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本文对我校体育大专生教学基本功调查中存在的组织教学、体育实践能力较差等问题进行了分析,并提出加强教学基本功训练的具体措施。  相似文献   
新形势下高校档案服务社会化全面展开,促使高校档案馆必须树立新的服务理念,创新服务模式,改进服务手段,革新评价体系。本文基于高校档案管理服务创新理念,提出档案服务创新方法,用服务质量评估衡量高校档案服务是否到位,促进高校档案馆合理生存,顺向发展。  相似文献   
化解对外汉语教学中"汉字难"的问题,应对笔画重新分类。按笔画笔向折转与否,可将笔画"三分"为横、竖、撇、捺、点、提六个基本笔画,折、钩、弯三个特殊笔画和多个复合笔画;基本笔画可再"三分"为点画、线画和半线画;特殊笔画"折"使线画、半线画折转成直角,"钩"转成钝角,"弯"转成圆弧。占笔画多数的复合笔画都是基本笔画折、钩、弯而成的。  相似文献   
从基本公共品类型与供给方式来看,农村社区基本公共品类型复杂多样、合作机制呈现多元主导格局;从筹资来源渠道来看,农村社区基本公共品资金来源渠道由传统单一型向多元筹资方式转变;从决策机制来看,农村社区基本公共品供给决策机制由传统威权型逐步向协商治理模式转向;从合作能力的影响因素来看,影响农村社区基本公共品合作供给能力的基本因素有利益关联度、集体经济实力、村委会权威水平、村民参与水平以及相关宏观政策五个主要方面。  相似文献   
on the basis of linguistics, psychology and other related theory, we should carry out game teaching method to make students learn easily and happily because of the lack of interest and other problems i...  相似文献   
Handwriter identification aims to simplify the task of forensic experts by providing them with semi-automated tools in order to enable them to narrow down the search to determine the final identification of an unknown handwritten sample. An identification algorithm aims to produce a list of predicted writers of the unknown handwritten sample ranked in terms of confidence measure metrics for use by the forensic expert will make the final decision.Most existing handwriter identification systems use either statistical or model-based approaches. To further improve the performances this paper proposes to deploy a combination of both approaches using Oriented Basic Image features and the concept of graphemes codebook. To reduce the resulting high dimensionality of the feature vector a Kernel Principal Component Analysis has been used. To gauge the effectiveness of the proposed method a performance analysis, using IAM dataset for English handwriting and ICFHR 2012 dataset for Arabic handwriting, has been carried out. The results obtained achieved an accuracy of 96% thus demonstrating its superiority when compared against similar techniques.  相似文献   

With increasing demand for improved medical equipment and healthcare, next-generation biomedical engineers need strong design skills. Equipping biomedical engineering students with tools for idea generation and development can increase student design success. Design Heuristics are an ideation tool developed through empirical studies of product designs. While identified in the mechanical engineering space, Design Heuristics may be applicable in biomedical engineering design. In our study, we implemented a Design Heuristics session during upper-level undergraduate and first-year graduate biomedical engineering design courses. We examined the applicability of Design Heuristics within individual and team concept generation contexts. The findings demonstrated that biomedical engineering students were able to use Design Heuristics to generate multiple concepts, and that initial concepts produced using Design Heuristics were carried over into final team design. The results support the applicability of Design Heuristics to student idea generation in biomedical engineering design.  相似文献   
自1951年中国与巴基斯坦建立外交关系以来,至2011年,双边关系迎来了60周年。回顾过去跨世纪的60年,中巴关系在几个发展阶段都呈现出一些共同的特征,无论双方国内政治格局如何变动,无论国际风云如何变幻,中国和巴基斯坦都经受住了时间的检验,将"好邻居、好朋友、好伙伴、好兄弟"的国家和人民之间的关系不断推向更高的阶段,最终形成"全天候"和"全方位"的战略合作关系,成为当代国际关系的典范,也成为维护地区和世界和平、稳定与安全的重要力量。60年的中巴交往积累了丰富的弥足珍贵的经验,可以概括为:以"和谐世界"、"和而不同"的哲学思想为出发点,互相尊重,平等相待,高度信任;从全球化角度来审视和处理两国关系是中巴能够"以不变应万变"、长期保持"全天候"和"全方位"战略合作的最佳视域;以维护对方国家核心利益为基轴,在事关领土完整、民族安全等重大问题上相互理解和支持;与时俱进,扩大互利共赢的双边经贸合作是巩固和拓展两国"特殊关系"的基石;频繁的高端互访和各领域、各层次友好往来是中巴关系长盛不衰、保持活力的根本源泉。事实上,这种非同一般的关系已经远远超越双边和地区范畴,对全世界都有借鉴意义。  相似文献   
延安是中国革命的圣地和新中国的摇篮,也是中国共产党人的精神家园。中国共产党不仅在延安时期实现了马克思主义中国化的第一次历史性飞跃,确立了毛泽东思想的指导地位,而且培育和形成了伟大的延安精神。在党和国家高度重视大学生思想政治教育、进一步加强和改进高校思想政治理论课教育教学的新形势下,弘扬延安精神既是思想政治理论课教育教学的重要内容,也对高质量地开展思想政治理论课教育教学具有深刻的启示和方法论指导。  相似文献   
《清明上河图》中的城门楼,是该图形象体系的组成部分;它是对生活真实的艺术反映,而不是对北宋东京外城上那座上善门的机械摹写。“上善”一词典出《老子》,体现了道家的比德观念。宋太宗以“上善”为城门赐名,主要出于宗教观念。  相似文献   
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