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档案机构改革是关系我国档案工作持续健康发展的全局性、深层次变革,迫切需要理论指导与经验支持。马克思廉价政府理论的主要内涵包括:机构精简、结构优化,廉洁法治、清除腐败,公开透明、监督有力,权责清晰、高效运转,执政为民、人民民主。它启示当前我国地方档案机构改革应该坚持“精兵简政”的原则,明确局馆职能的合理定位和科学分工,树立组织间关系运行法治化思维,参与电子政务的全面推行与实施,找准政府信息公开与档案保密之间的冲突与协调,协同职能相近部门共同打造符合人民美好生活向往的数据资源库。  相似文献   
The library has experienced many conversations with colleagues at the college in different departments lately related to the library tools and services it offers. Some of these conversations have included senior administrators, who have at some point directly supervised the library. In order for senior administrators to advocate for the library, librarians must educate them on the tools and services the library offers to its customers. Springshare’s LibApps is one such tool that has been integral to library operations. In the few years since the library has subscribed to Springshare’s LibApps’ suite of tools, Office of Institutional Research & Training (OIRT) has successfully utilized this library-specific tool, which has justified the annual renewal of this software tool by senior administration. For more departments at the college to adopt these tools and integrate them into their day-to-day tasks, librarians must educate customers (student, staff, and faculty) as well as administration about this and other library-specific tools. Since Springshare markets to and for librarians and as more librarians write about how this tool can be used for a variety of different applications, then other departments college-wide will become aware of and then adopt Springshare’s LibApps’ suite of tools.  相似文献   
基于BP神经网络的PID在压延机温控系统中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对风神轮胎股份有限公司压延机辊筒温度控制以及传统PID控制存在的设计复杂、控制精度较差和参数值实时更新复杂等问题,对压延机辊筒温度提出了一种基于BP神经网络的PID控制方法,并进行了计算机控制系统设计。对子午线轮胎生产中压延机辊筒的温控试验结果表明,该PID控制系统逼近精度高、适应性好,取得较满意的效果。  相似文献   
河北省木兰林管局从1963年建立以来,在林业建设上取得了辉煌的成就。如今已步入保护、培育、经营、利用、综合开发、和谐发展的新的历史阶段。针对木兰林管局森林经营存在的问题,应采取转变森林经营方式,强化良种选育和壮苗培育,加大中、幼龄林抚育力度,促进林分健康、快速生长等措施。  相似文献   
古代埃及、古巴比伦、古印度河文明,都兴盛于大河下游的河畔平原,古黄河下游的河畔平原催生了尧文化的兴盛.农业的大发展需要完善的历法,历法源于对天象的不断观测,由此形成以太阳为参照的四至地名,其中心即文明的都城所在.  相似文献   
沈阳铁路局位于东北路网的中南部,在东北经济建设中发挥着非常重要的作用,在过去相当长的一段时间内东北地区的主要客货运输主要由铁路运输完成。近几年铁路与公路、航空的竞争日益激烈,提出运用市场营销理论,优化铁路营销策略策略,争夺铁路客运市场份额。  相似文献   
西亚哈拉夫文化(前5 100年~前4 300年)晚期彩陶盘纹饰有表达立杆侧影、河图洛书、八卦六十四卦、十二月历法内容者,其源头在中国渭水流域的半坡类型,证明前4 500年炎黄杀蚩尤后半坡类型先民有远徙西亚者;哈拉夫文化及受其影响的一些考古学文化中还有更多的文化因素如"拣骨葬""牛崇拜"、尖底瓶等也可能进一步佐证这种认识。哈拉夫文化结束后即转入苏美尔时代。苏美尔人的来源目前仍不清楚,但有人认为他们来自中国,哈拉夫文化晚期彩陶盘纹饰内涵表达及其他相关文化因素为这种认识提供了一种新证据。  相似文献   
Modern purists prone to lament the tenuous links between the Olympic Games of antiquity and today's quadrennial extravaganzas often cite the four-year Olympic cycle as a symbol of continuity and permanence. Yet the Olympiad also evinces a striking historical paradox: this benchmark of ancient calendar reckoning has emerged, in our time-sensitive age, as a source of both chronological and semantic confusion, fragmenting into contextual strands bearing little relation to time cycles, the Olympic Games or sport. In revisiting these ancient--modern links, this article holds that the Olympiad's importance has traditionally been derivational and its precision relative rather than absolute. Multiple uncertainties persist over how the ancient festival was scheduled, affixed as a four-year cycle and retro-dated to 776 bce, reflecting wider struggles to forge a universal calendar standard in a fragmented Greek world. Such knowledge gaps, and the Olympiad's obsolescence as a recognised time frame, give new perspective to the definitional flaccidity and juridical half-life now associated with it. In its post-2000 switch from games-to-games to calendar-year reckoning, the IOC belatedly modernised the Olympiad cycle amidst a downgrading of its chronological significance. Alternative applications, however, evoke unexpected elements of continuity from antique notions of agonistic competition as a societal underpinning.  相似文献   
孔子生年问题的研究具有重要的学术意义。孔子生于鲁襄公二十二年之说一方面系由实岁与虚岁转换所致误,另一方面系由周正与夏正转换所致误。孔子生于夏历八月二十一日或二十七日皆不可信。一言以蔽之,孔子当生于鲁襄公二十一年夏历十二月二十三日。  相似文献   
20世纪30年代中期,南京国民政府实行县政府"裁局改科",这应放在民国时期内忧外患的政府生存环境,以及政府管理制度化发展的视野中去认识.实际上,裁局改科的实施,既是"剿匪"各省在特殊环境下的内在需求,也是近代中国政治现代化发展的必然逻辑.  相似文献   
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