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李锐 《集宁师专学报》2010,32(1):51-54,87
《共产党宣言》的思想主导者究竟是马克思还是恩格斯?对此问题历来有三种说法:一是传统的“马恩合作”说,二是“马克思独创”论,三是“恩格斯主导”说.通过对比《宣言》同其创作的主要参考素材《共产主义原理》,发现二者最根本的差异是《宣言》娴熟应用和阐述了唯物史观.据此,唯物史观的创立者便是《宣言》的思想主导者.而唯物史观的首次公开论述是在《德意志意识形态》这部著作中的,所以《形态》的创作者同《宣言》的创作者必然是一致的。《形态》是解开《宣言》“思想主导者之谜”的一把钥匙。  相似文献   
面对世纪之交国内出现的人民运动日益高涨的新情况,美国共产党对阶级和阶级斗争的概念进行了新的思考。美共认为阶级不是一个僵死的概念,而是一个开放的富有弹性的概念,世界上不存在纯粹的阶级斗争形式。美共进而提出社会民主主义不是党的敌人,建立由工人阶级所领导的由广泛人民参与的同盟不仅和产业工人集中的概念不相矛盾,而且是今后美共的中心工作。  相似文献   
重视发挥党员主体作用,是推动我党民主基础性、先进性和创新性建设的重要保证。现阶段党员主体性作用的发挥依然存在党员主体地位不够明确、主体意识不够牢固和主体机制不完善等制约因素。因此必须通过不断增强党员的主体性意识,建立健全党员主体参与机制与权利保障机制,积极拓展党员主体化渠道等措施来切实保障党员主体地位和民主权利的实现,以推动党内民主建设的发展。  相似文献   
This paper explores three female swimmers’ relationships with their male coaches and the body practices they were exposed to within Australian swimming. Particular attention is given to how the relationships and practices might relate to gender. Additionally, the article examines how (if at all) the conduct contributed to the social construction of an accepted female swimmer body. Through narrative accounts, the three adolescent female athletes articulate hierarchical male coach–female athlete relationships and specific body encounters they were exposed to and/or engaged with. Their experiences reveal how a sexually maturing body (growing breasts, female body shape and menstruating) was deemed unsuitable for performance and the swimmers were thus encouraged to transform their bodies and behaviours towards that of the boys. Using a feminist Foucauldian perspective, these accounts points to how the three swimmers came to regulate their diet, training and appearance in order to fulfil expectations. This self-regulation is problematic in two ways: first, no scientific evidence shows that a boy like physique is essential for best performance. Second, the stress from being pressured to achieve a particular body, as well as the shame that resulted from being unable to achieve the idealised physique, eventually caused the swimmers to develop an unhealthy relationship with their developing bodies. We highlight how those immersed in sporting contexts should recognise the serious implications of gender practices and power relations underpinning the male coachfemale athlete dynamic in competitive sport.  相似文献   
论创新的大学德育管理的主体队伍建设   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
大学德育管理是大学德育工作的重中之重,随着信息网络时代的到来,大学德育管理创新变得越来越重要和突出。实施大学德育管理创新,人才队伍是关键。本丈认为,其主体队伍应该是“两课”教学管理队伍、学生工作专职队伍、大学管理队伍和学生干部队伍。加强这四支队伍在大学德育创新工作的建设,显得极为迫切和重要-本丈从他们的观念、知识构成及工作方法和手段等方面的创新进行了论述。  相似文献   
设 X 为一个 BCI-代数,N,H 为 X 的理想,A 为 X 的子代数,X/N 为通常意义下的商代数,C_0为 X/N 的常元,C_0(?)H(?)N(?)A.今A/N={C_x∈X/N|x∈A}本文主要证明了以下几个结果:i)X/N=X/H;ii)A/N(?)A/N;iii)当 A 还是 X 的理想时,A/N=A/N.  相似文献   
马克思恩格斯的共产主义社会形态观 ,既来自一般历史规律的科学推论 ,又来自资本生产方式演进规律的科学逻辑推论 ,也来自对无产阶级革命实践活动经验的科学总结。马克思所阐述的共产主义社会第一阶段是一个以全球为惟一经济主体结构的统一的社会形态  相似文献   
本文通过对重庆渣滓洞的实地考察,回顾了渣滓洞狱中革命烈士的先进事迹,对他们的精神进行了深刻反思与深入领悟。同时也把烈士们深沉思考和认真总结提炼出来的"狱中八条意见"与十八届中央领导集体提出的"八项规定"进行了分析对比,认为两者精神相通,使命相连,是我党永葆生机活力的力量之源。  相似文献   
自党的十五大提出依法治国方略,国内理论界和学术界围绕依法治国的概念、基本要求、意义、实现途径等不同层面展开了初步的研究,拓展了依法治国问题的研究视野。党的十八大再次强调了依法治国的重要价值和意义,党的十八届四中全会通过了《中共中央关于全面推进依法治国若干重大问题的决定》。为了更好的加强对依法治国问题的研究,有必要对党的十八大以来理论界和学术界对于依法治国问题的研究作一综述,以期为更好贯彻依法治国方略提供一定的理论借鉴和参考。  相似文献   
Despite the current insecurity within the journalistic profession, there is still some common ground uniting news workers: a shared perception of the role of journalism in Western societies—a social agreement between journalists, media owners and audiences as to what is good journalism. Research has shown that this role rests heavily upon notions of journalists as watchdogs of democracy, and sometimes as pedagogues and interpreters of complex events. However, this role is not static in any sense; it changes along with the news industry and the surrounding society. The question is, how? This article addresses this question by examining the case of Swedish journalists. Empirical support is drawn from the Swedish Journalist Survey, which has been conducted on five occasions between 1989 and 2011, thus providing a unique opportunity to follow changes to a journalistic community over time. The results indicate the far-reaching adaptability of Swedish journalists to new conditions; a liberalization of ideals, such that ideals of objectivity and neutrality are strengthening at a rather quick pace. However, the results also show how they close ranks behind the watchdog ideal, which could be interpreted as an act of resistance.  相似文献   
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