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全国教育科学“十一五”规划学科发展调查   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
十一五期间,全国教育科学规划课题研究以育人为本的素质教育研究影响全社会,教育公平研究取得重大突破,教育质量研究不断深入,终身教育体系和学习型社会研究具有前瞻性,国际教育竞争力研究受到关注,教育改革理论研究受到空前重视。在重大现实问题研究方面,基础教育课程与教学改革研究继续深入,农村教育问题研究成为热点,高等教育大众化时期大学生就业问题研究持续增多,增强职业教育吸引力研究逐渐兴起,学前教育发展研究备受重视,民族教育研究不断拓展,德育和心理健康教育研究继续发展,教师专业发展研究更加关注实践。总体上,通过不断完善教育科研管理体系,研究质量逐步提高,社会影响不断扩大,优秀科研团队日益壮大,有力促进了教育科研的协调发展。同时,也存在低水平重复现象突出,研究主题不系统,研究内容不深入,研究结论缺乏数据支撑,研究成果理论与实践相互脱离等问题,需要大力提升教育科研水平,进一步创新教育科研管理体制。  相似文献   
体育哲学社会科学话语权是国际体育话语权的重要组成部分,体育哲学社会科学国际话语权的提升是"十四五"时期构建我国国际体育话语权,及建设体育强国的关键。该文采用文献资料法、逻辑思维法等,回顾我国体育哲学社会科学国际话语权由无到有、由弱到强的发展历程,结合福柯知识-权力理论,分别从话语内容、表达形式、概念使用与路径选择四个方面分析我国体育哲学社会科学国际话语权现存困境,构建我国体育哲学社会科学国际话语权提升路径。研究认为:我国体育哲学社会科学国际话语权的构建经历了起步阶段、转型阶段与突破阶段。主要问题包括:(1)话语内容:学术视野与视角存在局限性;(2)表达形式:学术话语与政治话语相脱离;(3)概念使用:概念与理论创新性不强;4)路径选择:学术研究成果与话语传播不畅。建议:(1)话语内容:拓宽体育学术视野,树立话语先机意识;(2)表达形式:正确处理学术话语与政治话语的关系;(3)概念使用:注重核心概念提炼与理论的持续创新;(4)路径选择:学术界与媒体协作推广学术话语传播。  相似文献   
[目的/意义]近年来,我国虽已出台政策对科学数据的管理、共享与利用给出了明确的引导与规范,但现有主流的数据管理平台架构侧重在对数据的科学管理,数据的共享利用效率不高,本研究在系统拓展现有平台的数据管理功能基础上,聚焦解决科学数据的共享利用难题.[方法/过程]在广泛调研与文献梳理的基础上,首先厘清人文社科研究数据管理平台...  相似文献   
地球科学是以地球各圈层相互作用及其资源与环境效应为研究对象,多学科交叉融合的一门科学。地球科学既研究过去,阐述地球演化历史,又面向未来,为人类可持续发展提供解决方案,是一门既能拓展人类知识前沿又能服务于人类社会经济发展的综合性、系统性的科学。文章在梳理国际地球科学发展趋势和总结我国地球科学发展现状与科技资助情况的基础上,提出我国地球科学发展应从系统科学和国家需求的视角部署未来发展方向和研究计划。从地球系统整体出发,关注地球系统各圈层、各要素之间的相互作用及其对人类社会经济发展的影响。以“四个面向”引领地球科学领域研究的发展方向,开展有组织的重大科学研究,完善科技资助与评价机制,使研究成果更好地服务于国家重大战略需求。  相似文献   
An extraordinary amount of data is becoming available in educational settings, collected from a wide range of Educational Technology tools and services. This creates opportunities for using methods from Artificial Intelligence and Learning Analytics (LA) to improve learning and the environments in which it occurs. And yet, analytics results produced using these methods often fail to link to theoretical concepts from the learning sciences, making them difficult for educators to trust, interpret and act upon. At the same time, many of our educational theories are difficult to formalise into testable models that link to educational data. New methodologies are required to formalise the bridge between big data and educational theory. This paper demonstrates how causal modelling can help to close this gap. It introduces the apparatus of causal modelling, and shows how it can be applied to well-known problems in LA to yield new insights. We conclude with a consideration of what causal modelling adds to the theory-versus-data debate in education, and extend an invitation to other investigators to join this exciting programme of research.

