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The scoring process is critical in the validation of tests that rely on constructed responses. Documenting that readers carry out the scoring in ways consistent with the construct and measurement goals is an important aspect of score validity. In this article, rater cognition is approached as a source of support for a validity argument for scores based on constructed responses, whether such scores are to be used on their own or as the basis for other scoring processes, for example, automated scoring.  相似文献   
庄子哲学中的辩学思想探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前学术界对庄子辩学思想的整理数量相对较少,且多为否定性的负面评价。文章凝合了诸多学术成果,针对庄子"辩无胜"观点作概括评介,并从认识论和方法论等多角度探讨这一辩学观点的逻辑思维理论。  相似文献   
两千余年的理欲之辨演进历程,勾划着一条鲜明的思想主脉,透射出理欲之论的真髓,即崇尚道德、尊奉理性,注重社会道德对物质欲求与满足行为的支配和指导价值,以公为重,兴公去私。虽然理欲之论的传统,是在争论不休的过程中得以形成发展的,但努力追求"理"指导下的"欲"的合宜,寻求"理"欲"之间的和谐,是各家的共同愿望。对理欲之论予以理性的观照,可以发现,传统理欲论对促进个体身心的内在和谐,实现人类社会的整体和谐以及人与自然的和谐有着重要的现代启示。  相似文献   
本文分析了30年代文学现代化的现实生存语境,从文学生态的角度揭示了它赖以生存的文化基础和社会土壤中的商业化倾向因素,通过对30年代几次影响较大的文学论争的具体分析,揭示30年代各种文学现象背后的商业化因素所起的作用。  相似文献   
王棨是晚唐重要的赋家和诗人。通过稽考历代诗文、史书、方志中提到的有关王棨的信息,对王棨生平中一些重要活动予以简要梳理、考证,并对前人论述中的部分疑点进行辨析、补充与商榷,以期深化对王棨的探讨与研究。  相似文献   
提升结构和控制结构形式上非常相似,但其分类特征和理论依据却迥然不同。谓词不同的论元结构是研究两种结构的关键。先对主句中的谓词的论元结构做一个详细的分析,然后对提升和控制的结构进行全面的分类,并基于此提出区别提升结构与控制结构的方法。  相似文献   
湖北应简称"鄂"还是"楚"?改名之争引激辩.湖北省是否应该简称"鄂",不仅涉及鄂文化与楚文化的关系,还涉及"鄂"的起源与迁徙,涉及湖北省、河南省、山西省的"鄂"研究.商周时期,诸"鄂"有别.商代鄂国在南土,商纣王没有消灭鄂国."邘"非鄂国.周代有五个"鄂".晋国鄂侯是姬姓国之君,与商代鄂侯无关.  相似文献   
利用重合度理论中的延拓定理和不等式分析技巧,获得了一类具有多个偏差变元的Lienard型P—Laplacian泛函微分方程的周期解存在性的新的充分条件,推广和改进了已有文献的相关结果.  相似文献   
体育课程实施中"异变"问题的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用文献资料法、逻辑分析法等研究方法,对体育课程实施中的“异变”问题作出了初步探讨。研究认为:对体育课程实施的研究是我国体育课程改革研究中的薄弱环节,而对体育课程实施中“异变”问题的研究至今乃是一大“盲点”;体育课程实施中的“异变”具有必然性,根据其正负效应可分为超越性异变与衰退性异交;引起体育课程实施中“异变”的原因是多方面的,在体育课程的实施中应努力采取措施促进超越性异变,避免衰退性异变。  相似文献   
History education stakeholders in England have consistently judged that some students find formal historical writing prohibitively difficult due to the demands of constructing an extended argument. While policy makers have agreed students need support in their historical writing, recurring themes in centralised resourcing have been wastage, incoordination and replication. Furthermore, two concurrent but largely disconnected discourses have developed and promulgated initiatives relevant to students’ extended historical writing: ‘genre theorists’ and the ‘history teachers’ extended writing movement’. Despite certain goals held in common participants in the two discourses have tended to talk past one another with concomitant issues in resourcing. Unsystematic, cross-fertilisation between the discourses has led to cycles of genre theory being collectively discovered, forgotten, and rediscovered by history teachers with knowledge not being built cumulatively. Furthermore both discourses have independently developed similar initiatives in a form of convergent evolution resulting in duplication of labour. Finally, divergent evolution has occurred where genre theorists have advocated approaches that are increasingly redundant for history teachers’ requirements. A more activist stance is therefore required to ensure meaningful inter-discursive communication between genre theorists and the history teachers’ ‘extended writing movement’ to ensure efficacy in developing approaches to improving students’ extended historical writing.  相似文献   
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