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儿童作为一个特殊的文学接受群体,呈现着不同于成人的文学接受特点。个体阅读需要、作品吸引力和成人引导是促成儿童主动的或被动的阅读动机。在阅读兴趣选择上儿童表现出明显的渐变性和群体差异性。形象思维是儿童文学接受的主要思维形式。以直接印象介入作品,从故事层面感知而不以理性去判断作品是儿童文学接受中的主要特点。与成人相比,儿童阅读活动还明显带有感性冲动性,即情感性。  相似文献   
简要介绍了一种基于Labwindows/CVI下的随机相关辨识的方法,实现了用虚拟仪器设计系统辨识仿真仪.  相似文献   
This paper offers the experiences and insights of two faculty members, located in two separate disciplines, as they engaged in collaborative research. While knowledge created by stepping out and reaching across disciplines reflects the reality of an increasingly complex world, their experiences highlight both the benefits of a supportive collaborative partnership as well as the risks and discomfort experienced without tangible discipline support, when researchers stray too far from their home discipline. While transparency and attention to process is critical to all researchers engaged in collaborative partnership, its necessity is heightened when venturing beyond the territory of familiar disciplines.  相似文献   
儿童肥胖率持续上升已经成为一个全球性问题,引起了社会各界的高度关注。为能够让更多人了解运动的减肥原理,正确应用运动减肥的方法,有效预防、干预儿童单纯性肥胖,依据儿童身心发展的特征和规律,对儿童单纯性肥胖的危害、诊断方法、表现特征、诱发原因,以及运动干预的原理和方法,做了详细的分析和阐释。  相似文献   
谈义乌市公示语的英译   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
良好的国际化语言环境是国际化城市建设的保证。义鸟市公示语英译还存在着浮于表面的解读、选词欠地道、简单的字字对应、不规范的书写等不足。针对这些问题,建议采取建立行政管理机构、推行翻译人员持证上岗制度、加强公众舆论监督等具体措施。  相似文献   
This study presents a worked example of a stepped process to reliably estimate the habitual physical activity and sedentary time of a sample of young children. A total of 299 children (2.9 ± 0.6 years) were recruited. Outcome variables were daily minutes of total physical activity, sedentary time, moderate to vigorous physical activity and proportional values of each variable. In total, 282 (94%) provided 3 h of accelerometer data on ≥1 day and were included in a 6-step process: Step-1: determine minimum wear-time; Step-2: process 7-day-data; Step-3: determine the inclusion of a weekend day; Step-4: examine day-to-day variability; Step-5: calculate single day intraclass correlation (ICC) (2,1); Step-6: calculate number of days required to reach reliability. Following the process the results were, Step-1: 6 h was estimated as minimum wear-time of a standard day. Step-2: 98 (32%) children had ≥6 h wear on 7 days. Step-3: no differences were found between weekdays and weekend days (P ≥ 0.05). Step-4: no differences were found between day-to-day variability (P ≥ 0.05). Step-5: single day ICC’s (2,1) ranged from 0.48 (total physical activity and sedentary time) to 0.53 (proportion of moderate to vigorous physical activity). Step-6: to reach reliability (ICC = 0.7), 3 days were required for all outcomes. In conclusion following a 7 day wear protocol, ≥6 h on any 3 days was found to have acceptable reliability. The stepped-process offers researchers a method to derive sample-specific wear-time criterion.  相似文献   
选择具有日光温室、塑料大棚、中棚及露地等多种生产方式,蔬菜种类较多,面积较大,种植蔬菜历史较长,交通便利的村寨作为蔬菜栽培课程产学合作教育的基地。把学生分配到农户,每户3~4名学生为一组,与蔬菜生产实际紧密结合,让学生接受培养土的配制,种子处理与播种,苗床管理,定植,田间管理及嫁接育苗等环节的训练。结果表明:学生获得了两个层面的训练。在第一个层面上,学生熟练掌握了蔬菜栽培基本环节的技术要求和要领,动手能力得到明显提高,培养了学生的基本技能;在第二个层面上,学生掌握了蔬菜设施栽培、无公害生产综合配套等高层次技术,培养了学生综合技术应用能力。今后应特别注意学生和生产者(企业或农户)的双向参与,信息的双向传递,学校与生产者(或企业或农户)双赢,以及培养学生创新能力即第三个层面的训练。  相似文献   
以德治国的关键是以德治党.共产党员是我国现代化建设的骨干力量,必须努力提高自身素质,加强自身修养,力求做到德才兼备,成为群众学习的楷模.而要达到这一标准,其最基本的途径是学习理论.该论文集中阐述了刘少奇同志论共产党员理论修养的重要思想,目的在于说明理论修养是共产党员的立身之本.  相似文献   
幼儿园课程的特质与旨归是为儿童的智慧生长提供机会,让儿童学会用智慧统领知识.要提升幼儿园课程的实施智慧,就要对儿童进行再发现和再认识.儿童是幼儿园课程的永恒主语.幼儿园课程应该关注幼儿园中的儿童、教师心里的"儿童"和课程内容中隐藏的"儿童",让这三个"儿童"在幼儿园课程中相遇、交谈,共同建构幼儿园课程的实施情境,并在情境中实现共同发展.  相似文献   
大学生迷恋网络问题的调查   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
对某高校因不及格学分达标而受试读、退学处理的学生的调查表明,大多数受处理的学生是因为迷恋网络所致。调查发现了迷恋网络大学生的专业特征、地域特征、性别特征和心理特征,以及由于迷恋网络而诱发的各种伦理道德问题。为此,高校应加强辅导员、班主任和宿舍管理工作,整顿治理校园环境和周边环境;利用网络平台,对大学生开展成才教育和心理辅导等,使大学生尽快走出迷恋网络的误区。  相似文献   
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