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党锢之祸对汉末学产生了重大的影响。首先,许多人被卷入其中,有的被迫害至死,有的被禁于乡里多年;其次,由于政治迫害,章述成为了许多人的人生寄托;再次,评议时政之风促进了个体意识的发展,党锢之祸使得汉末的士风走向狂妄,这些导致了汉末人多狂放不羁;最后,党锢之祸和随后的战乱使得士人谈论的内容转向以人物评鉴为中心,这直接影响了后来古典论的发展。  相似文献   
开滦煤矿工人运动是20世纪20年代罗章龙、王尽美、邓培等共产党员发动和领导的一次工人革命。文章记述了党开展此次运动的必然性、具体路径及成效。此次运动虽未能取得完全胜利,但它声势大、影响广,是研究党早期开展工人运动的"活化石"。  相似文献   
学校体育专业的术科考试要以技术动作评定为中心,淡化竞技达标。内江师范学院在总结师范生体育教学特点经验的基础上,针对体育教学的直观性特点,对术科考试内容进行了结构调整,使学生教育实习能力有较大的提高。  相似文献   
清末赴日本学习及考察的中国人,分青年学生和官绅两大类.1905年以前,以南方两湖、江浙、广东、四川等数省的青年学生为主;1905年以后则以直隶为中心的体制内的官绅为主.二者在日本所关注和学习的内容不同,思想和行动有别;归国后的作用也存在差异.  相似文献   
Serious considerations of intersectionality are critical to the future and viability of feminist rhetorical scholarship and scholars have made impressive methodological shifts in response to this exigency. However, though feminist rhetorical scholarship has painted a rich picture of how intersectionality operates at the level of the critic, I suggest that there needs to be more critical investigation of how intersectionality functions at the level of discourse—how it is constituted by and through rhetoric. To this end, I develop a theory of intersectional rhetoric, which I argue emerges at the point where intersectionality as an analytic sensibility and embodied rhetorical praxis converge. I theorize the ways in which intersectional rhetoric manifests junctures between (1) theory and experience, (2) discourse and materiality, and (3) academic and activist intellectual spheres to develop more nuanced political arguments about structural oppression on multiple axes. I use the work of body positive activist Ashleigh Shackelford as a case study for examining how, through what techniques, and to what end rhetors craft these links in performances of intersectional rhetoric. I conclude by discussing the implications a theory of intersectional rhetoric has for rhetorical theory, rhetorical critics, and intersectional feminist activism.  相似文献   
This paper examines the emergence of new accountabilities in teaching and teacher education in Ireland in the 15 years period 1997–2012. Framing accountability in terms of the three main approaches to it globally in education systems, that is, compliance with regulations, adherence to professional norms and attainment of results/outcomes, we identify significant changes, particularly, in compliance- and results-driven accountability. A ‘rising tide’ of accountability, due to the interrelated influences of the European higher education space, education legislation and professional self-regulation policies (i.e. Teaching Council), is evident since the late 1990s. This was punctuated by a ‘perfect storm’ in 2010 comprising ‘bad news’ from PISA 2009, the economic bailout and strategic leadership at a system level. The cumulative impact of the ‘rising tide’ and ‘perfect storm’ is evident in how they reframed both ‘to whom’ and ‘for what’ accountability in teacher education relates. Significantly, the new accountabilities in teaching and teacher education reflect a move towards the dominant global education reform movement (Sahlberg 2007) with its emphasis on standardisation, narrow focus on literacy and numeracy and higher stakes accountability.  相似文献   
《1844年经济学哲学手稿》蕴含丰富的和谐社会思想,它产生的理论背景是:英法德等国的空想社会主义者的和谐社会理论;马克思《手稿》中和谐社会思想:对资本主义社会不和谐状况及其根源的揭示;和谐社会———共产主义是人与自然之间、人与人之间矛盾的真正解决。其当代价值在于:首先,准确把握社会主义和谐社会的基本内涵。其次,要把落实科学发展观作为构建和谐社会的基本途径。最后,社会主义和谐社会是一个不断发展的动态的社会矛盾运动过程。  相似文献   
国内外的相关研究表明,眼动研究可以通过对数学问题解决过程中的眼动轨迹进行记录以及对注视时间、注视次数等眼动指标的分析,进而了解数学问题解决过程中,大脑的内部加工机制。数学学科能力主要体现为数学问题的解决能力,通过数学学科教育中的眼动研究文献分析发现,眼动研究有助于探寻数学问题解决过程中注意分配及加工策略选择过程。在数学学科教育中针对这些认知加工的特点进行策略教学旨在:培养高效的注意能力、提取关键的表征信息、激发多知识体系的想象力,更好地提高学科教育的有效性。  相似文献   
羽毛球运动是一项深受大学生喜爱的体育运动项目,在全国高等院校里非常普及。羽毛球运动在我国高校开展情况到底如何?我们对参加第16届全国大学生羽毛球的高等院校进行了问卷调查,希望通过对目前我国高校羽毛球运动开展的现状进行调查,分析其主客观方面存在的利弊因素,并对羽毛球运动今后在高校开展针对性地提出相关发展策略。  相似文献   
赫斯与马克思思想的关系是马克思主义形成史的重要议题,在一定意义上直接决定着马克思主义的独创性与合法性。马克思在《1844年经济学哲学手稿》笔记本Ⅲ中重新占有了黑格尔哲学的积极方面,开启了全新的批判视域,在新的批判逻辑中建构了实践哲学、开启了实践批判、形成了科学共产主义,进而实现了对赫斯的行动哲学、道德批判及哲学共产主义的批判性超越。  相似文献   
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