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In this column, the editor of The Journal of Perinatal Education discusses implications for reducing the incidence of nonmedically indicated deliveries before full-term. The editor also describes the contents of this issue, which offer a broad range of resources, research, and inspiration for childbirth educators in their efforts to promote, support, and protect natural, safe, and healthy birth.  相似文献   
In our secondary analysis of a cross-sectional survey, we explored predictors of childbirth fear for young women (n = 2,676). Young women whose attitudes toward pregnancy and birth were shaped by the media were 1.5 times more likely to report childbirth fear. Three factors that were associated with reduced fear of birth were women’s confidence in reproductive knowledge, witnessing a birth, and learning about pregnancy and birth through friends. Offering age-appropriate birth education during primary and secondary education, as an alternative to mass-mediated information about birth, can be evaluated as an approach to reduce young women’s childbirth fear.  相似文献   
关于岑参的生年问题,学界意见一直以来众说纷纭。文章从唐代进士及第守选三年的应有之义出发,辨定其生年:岑参天宝三载春进土及第后,守选三年,于天宝六载春授官,其年三十,由此逆推,定岑参生年为开元六年;岑参在诗文中多处地方提及其年岁,以其开元六年的生年来观照这些诗文,则丝毫没有扦格斗氐牾之处。  相似文献   
吴长庆,字家善,号筱轩,又称小轩,安徽庐江人,是晚清有影响的军事人物和政治人物,是淮军最早成立营号之一的“庆字营”统领。他统率的庆军人才荟萃,涌现出对中国近现代政治、经济、军事产生重要的历史人物--北洋军阀首领袁世凯和状元实业家张謇。生前历任河北正定镇总兵、浙江提督、广东水师提督。本文运用诸多历史资料,对吴长庆的生年、名号和海内外六处吴武壮公祠进行了较为详细的的考察,厘清了关于吴长庆的生年、名号和专祠的称谓问题。  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was twofold. On the ground of Gerbner's cultivation theory, it examined the effect of South Korean drama consumption on the perceived prevalence of single life and having fewer children in married life. It also tested the causality of cultivation effects through a priming methodology. Results indicated that the perceived prevalence of having fewer children in married life was significantly affected by exposure to dramas which positively feature single life and having fewer children in married life on television. The findings provide public health policy-makers and communication campaigners with valuable theoretical relationships, as well as their practical implications.  相似文献   
周巍《曹雪芹生年考辨》考辨曹雪芹生年为康熙五十四年(1715),其论证的前提是将曹雪芹认定为曹颙之子,即曹頫(曹颙堂弟)于康熙五十四年三月初七日上皇帝奏折所云"奴才之嫂马氏,因现怀妊孕已及七月"所生之遗腹子。而据现存《八旗满洲氏族通谱》和《五庆堂重修曹氏宗谱》可知,曹颙单传之遗腹子乃曹天祐:"天祐,颙子,官州同"。其考证之生年实为天祐生年。既云单传,则其论暗含了曹天祐即曹雪芹的结论,其说混淆茫昧,当误。  相似文献   
在中外文学史上,内容涉及到疯癫现象的文本比比皆是.在中国当代文学中,余华的小说中存在着大量的疯傻人物形象,并形成了其独有的风格.余华小说中疯傻人物有精神意义上的疯癫、由健全人变成疯癫、浪漫化的疯癫三种.在人物形象的选择上,余华对于疯癫人物形象的把握来自于他曾经作为医生的敏感.在他的笔下疯子和傻子也都突破了原有的传统形象,呈现给读者的是极度残忍的现实以及来自一个敏感胸腔里不停歇的呐喊.  相似文献   
程旼是由中原南迁至世界客都梅州定居并有确切记载的第一人,且对当地的文明教化产生重大影响,因此被称为世界客都人文始祖。长期以来,人们都不知程旼为何时人,或说南齐人,或说晋人,或说隋人。现依据史料,对程旼的生卒年进行考证,大致确定其时间范围约401-499年。  相似文献   
农村人口(特别是儿童)身体素质偏低和农村妇女受教育程度有关。首先,农村妇女受教育水平从优孕、优生两方面制约人口出生质量;其次,农村妇女受教育程度通过影响生育数量进而影响生育质量;重后,农村妇女受教育水平所限,对残疾儿童康复工程认识不足。改善农村人口身体素质,要从提高农村妇女受教育程度入手。  相似文献   
未成年人不具有“识别能力”就不具有民事责任能力的传统观点是有缺陷的;作为自然人承担民事责任的地位或资格的民事责任能力,其有无的判断应采“出生主义”标准,因此未成年人都是具有民事责任能力的;承认未成年人具有民事责任能力有着重要的意义。  相似文献   
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