Practitioner notes

What is already known about this topic

  • ‘Correlation does not equal causation’ is a familiar claim in many fields of research but increasingly we see the need for a causal understanding of our educational systems.
  • Big data bring many opportunities for analysis in education, but also a risk that results will fail to replicate in new contexts.
  • Causal inference is a well-developed approach for extracting causal relationships from data, but is yet to become widely used in the learning sciences.

What this paper adds

  • An overview of causal modelling to support educational data scientists interested in adopting this promising approach.
  • A demonstration of how constructing causal models forces us to more explicitly specify the claims of educational theories.
  • An understanding of how we can link educational datasets to theoretical constructs represented as causal models so formulating empirical tests of the educational theories that they represent.

Implications for practice and/or policy

  • Causal models can help us to explicitly specify educational theories in a testable format.
  • It is sometimes possible to make causal inferences from educational data if we understand our system well enough to construct a sufficiently explicit theoretical model.
  • Learning Analysts should work to specify more causal models and test their predictions, as this would advance our theoretical understanding of many educational systems.
微积分理论作为人类历史上伟大的知识创造之一,自诞生之后在相当长一段时期内被奉为描绘宇宙与自然运行强有力的数学语言与模型.20世纪以来,作为具有典型革命性意义的知识创新,诞生了分形几何学、混沌理论和复杂性科学等多种新兴学科.这些重要的数学知识创造构成了后微积分时代的主流数学知识形态并凝聚成为一种新的数学范式——“后微积分范式”.作为微积分范式的一种内核裂变,它实现了对原有范式的颠覆、突破和迁越,具有非确定性、混沌性和复杂性等显著的当代科学革命特征.“后微积分范式”已经构成了大学数学课程的重要组成部分和必要内容,也必将成为未来高中甚至义务教育数学课程的基本内容.因此,“后微积分范式”的数学教育意义以及如何开展教学的话题需要予以充分的论证和关注.  相似文献   
This paper presents the importance of the visual expression of factor decomposition in regression analysis, which is particularly worthwhile for undergraduate students whose majors are not mathematics but social science. The conventional purpose of regression analysis is to examine specific hypotheses empirically. In particular, the statistical significance of the explanatory variable was tested, which may have been difficult for many students to understand mathematically. To remedy this, factor decomposition is introduced in the same way that human body composition is broken down into water, fat, and muscle. As an illustrative example, multiple regression was applied to the determinants of housing rents in Japan. The explanatory variables were the living area, building age, and walking time from the nearest station. The findings suggest that, with the help of visual expression, a student can easily appreciate which variable significantly affects housing rents.  相似文献   
随着"双一流"建设的推进,为激发高校学术组织创新活力,中国部分高校逐渐进行学部制改革。学部作为学术分类管理的平台,对指导学科分类、深入民主管理具有重要作用。面对中国工科研究型大学"工强文弱"的状况,应通过构建人文社科学部来引导和推动人文社科建设,但在学部建设过程中要注意克服发展定位不准、有效融合不够、院部职能协调不清等问题,要对学部进行有效定位,重视其运行模式和组织架构设计。  相似文献   
唐柳 《复旦教育论坛》2022,20(6):96-104
加强应用型本科高校建设,是我国高等教育普及化阶段的重要任务。放眼国际,德国应用科学大学在创建之初就迅猛发展,并逐渐成为德国高等教育的重要支柱。本文从新制度主义视角回看德国应用科学大学的产生与发展,发现举办应用科学大学并不是德国高等教育改革的首要举措,也并非当时最被看好的举措。其成功兼具偶然性和必然性,并经历了改革酝酿期、博弈运行期、规范发展期以及战略调整期。未被期待的德国应用科学大学能在制度博弈中脱颖而出,得益于以制度改革积极回应社会诉求、以错位发展将特色转化为优势、以规模速增自成体系、拥有开放包容的发展环境。  相似文献   
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