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毛泽东关于中国社会发展的宏伟蓝图,可以概括为3步:第一步,经由新民主主义达到社会主义,第二步,制定并实践“一化三改”总路线,第三步,实现中国的现代化。  相似文献   
从柏拉图企图建立人间的“理想国”开始,到《圣经》中基督对全人类进行救赎的最终归宿——“新伊甸园”,再到空想社会主义或共产主义,人类在文艺和政治两条途径上不断地探索着超越现实和超越自身的终极之路、幸福之路。  相似文献   
沈从文的《边城》并不是对湘西社会的客观写实,而是一声充满悒郁情调的凄惋的呐喊,更是一幅由忧国之心咯出的血丝编织而成的理想蓝图。  相似文献   
讲话分析了内江师院建立后教学科研的基本情况 ,提出了今后教学、科研工作的基本构想和具体步骤及措施。指出我院的办学思路是 :确立本科质量标准 ,全面推进素质教育 ,确保本科育人质量和建立降低管理重心、缩小管理跨度的以教学系为主体的管理体系。  相似文献   

In response to a lack of funding during the 2007–2009 recession, many library systems reduced or eliminated professional and library support positions. Traditional outcome measurements were not sufficient to convince tax-depleted legislatures to allocate more funds to libraries. In response to the crisis authors recommended cost-saving measures and tactics for perception management. Studies have shown that the demand for library services increases during times of economic hardship. The production of a strategic plan justifying budget requests is necessary in those times, and should be accompanied by efforts to secure endowment and donation opportunities. This column provides a table or “blueprint for successful strategic planning” that matches goals, actions and measurement criteria.  相似文献   
《大连教育学院"十二五"发展规划》是引领大连教育学院"十二五"期间科学发展的纲领性文献。在科学发展观的统领下,立足于广泛调查研究,充分发扬民主,集中群众的政治智慧,群策群力,编制一个既符合地方教育、经济和社会发展要求,又符合学院实际的科学规划,对学院"十二五"期间实现又好又快发展至关重要。  相似文献   
In order to address the problems of graduate employability in Malaysia, the Malaysian Government produced in 2012, the National Graduate Employability Blueprint 2012–2017. In addition to setting out in detail the government’s philosophy and vision, the blueprint identifies key players who are expected to play crucial roles in making Malaysian graduates more employable. This research provides a critique of the assigned roles by comparing them with those reported in other scholarly research. It was found that the Malaysian Government expects institutions of higher learning (IHLs) to give priority to the needs of the industry, and to take full responsibility for preparing students for the demands of the workplace. This elevates the position of employers as powerful entities who set the direction for IHLs, and takes for granted that graduates need to be moulded by their IHLs before joining the workforce. Intriguingly, the blueprint does not assign any role to the family or the school, and it makes only limited reference to government agencies. In view of these assigned roles, the blueprint is likely to achieve limited success. Long-term planning needs to be more inclusive, and existing roles must be reassessed in order to make graduates more employable.  相似文献   
面对后现代文化的困境詹姆逊并没有悲观失望.而是积极地探索后现代文化之后的理想文化蓝图。作为“晚期资本主义的文化逻辑”的后现代主义中蕴涵的合理成分成为后现代文化之后的理想文化蓝图不可缺少的组成部分;集体生活方式中产生的“真实文化”具有积极的革命意义;传统文化可以为处于后现代困境中的人们成功地改变现实提供丰富的经验。詹姆逊从这三种文化中吸取进步力量,勾画后现代文化之后的理想的文化蓝图。  相似文献   
庄子借"至德之世"的怀想,构建了一幅人与人、人与自然高度和谐的理想蓝图。这理想的社会中生物的多样性得到了最大的保持,"万物群生"使人口与资源的比例处在最优状态;"人无功利"使人们无欲无为,虚静恬淡;"万物协和"体现了人与自然及社会的有机统一,充满了自然和谐的静态美。  相似文献   
本文结合笔者学习《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》和全国教育工作会议精神的体会,阐发了《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要》和全教会的新思想、新理念和新精神。从历史纵深的角度分析了中国教育所处的战略方位,明确指出:全教会的召开和《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要》的颁布与实施,是动员和部署建设教育强国、人力资源强国的新起点;丰富和发展了中国特色社会主义教育理论体系,体现了时代新高度;指明了我国中长期教育改革和发展的目标与任务,开启了推动我国教育事业科学发展新征程。  相似文献   
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