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随着企业之间对技术资本和对学术人才的竞争,也随着学术人才与其它学术力量进入到企业,美国知识密集型企业越来越多地采用传统上只属于学术型组织的学院式组织形式,采用学术型组织的制度化措施来提高他们在现代竞争环境中的地位。这一过程带来了企业的机构与制度的重大变化,使美国现代企业,尤其是现代知识密集型企业的发展,出现了组织功能、组织规范和组织结构上的学院化趋势。  相似文献   
为解决学术性期刊是否真正起到为学术与科研成果交流、绩效评价服务的平台问题,近年来我刊结合编辑实践作了初步的探讨,实践探讨结果:高校学报要融入该学刊所处的特有环境——地域传承的学科优势和编著者学识及能力优势等形成的特性,个性化办刊或言特色办刊,是学术期刊真正做好学术与科研绩效评价平台的有效方法。  相似文献   
学生班集体建设水平的好与坏,直接关系到高校人才培养质量的高与低。章围绕实现学生班集体建设目标,探讨了加强学风建设,开展素质教育,正确处理师生关系的具体措施。  相似文献   

This research aimed to investigate the key factors of developing effective professional learning communities (PLCs) within the Taiwanese context. Four constructs – supportive and shared leadership, shared visions, collegial trust, and shared practices – were adopted and developed into an instrument for measuring PLC function. A stratified random sampling was conducted with the strata of geographic areas. Out of 335 high schools, 51 schools were chosen and 612 copies of the questionnaires were distributed to teachers. After excluding invalid questionnaires, 444 questionnaires were collected from 34 schools, yielding a response rate of 73%. The final version of the questionnaire had 19 items with a 6-point Likert-type scale. Using confirmative factor analysis, the four factors in the conception of PLCs were confirmed. The results of the structural equation modelling indicated that a collegial trust relationship was strongly and directly related to shared practices, and was an important mediating factor between supportive and shared leadership, shared visions, and shared practices. In other words, shared vision along with supportive and shared leadership, through collegiality and trust relationships, could help school members collectively learn, collaborate, innovate, inquire, reflect, and give feedback to one another in the form of shared PLC practices.  相似文献   
大学教师的学术自由权:基本问题分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章对大学教师学术自由权的含义、合法性、利益性、配置、保障及限制等基本问题进行了分析,认为:大学教师的学术自由权有政治、经济和道德等多元合法性基础,但根本的合法性基础应从学术的本质中去寻找;它并不仅仅是为纯而又纯的"真理"和公益而存在的,而是蕴涵着多种独特的利益因素;它是某些大学教师的"特权",应该按照知识的标准进行配置;它需要获得法律法规、各种资源的保障,也要受到学术责任、法律和道德规范等多种限制.  相似文献   
师生关系具有通过无数隐喻积淀起来的文化语境,是师生间知识、思想、人格、感情、生命的交换关系。经实证研究发现,本科师生关系现实总体状况并不乐观,师生对现状的看法差异较大,学生对改进师生关系的对策消极。影响因素主要有:对师生关系的理解与师生关系的实际存在较大不同,师生之间的认识存在矛盾等。本科教育中的师生需要增加各自的感性需要,教师应当成为学习型组织的领导。  相似文献   
There is currently a lack of research into classroom climate as perceived by the students themselves. This article presents a new classroom climate evaluation instrument which is designed to gauge student perceptions of their own level of engagement in academic activities, their relationships with peers, and the level of support they feel from their teachers. The Classroom Climate Index was pilot tested with a group of 105 elementary students aged 8–12. The pilot data were factor analysed, and the instrument was refined accordingly. Following the pilot test, the refined instrument was next administered to a larger sample of 2340 elementary students. Data from the comprehensive study were subjected to factor and reliability analyses, the results of which support the use of the Classroom Climate Index in measuring student engagement, supportive teacher behaviour, and collegial support from the student perspective.  相似文献   
美国高校组织理论中的学院模型   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
学院模型是从20世纪60年代起,在美国高校管理和组织理论中兴起的一种理论模型,曾与科层模型和政治模型并列为三种最重要的研究范式。其兴起的理论与社会背景与对科层制的批判、专业主义思潮的涌现和高等教育大众化的难题相关,其组织原型主要包括欧洲传统社区、中世纪大学和美国早期的文理学院。学院模型的主要提倡者和批评者分别从不同视角出发,对模型的特征和缺陷进行了描述和反思。在后科层制时代,虽然使用单一模型来表述大学组织特征,指导大学管理的方式业已过时,但学院模型的理想依然深刻刻画出大学组织的基本特征,启迪着管理者的思维。  相似文献   
Engaging in a self-study is a multi-faceted activity that involves not only autobiography and theory, but also students and colleagues. Learning from and with colleagues can take many forms. This article discusses the authors' experience with reciprocal classroom observation in a teacher education context. Peer observation supported our learning about our own teaching by providing suggestions for change and mutual reassurance. In this study we make connections between learning from each other, ourselves, our students and theories of teaching and learning. Specifically, we address what we learned about pedagogy in relation to missed opportunities, teacher-directedness and articulating purpose; about curriculum, in relation to balance and standards; about our students, in relation to their backgrounds as well as social tensions; and about ourselves as teachers and learners in relation to rapport, role modeling and collegiality. We demonstrate how peer observation can be a valuable component of ongoing professional development for tertiary teachers.  相似文献   
本从加强党的自身建设的新形势,高校党建工作的地位和作用以及二级学院的建制等方面论述了加强二级学院党委党建工作的重要性,并详细阐述了做好新时期学院党建工作的实践和体会。  相似文献   
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