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An extreme preference in processing information within either the left or right hemisphere is known as hemisphericity. A previous study investigating hemisphericity as a factor in motor skill learning (Murray, 1979) found that matching subjects' hemisphericity characteristics with hemispherical teaching strategies enhanced skill acquisition. In contrast, our study examined the effects of hemispherical teaching strategies on a group of subjects who did not present hemisphericity. Right-handed male high school students were randomly assigned to either a left hemisphere, right hemisphere, or an interhemispherical teaching condition. Subjects in the right hemisphere and interhemispherical conditions performed and learned the skill more effectively than subjects in the left hemisphere teaching condition. The right hemisphere and interhemispherical groups performed comparably in acquisition; however, the interhemispherical group showed significantly better retention of the skill. Motor skill acquisition and retention for nondominant processors appears best served by directing both verbal and nonverbal attention to the skill.  相似文献   
To shorten operation time and improve survival rate of rats with myocardial ischemia or myocardial infarction, we use a novel device comprised of a face mask and a head/neck retainer in this study. We report the basic design of the novel respiratory face mask (RFM) and evaluate its performance in a rat model of myocardial ischemia. The device is cost-effective and easier to handle than other devices, such as tracheal intubation. Compared with conventional tracheal intubation, we found that RFM shortens operation time significantly while keeping blood indices normal; the mean operation time for rats in the mask group was (32±3) min, and that for the intubation group was (45±7) min (P<0.05). Moreover, the size and shape of the RFM can be changed according to the body weight of rats. In conclusion, RFM is an appropriate device for the establishment of myocardial infarction or ischemia-reperfusion in rats.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to monitor serum nitric oxide levels at various times, intraoperatively and following liver transplantation in humans. Nitric oxide production was assessed by cadmium reduction method in 15 patients undergoing liver transplantation. We observed strong correlation between nitric oxide production and allograft rejection. Sustained rise in nitric oxide level after transplantation might provide an indication of acute allograft rejection. Therefore measurement of nitric oxide, a stable end product appears to be an excellent marker that can help in the development of strategies intended to improve graft viability and patient’s survival.  相似文献   
动作技能学习是人类活动的基础,对人类的生存与发展具有重要意义。长期以来,侧重于动作的外显行为或部分神经活动研究,忽视从技能习得角度阐释其神经生理机制。以神经结构和功能的现有知识为基础,以动作技能学习过程为主线,梳理动作技能学习的神经生理机制,认为:大脑皮层是动作学习和控制中心,参与运动学习的不同方面。各皮层区域激发都取决于任务的特征,以确定运动的方向、计划以及最终执行。小脑主要做出时间节律调整、反馈和动作记忆的作用。皮质—基底节和皮质—小脑回路是空间和动作信息获取的关键,同时具有对动作进行反馈调整的作用。  相似文献   
本研究利用κ-阿片受体激动剂U50488H预处理(U50488H pretreatment,UP)大鼠,在离体Langendorff灌流心脏和缺血/复灌模型上观察κ-阿片受体激动剂诱发的延迟性心肌保护作用,研究结果表明U50488H预处理大鼠24h后,可明显改善心肌缺血后的复灌期内LVEDP的抬高,以及LVDP和±dP/dtmax的下降(P<0.05);其作用可被κ阿片受体选择性拮抗剂Nor-binaltorphimine(nor-BNI)所阻断.结论刺激κ-阿片受体诱导了延迟性心肌保护作用.  相似文献   
我国优秀射箭运动员脑功能特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为配合国家射箭队选材与训练监控而探索优秀射箭运动员脑功能专项特征,采用神经电生理学与运动心理学相结合的方法,对国家射箭队运动员冬训期脑电地形图进行比较研究.结果表明:健将组被试大脑神经系统机能状态最佳,神经调控能力强,该组运动员对冬训阶段的训练负荷较适应;国际健将组被试大脑神经系统专项特征最明显,但该组运动员存在一定的神经疲劳,表现在恢复期出现明显的大脑失衡现象;一级组被试表象时兴奋易扩散,a波指数适应性明显下降,β指数明显上升,却不能及时恢复,尤其在过度换气后的恢复期θ波指数明显增多.  相似文献   
聋人和普通人在唇读的过程中大脑的很多区域都会得到激活。本文主要回顾和分析了国外运用功能性核磁共振(fMRI)技术对唇读大脑机制所做的相关研究,结果发现,唇读激活了大脑的视觉中枢、运动中枢、听觉中枢和语言中枢。大脑两半球在唇读中所起的作用也不一样,主要取决于不同唇读任务的需要。  相似文献   
目的:探讨脑挫裂伤脑水肿高峰后脑疝的早期诊断和治疗。方法:回顾分析9例脑挫裂伤脑水肿高峰后脑疝患者临床资料、手术与治疗效果及疗效相关因素。结果:9例患者死亡3例,重残2例,中残1例,生存良好3例。结论:脑疝发生的主要原因是颅腔内各部位的压力不平衡。脑挫裂伤脑水肿高峰后脑疝有其独特的临床特点,脑疝发生后治疗效果差。  相似文献   
[目的]探讨粘附分子CD18、CD54粘附功能及其表达变化与急性脑梗塞(ACI)关系.[方法]用流式细胞术检测88例ACI患者白细胞粘附分子CD18、CD54含量与脑梗塞发生时程、部位、面积及治疗前后表达。并与30例正常人作对照.[结果]ACI患者CD18、CD54表达明显增高,与正常对照组比较差异显著(P<0.05),与梗塞面积、部位关系不大;ACI患者CD18、CD54表达在7d内均可有较高水平的表达,治疗10d后表达降低,治疗前后比较CD18、CD54差异有意义(P<0.05).[结论]CD18、CD54参与脑梗塞发生发展病理过程.可做为诊断脑梗塞、评估预后的一项辅助指标.  相似文献   
目的:观察川芎嗪对家兔心肌缺血再灌注损伤的保护作用.方法:采用在体家兔冠状动脉阻断的缺血/复灌损伤模型,测定心肌梗死面积、血浆中乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)、肌酸激酶(CK)及天门冬酸氨基转移酶(AST)活性及各项心室力学指标.结果:与单纯缺血/复灌组相比,川芎嗪明显降低心脏缺血/复灌后的梗死面积和血浆中LDH、CK及AST含量,促进左室收缩压(LVSP)、最大左室收缩速率( dP/dtmax)和最大左室舒张速率(-dP/dtmax)的恢复.结论:川芎嗪预处理对家兔心肌缺血再灌注损伤有良好的保护作用.  相似文献   
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