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对烟台师范学院体育教育专业80名学生的膳食营养状况进行调查。结果表明:膳食结构大致合理,多数营养素的摄入量能满足要求,但视黄醇当量、核黄素、Ca摄入量明显不足,男生抗坏血酸、Zn摄入量偏低。优质蛋白质摄入量偏低,早餐热能不足,男生能量分配基本达到要求,但女生碳水化物供能比例较低。建议应加强营养知识教育,倡导平衡膳食原则,以改进膳食结构。  相似文献   
我国高校图书馆“学科馆员”制度的实施情况分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
阐述了我国高校图书馆“学科馆员”制度的总体和“学科馆员”的职责要求、“学科馆员”的素质要求等方面实施的情况,分析了人员素质方面、工作开展方面、工作待遇方面、管理机制方面存在的问题。参考文献5。  相似文献   
徽商称雄明清商界三百年,主要原因在于:具有深厚的文化底蕴,注重总结经商经验,撰写商业专书,以求从商职业技能的专业化;贾儒结合,程朱理学与王学并尊,因而演化出"官商互济";创建以诚信为本、义利均衡的贾道和独特的营运型式;以及利用其区位优势,抢先占据长三角地利,致力于长途贸易等.  相似文献   
针对中国足球联赛在04-05赛季出现了混乱与失序,试从信任的角度,以追问的形式来解释造成这种状况的社会性原因。通过对“何为信任”的回答来说明信任的概念以及“信任在足球联赛发展中的作用是什么”,以此来揭示信任在联赛发展中的重要性;通过回答“中国足球联赛信任缺失的表现在那些方面和信任缺失的根源在那里”,来阐明目前中国足球联赛信任缺失的现状及原因;恢复球迷信任以及解决联赛失序问题的建设性意见则在“重塑中国足球联赛信任的措施有那些”的答案里面。  相似文献   
Patterns of technology ownership and usage, as well as skills with and preferences for various technologies, affect the college experience (Educause 2012). Students at a commuter campus of a large Midwestern public university were surveyed about technology and the learning process: 94% of the respondents believed that technology had the potential to benefit learning and 85% thought it was central to their academic success. Students credited technology-enhanced courses with increased and more effective communication with instructors, the ability to better manage course activities and expanded opportunities for practice and reinforcement. Students’ prior experiences with a course management system affected their perceptions of the role of technology and their subsequent beliefs about the benefits of its use in their university courses. Implications for administrators who make decisions about faculty development, student retention and funding for technology-enhanced course offerings are discussed.  相似文献   
新疆经济发展的深层次问题,在于能否在工业上加速体制改革,实现信息化与工业化的对接,克服发展中的短腿问题。农业上能否从体制上解决农牧民“市民化”问题,以农村经济合作组织推进农业“新四化”。南北疆的共同富裕在于能否以“东联西出”实现“南北互动”,在积累中实现“互动发展”问题。向西发展的关键在于能否加入世界经济发展的潮流,实现可靠安全的“走出去”战略。  相似文献   
《企业会计制度》中关于企业长期债券投资的债券利息、债券费用、投资收益核算的相关规定比较笼统和模糊,缺乏可操作性。本文就此问题提出了具体操作办法。  相似文献   
Five suburban community colleges in a metropolitan area collaborated on a survey to parents of high school graduates of the class of 2002 who attended the colleges in fall 2002. The study was undertaken to learn more about parents roles in their students selection of community colleges, to give insights and information about this important community college constituency, and to assist community colleges to shape more effective ways to foster positive and supportive opinions among parents of potential students. Parents want the community college to provide students with credits and grade point averages enabling transfer, overestimate their students academic skills as measured by course placement tests, engaged in a number of college-choice activities, and indicate that factors associated with lifestyle and money were major reasons for selecting the community college. Associations between parents social capital and perceptions of their students academic abilities were found for a number of dependent variables examined. The study also revealed important differences in how participating institutions record and calculate key measures such as credits earned and grade point averages.  相似文献   
本文从八个方面探讨书信、日记魅力之所在 :一、缘事而发 ,言之有物 ,有一定的目的、追求和意义。二、晓之以理 ,动之以情 ,有较强的感染力和说服力。三、巧用事实 ,铺陈有序 ,论证有力。四、结构严谨、跌宕多姿、形散而神不散。五、叙述、描写、议论与抒情的完美结合。六、富于哲理和思想意义 ,给人以启迪和教育。七、富于知识性、趣味性 ,给人以美的艺术享受。八、语言生动形象、声调谐和、参差错落、铿锵有声  相似文献   
人们对中小学校图书馆室等基础功能设施建设重视不够。文章从图书馆室的装备、管理和效益三个方面,结合民族地区的特点和教育现状,提出了民族地区中学小校图书馆室建设和管理模式,供当地教育行政部门和学校参考。  相似文献   
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