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The goal of the present study was to examine dating preferences across three different out-group backgrounds (race/culture/ethnic, religious, socio-economic status) in three different cultural settings (the United Kingdom, the United States, India). A second goal was to explore the role of social psychological factors (social approval, social identity, previous dating experience) in out-group dating preferences. Findings from an online study (nUK = 227, nUS = 245, nIndia = 220) revealed that participants were less willing to date individuals from religious out-groups than individuals from other race/culture/ethnic or socio-economic status out-groups. Individuals’ perceptions of approval from friends and family positively predicted out-group dating preference for all backgrounds and samples. How much individuals identified with their in-groups and whether they have previous experience dating someone from an out-group varied across outgroup backgrounds and samples in predicting out-group dating preferences. Together, the findings provide valuable insight into intergroup relations and reveal the importance of studying out-group dating preferences across different out-group backgrounds and samples.  相似文献   
Researchers have suggested that the self-affirmation intervention may motivate students to approach a challenging task and improve their performance. However, we posited that self-affirmation may not be beneficial for students whose self-esteem is based more on others’ approval (i.e., having high others’ approval contingencies of self-worth; OACSW). This is because the main motive for undertaking a challenging task among high OACSW students may be to obtain others’ approval and increase self-esteem. Being self-affirmed may increase high OACSW students’ sense of self-integrity, satisfying this motive, and thus cause them to perceive a lower value in undertaking the task. Consequently, high OACSW students would be less inclined to undertake the task and would not perform more favorably on it after being self-affirmed. In support of this hypothesis, the results of Experiment 1 (value affirmation) and Experiment 2 (attribute affirmation) showed that for high school students who did not receive self-affirmation, OACSW tended to be positively associated with their tendencies to confront a challenging task and their performance. However, for self-affirmed participants, the positive relationships between OACSW and both their tendencies to confront the task and performance flattened, and even went negative, mainly through a reduction of perceived value in confronting the task. Potential underlying mechanisms and implications are discussed.  相似文献   
死刑核准权的归属是死刑复核程序的核心问题。在我国古代,死刑核准权由皇帝或皇帝亲自控制的中央机关行使。目前,死刑核准权由最高人民法院收回,结束了死刑核准权除由最高人民法院行使外还部分地由最高人民法院下放给高级人民法院行使的局面,从而避免了由这一现状带来的很多问题。  相似文献   
设备购置审批是设备管理中的重要环节,传统纸质公文流转的方式存在很多弊端。设备购置审批流程的数字化是以学校现行管理制度为基础,利用计算机网络等数字化技术,通过设备购置网上审批系统的建设与应用,将制度化、规范化的办公流程数字化,实现网上办公,提高工作效率,是实现设备管理信息化的基础。  相似文献   
行政问责是提高政府执行力和公信力的必要条件之一。注重行政问责的执政理念来自于执政者对政府和市场关系的准确定位,重视社会的自组织功能,以及对责任政府的科学理解。在具体的公共行政实践中,昆明市政府通过构建行政问责的制度环境,以服务而非管制为取向的行政审批制度改革,规范行政处罚自由裁量权等方式来实现高效的行政问责。  相似文献   
以宁波市北仑区工业企业竣工验收规划认可工作实践为例,探讨了工业企业竣工验收规划认可面临的问题,分析产生的主要原因,并提出一些相应的对策。  相似文献   
国外行政审批制度改革对我国的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全球化经济的大背景下,我国传统行政审批制度在内容、程序、规范操作等方面存在的问题日益暴露,在我国与国际接轨过程中的障碍作用也日益明显,改革传统行政审批制度势在必行。一方面要考虑到中国的特殊性,另一方面可以积极借鉴国外的先进经验,从而努力实现行政审批的法治化、合理化与科学化,建立起与社会主义市场经济体制相适应的行政审批制度。  相似文献   
基于模糊层次分析法对行政审批制度改革进行绩效评价研究。对行政审批改革的相关历程进行阐述,指出改革的必要性。根据行政审批改革评价的原则和内容构建行政审批改革绩效评价体系,最后基于FAHP对行政审批制度改革进行评价。  相似文献   
先秦秦汉之际,纵横家思想曾经显赫一时。司马迁本着实录精神,在《史记》中记载了他们追名逐利、纵横游说的事迹,毫不掩饰地传达了自己对纵横家们追求人生价值行为的欣赏之情,但站在历史发展的角度,对纵横家制造分裂、不利于大一统的方面也有所扬弃。  相似文献   
从创新治理的角度看,无论是管理对象、领域和方式等都发生了变化,特别是科技业务审批方式也必须做出根本性的改变,以更好地释放创新驱动的潜力。从需求分析、理念转变和审批改革提出向创新治理转变的政策建议,并提出优化调整5种科技业务审批方式的路径。  相似文献   
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