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毛泽东提出的“百花齐放,百家争鸣”方针,是促进我国的社会主义文化繁荣的方针,是他对传统文艺思想的传承与创新。今天,在新的历史时期,我们要认真总结历史教训,坚定不移地贯彻“双百方针”,促进社会主义文化的繁荣。  相似文献   
华丽和朴实是一组相对应的语言表现风格.华丽这种语言风格,在主音、词汇、句式、辞格各方面都有其特点:即声音和谐悦耳、词语艳丽绚烂、句式变幻多姿、辞格华美奇巧.  相似文献   
超导体中的双体模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在戈德(Gorter.C.J)和卡西米尔(Casimir.H.B.G)的二流体模型的基础上,建立了适合于高温超导体的新模型──双体模型,通过论证,双体模型是合理的.  相似文献   
当前,写意花鸟画裹足不前,难以发展;写意花鸟画要获得发展,应解决以下问题:向外发展,拓展空间;提高素养,务实创作;精练书法,发挥特长;深入生活,刻苦实践;扩大视野,开拓题材。  相似文献   
狄金森的一生与花草有着不解之缘,她的园艺生活是其诗歌创作中永不衰竭的源泉。狄金森在继承传统的同时,扩大和丰富了花草意象的象征意义。狄金森诗歌中的花草意象与其特定的社会环境紧密相关。她以花草象征美丽的女性,男权社会之下女性低下的社会地位、女性坚毅的品格。她还用花草象征自己鲜为人知的一生、反叛精神、不朽的作品、创作风格以及自己的审美趋向等。  相似文献   
宋词中有很多写到落花的词。落花意象以其“伤春”与“伤逝”的凄美之情触动人心,它们寄寓了词人不同的人生际遇、人生态度和追求。男性词人从男性角度看落花、男性词人以女性角度看落花、女性词人从女性角度看落花,使得宋词中落花意象具有不同的情感内涵。此外,宋词中落花意象还影响到当代流行歌词的创作。  相似文献   
本文通过对高平米山多次实地调查及与墩画(花)艺人深入访谈和交流,结合地域文化遗产传承、保护与开发的相关政策和理论,对墩画(花)工艺及现状工艺传承、保护与开发的意义、题材选择、艺术风格、工艺的流程及发展策略等方面进行了全面、系统的分析研究,并在此基础上提出了一些可行性的建议,以期能为墩画(花)工艺的传承、保护与开发献锦薄之力。  相似文献   
“盆花与切花生产技术”课程是本科院校园艺专业的一门重要专业选修课,课程内容与生产实际联系紧密,但是由于教学思维定势、教学实践资源欠缺等因素,“盆花与切花生产技术”课程教学主要是理论知识的讲授,并没有设置相应的实践教学环节,学生只能在课堂被动地学习各种生产技术,导致出现学生学习抓不住重点,学习起来比较迷茫,对教学内容不感兴趣等不良的教学效果。因而“盆花与切花生产技术”课程的教学内容与方式急需改变。整合教学内容、增加实践教学的比例及合理设计实践内容是“盆花与切花生产技术”课程教学改革的主要内容。  相似文献   
诗人杨方,是首都师范大学中国诗歌研究中心的驻校诗人,其诗集《骆驼羔一样的眼睛》,以诗“词”题,有一种漫溯的效果,她让词成为她的诗意构成方式,成为一种诗歌的物件,并成为灵魂的一件护身符,从而呈现了她的经世之思与内在情调。故乡,是她的原初的情结,是故乡之于她的纠结和疼痛。花间、草木、流水,是她寻找到的可靠的遮蔽,并逐渐完成一种整合的、有节律的诗性生命形式,市诗性文化的浪漫体验和精神故乡的现实寻根,有机成为整体,完成陶醉和安放的永无止息的生态境遇和精神归宿。秋风,是她获取的清醒的力量。杨方依靠内心的力量离开了自身,观看和瞩望着秋风中万事万物的存在与涅,在精神故乡的永恒追寻中,她保持着对深不可测的生存意图的真诚。  相似文献   
This paper reports the bisexual structure of the flowers of Pterocarya stenoptera. The bisexual flowers are borne at the end of a leafy shoot of the current year in many-flowered terminal pendulous catkins. They have the same structure as the general female ones. Each flower grows in the axil of a bract,  with a pair of bracteoles and four small perianths. Each flower has two or three carpels in the centre of the flower,  and upon them there are two or three styles with stigmas on the inner face. They differ from the ge- neral female ones in that each of them contains 4-6 stamens,  forming a single whorl. The stamens alternates with,  or is opposite to,  the perianth elements. Sometimes they contain 8 (-10) stamens,  forming two whorls,  with 6 in the outer whorl and 2 (-4) in the in- ner whorl, and in this case the pistil in the bisexual flower of terminal catkins often becomes a rudiment.       It is interesting that we have also found bisexual flowers in another tree,  which are borne in lateral male catkins. They have the same structure as general male ones,  and the pistils are often represented by a rudiment.       Manning (1940) points out that some female flowers of Pterocarya stenoptera and P. fraxinifolia occasionally have stamens ( ? ) opposite the sepals. In P. stenoptera we have found that both the stamens and the stigmas of bisexual flowers are functional. They are capable of producing functional fruits. This is the same case as in Myrica Gale described by Davey and Gibson (1917). Rendle (1952) points out that in the male flowers of Platycarya the pistils often appeared as a rudiment. He considers,  however,  the male flowers derived from the bisexual flowers with an indefinite number of stamens. The rudimentary pistils of later- al male catkins in P. stenoptera we found are just the same as the ones found in Platycarya by Rendle.       The discovery of the bisexual flowers in P. stenoptera may prove that the unisexual flowers of the present-day Juglandaceae are derived from ancestors with bisexual flowers.This tends to support the hypothesis that Cycadicae is the possible ancestor of the angiosperms.  相似文献   
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