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从1500年来众多读陶、研陶的接受文本中,梳理出64家陶诗佛音解读文字,基本反映了历代士人尤其是现当代学者对陶渊明佛教思想接受认同的大致情况。虽则如是,但在各个历史时期的“佛学视野”中,陶渊明形象又各有特色,这正是一般接受者所不熟悉的地方。对各个时代的陶诗佛音接受情况作简要的笺释和综述,旨在说明对陶诗佛音的接受既不是一两代学人的狭隘认识,也不是几个学者的偏执识见,而是世代皆有并逐渐深化的一种学术共识。  相似文献   
坚持科学人才观原则是党和政府在新世纪、新阶段根据形势和任务的变化作出的一项重大战略决策,是新时期人才工作的基本准则,是指导我国确立并实施人才强国战略的理论来源,反映了现代社会以人为本的战略思维。践行科学人才观必须形成三点共识:认识到人才的选拔是人才建设的基础;人才的培养是人才建设的润滑剂和催化剂;人才的使用是人才建设的关键。  相似文献   
《History of education》2012,41(1):18-37

The paper considers the relation between society, science and institutionally-embodied higher education reform in nineteenth-century Ireland. Institutional reform is measured in terms of governance, curriculum, access and teaching practice. Superiorisation, subversion and fusion are identified as characteristics of reformed institutions. Mobile professional elites are viewed as agents of institutional reform. The institutions examined are Trinity College, Mechanics Institutes, the Museum of Irish Industry, Royal College of Science, Queen’s Colleges, Catholic University, Royal University, and the National University of Ireland. Historians of education have frequently tended to write commemorative histories of individual institutions. This writer’s interest resides less in the institutions per se than in tracing their popular roots and assessing their often strained inter-relationships which qualified their progress and which was conditioned by government’s imperative to manage consensus in the changing milieu within which they operated. As such the paper contributes to much-needed research into the university as ‘a societal phenomenon’.  相似文献   
对达成社会价值共识路径的反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会认识渐趋多元,价值共识的达成成为难题,破解难题的路径有通过社会价值观的排序确立共识、自由兼容彼此融合寻求共识、确定底线共识搁置矛盾和依托权威达成共识等.现实地看这些路径所涉及的内容却都有着不同的难点.达成价值共识在于达成价值共识时代性条件的具备和人的全面发展.  相似文献   
本文从全球联系日趋紧密和传统社会发生深刻变迁的大背景下,对欧洲福利国家社会发展模式进行多维度的理论探讨,提出了经济全球化背景下欧洲福利国家问题研究的一个基本视角和分析框架,希冀为考察当前金融危机下的欧洲福利国家问题有所启迪。  相似文献   
“反向协商一致”是WTO争端解决机制中所运用的全新的决策规则。与以往国际组织的决策规则相比,它是WTO在决策模式上一大发明和创举。它的产生,使DSB的管辖权具有了强制性及其报告通过的自动性,提高了WTO范围内国际贸易争端的解决效率。然而,该规则本身固有缺陷的存在,无法阻挡问题报告的通过,故应考虑着手完善磋商和专家组程序,以对其实施补救,以期在确保效率的同时,公平地维护WTO各成员的合法权益。  相似文献   
现实中很多的多属性群决策(MAGDM)问题常常具有以下特征:(1)决策者使用个人属性集和愿景集来评估各自的备选方案集,并且个人属性集和愿景集可以异构。(2)决策者不必就属性集和愿景集达成共识。(3)个人属性集、方案集和愿景集可以动态变化。通过将上述实际情况的特征纳入MAGDM,提出一种考虑愿景的动态多属性群决策共识模型及其解决框架,设计集体解决方案的选择过程和共识达成过程的算法,给出为达成共识对个人属性集、个人方案集、个人偏好和个人愿景集的调整建议,并结合实例加以说明。  相似文献   
毛新青 《柳州师专学报》2011,26(2):28-31,44
刘师培与章太炎都以"文"为中心构建自己的文学观念,但二者又存在着具体的分歧。刘师培认为"文"的研究应以审美为取向,突出"文"的形式美感,刘师培的"文学"观念是以审美为介入点,意在使民族文学与西方文学争一隅的决心;章太炎则以文本书写的载体来界定"文学",其文学观念是以文字为中心的泛文学观,他认为"凡著竹帛者"都可以进入"文"的研究范围,民族的独立关键在于保持民族文化的独特性,而民族文化的根基奠基在民族文字的基础之上。他们二人文学观念的异同深刻反映了传统资源在现代转型时期被转化的轨迹和过程,也体现出了转型期学者们试图通过学术进行救亡图存的价值关怀。  相似文献   
This article examines the ways in which parties conceived by women writers elucidate the feminine sensibility and feminine concerns with communication. Communication occurs through the preparation of a context—the making of the party from the planning stage, through the purchasing and preparation of food, to its opening in an artfully ordered drawing‐room. It occurs through attention to relationships between partygoers spatially; through attention to people over objects; through attention to the individual hostesses’ attempts to shape the meaning of events internally, intrapersonally; and through an exchange of meaning between individuals through a system of symbols constellated around death. A comparison of Clarissa Dalloway's party in Virginia Woolf's novel with Milly Theale's in Henry James's The Wings of the Dove aptly conveys the differences between male/female reflections of the party and illuminates how death figures prominently in feminine imaginings of social gatherings. Death is the metaphor to communicate psychic fears occasioned in women by parties. Finally, the article suggests how women writers have altered the tradition of the party in literature, permitting it to reflect their felt and lived experience.  相似文献   
后现代政治思潮的崛起,对现代性的政府治理理论与思维模式产生冲击,现代政府运作的价值理念受到质疑、批判而陷入危机之中。后现代主义政治理论主要通过解构现代性,瓦解理性人假设,肢解官僚制,悬置公共权威与摧毁专家霸权的努力,挑战现代政府价值理念。伴随后现代社会到来所带来的事实诉求,应于后现代主义政治思潮之幕下,实现政府治理模式的转型,构建服务型、网络型、协商型与生态型等后现代政府治理模式,回应后现代社会的诉求。  相似文献   
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