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立法者的精神应当是中庸的精神。1787年美国费城制宪会议充满着一种中庸精神,可以说,美国宪法就是一部中庸宪法,它是在各种不同的利益和意见之间严肃认真地进行折中调和、妥协平衡的产物;是在承认差异又互谅互让的基础上平等协商、自由讨论、相互尊重的结果。这体现为制宪会议的各种妥协和对经验的重视,体现为联邦政府的建立及有效政府与有限政府的统一。  相似文献   
巴金在《家》中成功地刻画了一位悲剧人物的双重性格:顺从与正直、妥协与反抗奇特而又和谐地统一在觉新身上。作为封建大家庭的长房长孙,觉新忍辱负重、牺牲自我,奉行作揖主义和无抵抗主义;作为一个被“五四”新时代所启蒙的青年,觉新又必然产生反抗意识,尽管有些消极和被动。这种复杂性格产生于特定的社会时代背景之下,体现了深深的历史意蕴。  相似文献   
鸦片战争以后,在外商资本的竞争下,中国传统的航运体系濒于崩溃,经过一番酝酿,1873年洋务派在上海创办了轮船招商局。作为外商资本的有力竞争对手,招商局在和外商资本的相互利益争夺中,双方既有针锋相对的抗衡,也有无可奈何的妥协。  相似文献   
This article provides an overview of the Hofstee standard‐setting method and illustrates several situations where the Hofstee method will produce undefined cut scores. The situations where the cut scores will be undefined involve cases where the line segment derived from the Hofstee ratings does not intersect the score distribution curve based on actual exam performance data. Data from 15 standard settings performed by a credentialing organization are used to investigate how common undefined cut scores are with the Hofstee method and to compare cut scores derived from the Hofstee method with those from the Beuk method. Results suggest that when Hofstee cut scores exist that the Hofstee and Beuk methods often yield fairly similar results. However, it is shown that undefined Hofstee cut scores did occur in a few situations. When Hofstee cut scores are undefined, it is suggested that one extend the Hofstee line segment so that it intersects the score distribution curve to estimate cut scores. Analyses show that extending the line segment to estimate cut scores often yields similar results to the Beuk method. The article concludes with a discussion of what these results may imply for people who want to employ the Hofstee method.  相似文献   
《我们夫妇之间》作为一篇在政治漩涡中久经沉浮的文本,在埋没了数十年之后,终于在新的文学史的叙事上取得了它应有的地位。文章采用封闭式阅读的思路并结合文学史实,对文本中的一些富有意义的符号加以分析,从而对作品中的一些趋同现象做出解释。  相似文献   
In this article I examine whether Moral Foundations Theory can fulfil the promises that Haidt claims for the theory: that it will help in developing new approaches to moral education and to the moral conflicts that divide our diverse society. I argue that, first, the model that Haidt suggests for understanding the plurality of moralities—a shared foundation underlying diverse moralities—does not help to overcome conflicts. A better understanding of the nature and background of moral conflicts can lead to a more respectful attitude towards people with conflicting views, but need not contribute to ending conflicts. Second, I show that pervasive moral conflicts should be dealt with on the level of politics. They require a morality of compromising. Third, I examine why this approach does not seem to work in the USA.  相似文献   
冯梦龙在"三言"中塑造了诸多的女性形象,从不同角度传达出了作者的"情教"思想。一方面,作者希望以呼唤个性自由为出发点来肯定女性的爱情追求;另一方面,却又不自觉地显现出对理性规范的妥协。这是时代赋予文人的矛盾的创作观。  相似文献   
台湾地区《消费者债务清理条例》作为台湾当局针对2005年金融风暴的对策之一,起到了清理消费者个人债务、稳定社会秩序的作用,并建立起了台湾的个人破产制度。我国现行的《破产法》仍然将破产主体限制为企业。本文拟通过对《消费者债务清理条例》中的程序及具体机关的研究,引出这一法令对我国大陆地区在建立自然人破产制度方面的启示。  相似文献   
英国女作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特通过对简.爱的描写,塑造了一个自强不息、独立的女性。本文通过比较近年来不同学者们对简·爱作品以及人物的分析,得出了人物自身在反抗精神之外,存在着一种妥协精神。如果说反抗是打破旧的事物,那么妥协则是建构一个新的世界。  相似文献   
王文显的世态喜剧《委曲求全》代表了20世纪20年代末30年代初中国多幕剧创作的最高水平。世态的展示,性格的刻画,温婉的风格、高超的艺术技巧不仅显示出与欧洲喜剧的一脉相承,也体现出作者独特的创作才华。  相似文献   
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