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Transformation has been the fundamental basis upon which education has always stood, as without transformation in mind, education would seem purposeless and undirected. This would imply that the objective of providing information in education is not just to gain knowledge but to achieve the desired transformation in character or behaviour by applying the knowledge learnt within ourselves. Based on how information is interpreted and managed, the philosophy of information influences our states of being and becoming which have an impact on our understanding of the information world. This paper discusses the philosophical aspects of being and becoming in relation to transformation, and threshold concepts are explored as a means of achieving transformative learning.  相似文献   
北魏出家为尼的女性,社会上层占有很大比例.女性出家为尼既有统治者崇信佛教的倡导和影响,也有政治环境的因素,而人生的失意和贫穷人家女性为了逃避赋税徭役的剥削而出家者也占有一定的比例.女性出家为尼使社会劳动力迅速减少,引起了社会价值观念的变化乃至追求来生的思维定势.  相似文献   
"博士官"现象在高校干部管理队伍建设中的几点思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“博士官”在高校干部管理队伍建设中的大量出现,是社会、高校可持续发展的客观要求.也是博士们实现自身价值的一种主观愿望。高校上下对此虽有不少非议,但其是非曲直多由历史的范式积弊所致。可以说,高校“博士官”选拔的关键在于其办学理念、主体所属、价值观等方面的正确定位.以及管理干部岗位的合适度和人才选拔机制的规范化。  相似文献   

Ongoing debates over children's encounters with popular culture are grounded in representational images of what childhood is and what childhood should be. As such, the tendency to overcode and regulate children's behaviors, relationships, and desires are often part of a greater effort to prepare the child to fit fixed and essentialized notions of what she should be as she grows into a person, capable of contributing to a globalized society. These efforts toward molding the child for adulthood disparage the moments that she is already a part of and the most important thing then becomes preparing her to participate in a world that we can neither foresee nor predict. In this paper, I consider the research encounters with an 11-year-old girl, who participated in a university-sponsored weekend art school, where she created seemingly subversive drawings and comics as she engaged with popular culture related to Justin Bieber. Employing Deleuzoguattarian concepts, I describe the ways in which the girl transcended representational images of childhood. In doing so, I reconceptualize childhood itself as affective, emergent, and always in processes of difference.  相似文献   
同海固盆地位于宁夏回族自治区南部,区内地质构造较为复杂,断裂发育,具有典型的“双重基底”结构。盆地铀源丰富,找矿目的层侏罗系、白垩系分布广泛,岩性、岩相古地理条件及水文地质条件优越,预示同海固盆地具有形成砂岩型铀矿的地质环境。  相似文献   
从本质主义到生成性思维--课程探究逻辑的后现代转换   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪末期以来,后现代主义以其鲜明的反本质主义旨趣和具有里程碑意义的生成性思维,掀起了课程论探究领域学术范式的革命。以本质主义及其认同性思维为逻辑起点运行了几千年的学校课程,遭遇了有史以来最强烈的批判与否定,学校课程的品质、使命、运行机制具有了新的视野与选择。  相似文献   
晚明万历年间,大学士王锡爵之女王焘贞自称灵异,号为"昙阳子",并将择期"升化"。昙阳子"升化"为当时轰动东南一带的一个宗教性狂热事件,其父王锡爵与同里的王世贞并因此事受到纠劾。而参与其中的多为当时与二王有交游来往的知名文人学士,他们为这一事件推波助澜,其中包含着诸多的复杂因素,有个人信仰、情感方面的原因,而更多的是一种政治失落后的宗教想像。  相似文献   
道教尤其是全真教影响下的元代“神仙道化剧”以长生成们为终极信仰来度脱儿大俗子和精怪鬼魅。这种信仰表现为人们对死亡的恐惧;仙境的诱惑和世人对长生成仙的向往;对避世退隐,人道长生,过神仙般逍遥自在的生活的向往三个方面。元代全真教的盛行和现实社会生活的不赆如人意是“神仙道化剧”中频频出现长生成仙信仰的主要原因。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the processes by which people become high school coaches. Occupational choice, professional socialization, and organizational socialization are examined, using qualitative data drawn from naturally occurring observations of coaches and informal discussions and in-depth interviews with them. Over 50% of the coaches had decided that they wanted to become a coach before entrance into college. The decision to become a coach was subjectively warranted by personal characteristics and experiences in sports, a devotion to sport, and a desire to work with young people. Youth sport coaching and student teaching which involved coaching constituted the only formal professional socialization that most of the coaches received. However, because almost all of the coaches participated in organized youth and/or high school athletics, they had a first-hand opportunity to observe their own coaches and acquire some informal images and impressions about the coaching occupation from them. Regardless of whether a neophyte began as an assistant or a head coach, technical aspects of the job and the occupation's culture were acquired by observing and listening to more experienced coaches. Through these experiences, collective understandings began to form, and the shared meanings about the occupational culture took shape. Reality shock for most novice coaches came in the form of understanding the importance the coaching culture assigns to long hours and hard work and to the realization that coaching does take an enormous amount of time. By the end of the first season, a symbolic transformation takes place and internalization of institutional expectations occurs as the neophyte begins to understand what coaching is all about.  相似文献   
Teacher training for developing nation contexts is often conducted in short, intensive inside and outside-of-country programmes. Concerns have been raised in relation to the uncritical take-up of the western-centric material provided by these programmes, which are usually funded by national and international government organizations. This paper explores an approach used in an outside-of-country teacher training programme funded by an Australian government grant. The research focused on teacher trainers from the Monastic education system and their reflections on whether critical literacy approaches could be incorporated into curriculum in Myanmar. It used a Bakhtinian framework to analyse the teacher trainers’ ideological environments and their hybridizations of critical literacy discourses for their own contexts. It was found that while the teacher trainers were passionate about the worth of developing critical literacy skills for their teachers and pupils, they struggled with a range of constraints that existed for them within their country. The research illustrated the importance of providing spaces for participants in programmes such as these to critically reflect on the relevance of non-government organization (NGO) and international non-government organization (INGO) training programmes, especially in light of the multiple challenges that are a part of their everyday lives.  相似文献   
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