统辖的筹赈会在桂林成立移桂难民垦殖处并在桂林良丰乡十里坪建立了具有试验性质的桂林难民垦殖区。从战争引发的难民问题与桂林难民垦殖区的建立、建设和成效等三个方面来简略的叙述抗战时期桂林难民殖区的建设。  相似文献   
抗战时期,地处抗战前沿的河南对留学工作仍旧十分重视。对留学生的考选及派遣制定了一系列的政策和规章制度,也及时派出了一批留学生。日军占领河南后,大部分地区沦陷,当地经济受到重创,教育工作受到一定程度的影响。这一时期,河南的公费留学呈现出人数不稳定、经费短缺以及注重实科等特点。但毕竟在战争中坚持了下来,为河南留学事业的发展做出了突出贡献。  相似文献   
"代田法"是汉武帝末年开始施行的一种农田"垄作"体系。目前学界对"代田法"的研究多集中在耕作技术层面,鲜有关注代田法与汉匈军事斗争的联系。在西汉武帝时期,西汉政府与北方匈奴的军事斗争势态,对"代田法"的产生原因、推行时间及选种植物三个方面产生了影响。基于对这种关系的考察以及对西汉历史背景的分析,试图对"代田法"这一古老的农耕技术做出新解读。  相似文献   
绍兴的文化繁荣一般出现在乱世和末世,出现在王权、专制失控的时代。由一部绍兴名人文化史,我们不难发现在乱世和末世中,文人和剑客的活动表现得异常活跃。文人与剑客之间,相互依存、相得益彰。文化领域的各流各派,周游四海。指点江山,激扬文字,推行各自的政治主张和学术思想,既相互交流融汇,又自成流派体系。剑客游侠中的大腕巨子,奔走四方,论剑天下,以剑会友,挥剑展志,以实现理想世界。文豪剑侠,或成为至交,或共投一主,或集中一身,相互启发,相映生辉,从而折射出绍兴名人文化中"书剑气"互补的特点。文人与侠客殊途同归,只是方式不同,一个以书,一个用剑。  相似文献   
众所周知,冷战后,恐怖主义与霸权主义是世界两大危害。它们严重威胁世界和平与安全。正如我们所知道的那样,它们之间存在着一些联系。然而,我们也应清楚地看到,它们之间也存在着重大的区别。因此,对于我们来说,将恐怖主义与霸权主义区别开来,不仅是非常重要的,而且也是非常必需的。作为当今世界最大的社会主义国家,中国正面临着严峻的挑战。为了实现四个现代化,有一个和平的国际环境对我们来说非常重要。中国政府郑重宣告,中国人民强烈反对恐怖主义,同时,也强烈反对霸权主义。我认为,这是一个非常艰巨的任备.我们将有很长的路要走.  相似文献   
国内电信业重组后,有效竞争的格局基本形成,但电信市场恶性价格战不断,一些地区的运营商互相破坏通信设施,人为设置网间壁垒,导致部分地区通信网络瘫痪,造成互联互通不畅。通过对电信业竞争形势的分析,提出了建立公平有效的竞争机制和推动业务创新、促进我国电信业持续发展的策略。  相似文献   
��[Purpose/significance] The development of digital humanities has aroused widespread concern in the field of social sciences and humanities, by using convenient and efficient computing technology to extract potential information from massive data resources and unstructured text, and present it to users in a more intuitive and clear way.[Method/process] This paper took the war described in Zuo Zhuan as the research object, and extracted the strategic offensive sides and strategic defenders of each war from the war sentences. From the perspective of digital humanities, it explored the feasibility of using social network analysis methods to describe the changes of the war pattern in Spring and Autumn Period. On this basis, the vassal states in the Spring and Autumn Period were divided into different groups according to the relationship between war cooperation and war confrontation. The main groups and the core vassal states were analyzed and discussed one by one. In addition, the war in Zuo Zhuan was dynamically displayed in using 3 techniques:html, css and E-Charts.[Result/conclusion] We provided a method for extracting war information from the unstructured Zuo Zhuan texts during the Spring and Autumn Period and organized it into quantifiable data. It proved that it was feasible to show the relationship between the vassal states during the Spring and Autumn Period from the perspective of war, and also showed the feasibility and great potential of digital humanities technology in the research of humanistic history.  相似文献   
站在平民化的立场来写战争英雄,站在新的历史观角度反思英雄存在的价值,作家刘恒这种开放的人文视野与现代的历史观,不仅促成了剧本及电影《集结号》的成功,同时拓展了人们关于战争、英雄与历史的深入思考。  相似文献   
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