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The contextual interference (CI) effect has been replicated many times since its first demonstration by Shea and Morgan (1979) in the motor learning domain (see Brady, 1998; Magill&;Hall, 1990). The CI effect is characterized by the observation that experiencing greater interference during acquisition is detrimental to immediate performance but enhances delayed performance as measured on retention or transfer tests. High CI is most often created by random practice in which the learning of multiple tasks occurs in a single training. In contrast, low CI is frequently created by using a blocked practice format in which all the practice trials of one task are completed before another task is introduced. One theoretical account that has been forwarded to account for the CI effect is labeled the action plan reconstruction hypothesis (Lee&;Magill, 1983, 1985). This position intimates that before a movement occurs an “action plan” must be prepared. In blocked practice, a previously prepared “action plan” is readily available from trial to trial, but it suffers from lack of attention on trials following initial retrieval from working memory. In random practice, however, each time a task must be executed a “reconstruction” of the action plan must be processed, because the interchange of information from trial to trial never allows the same information to remain in working memory for an extended amount of time. Presumably, the additional trial-to-trial preparation used by the random practice participant during practice results in a more resilient memory representation that better supports long-term recall efforts compared to their blocked practice counterparts.  相似文献   
张爱玲在小说集《传奇》中,以独特的女性视角参与了人物性格的塑造.经过比较,大体上可以将其中的女性形象分为三类:无母爱的扭曲者形象、有自我意识的反抗者形象和无自我意识的顺从者形象.在她们身上,反映了社会对女性的排斥、男尊女卑观念的遗害、女性心理的某些隐秘东西以及作者自觉的女性意识和对男权社会的反叛.  相似文献   
“张目看”是指人睁大眼睛看,在上古汉语中,人们用11个词项来表达此义位,彼此之间的区别很明显。“张目看”语义场经过上古前期、上古中期、上古后期三个阶段的历史演变,呈现出了各成员在发展过程中内部要素之间的消长和更替的情况。此语义场各成员发生演变的原因主要存在于主体世界和语言世界中。  相似文献   
教学团队建设是新时期师资队伍建设的重要途径。从学校层面看,人才引进、在职送培、留住人才是三个重要的着力点;从教学团队层面来看,遴选优秀团队带头人是前提,合理搭配团队成员是基础,明确目标与科学制定规划是关键。  相似文献   
由毕加索发明的立体主义风格,作为现代主义在绘画领域的第一场运动,经历了从早期对现代化和工业化的歌颂到后期对古老传统的回归的转变。其一以贯之地打破和重组整体,从多重视角展现新的时间观念、表达对乌托邦理想孜孜不倦的追求同时,也陷入了现代主义因远离现实、自我指涉而无法表达的窘境。通过对这一典型风格的意识形态批判分析,不仅能够还原现代主义主观孤立的表面背后真实的历史,也能为今天面临的文化转向提供新的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
语言是跨文化交际中最主要的手段。在运用语言进行跨文化交际时,由于民族文化的差异,难免会遇到具有鲜明文化特色的称赞语和应答语,而对此确切地理解并正确地加以运用,则是一个十分重要而叉复杂的问题。  相似文献   
框架是认知语言学的重要组成部分,是指物体或事件的典型。框架为词语的理解提供背景知识。本文主要探讨框架理论的基本内容及其在词汇教学中的应用。  相似文献   
阶层固化的研究文献就目前看来比较少,在社会阶层固化对我国社会政治稳定影响这一研究领域,相关文献的研究深度和广度都有限。近年来阶层固化在国内受到学界的普遍关注,有诸多学者社会阶层固化进行了各类研究。但是对于我国社会是否存在社会阶层流通受阻,阶层间固化是否存在还存在较大争议。阶层固化对我国社会政治稳定影响研究所涉及的因素较为繁杂。本文通过对近5年发表在国内学术性较强的刊物上的相关文献以及已出版的相关著作进行分析和整理,重点分析了近5年来的研究情况。  相似文献   
探索导向是企业应对环境变化的重要手段,对企业竞争优势有重要影响。然而现有研究发现,探索导向和企业绩效之间并不存在必然的正向关系。作为重要的企业家资源,探索导向通过支持企业战略来实现对企业绩效的影响。因此,分析企业战略在探索导向和企业绩效关系中的中介作用就具有重要价值。基于战略企业家精神的视角,研究发现发挥优势战略和把握机会战略在探索导向与企业绩效关系中可以发挥中介效应。  相似文献   
This article proposes the coresearch engagement model (CoRE), which addresses how the academic research librarian can become a coresearch partner with any patron. The CoRE model is an interpersonal process and is founded upon the concepts of mutual respect, collaboration, reciprocity, and empowerment. Grounded in Howard Gardner’s multiple intelligences theory, Malcolm Knowles’ andragogical model, and guidelines from the Reference and User Services Association, CoRE has the potential to result in engagement for the librarian and patron. The CoRE model can be utilized in many ways including self-awareness and development for those who need and want to expand their abilities as a research librarian. It provides a theoretical framework and a knowledge base, in addition to giving a context for further development by expanding, comparing the related theories for further research, and implementing various applications suggested by this article.  相似文献   
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