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《四库全书总目》为王栐《燕翼诒谋录》、费枢《廉吏传》所作《提要》颇有误漏,余嘉锡《四库提要补正》亦未之及,特作补正。  相似文献   
When the assumption of multivariate normality is violated or when a discrepancy function other than (normal theory) maximum likelihood is used in structural equation models, the null distribution of the test statistic may not be χ2 distributed. Most existing methods to approximate this distribution only match up to 2 moments. In this article, we propose 2 additional approximation methods: a scaled F distribution that matches 3 moments simultaneously and a direct Monte Carlo–based weighted sum of i.i.d. χ2 variates. We also conduct comprehensive simulation studies to compare the new and existing methods for both maximum likelihood and nonmaximum likelihood discrepancy functions and to separately evaluate the effect of sampling uncertainty in the estimated weights of the weighted sum on the performance of the approximation methods.  相似文献   
《Journalism Practice》2013,7(1):33-43
In a cross-market examination of newspaper accuracy, this study tracks errors identified by news sources in 2700 news stories published by US daily metropolitan newspapers. While journalists widely hold that errors are commonly detected and corrected, the study found that only about one in ten news sources had informed the newspaper of the errors they perceived. While many errors were considered too inconsequential to correct, news sources also expressed a sense of futility—that a correction would do little to set the record straight, or worse, that their complaints would either be ignored or draw reprisal from the newspaper. The findings challenge how well the “corrections box” sets the record straight when inaccuracies occur or how well it serves in journalism as a safety valve for the venting of frustrations by wronged news sources.  相似文献   
“考博”已经成为一种趋势,但在大量其他因素的作用下,通过公开考试按笔试加面试成绩由高到低来录取已经成为失灵的信号,考生在信息不对称的博弈中始终处于劣势,规范和完善博士生招收制度、防止高校滥用教育资源和教育寻租的解决方式就是借鉴美国的制度矫正和利益制衡。  相似文献   
我国社会保障基金监管体系存在的问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会保障基金的外部性、社保基金运营的垄断性及其运行过程中的信息不对称、社保基金信托性质引致的诸多风险是强化社保基金监管的理论依据。当前,我国社保基金监管还存在诸多问题:社保基金监管法律层次和法律地位偏低;严格限量监管模式增加了监管成本;监管主体间职能重叠交叉、职责不清;缺乏对社保基金的流程监控。为了进一步完善社保基金监管,充分发挥社保基金的效用,必须进一步健全和完善社保基金的相关法律,提升监管法律法规的层次;逐步实现由严格的限量监管向审慎性监管模式的转变;明确监管主体的工作职责,加强内外主体间的协调与合作;强化对基金运行环节和过程的动态监督。  相似文献   
Currently there is a need for more concerted attention to career development in corrections settings. Limited research has demonstrated that comprehensive programming focusing on career development issues is a method by which recidivism rates may be reduced. The current literature review explains and clarifies the need for such programming in prison settings and provides practical programming considerations for professionals interested in this area. Current programs targeting career issues are described in addition to an explanation of the limited history of career programming in corrections. Also included are potential resources and recommendations for practitioners.  相似文献   
《全宋诗》、《全宋文》重出及失收的郭祥正诗文   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北宋诗人郭祥正在诗歌创作方面取得了很高艺术成就,为北宋名家,有诗集《青山集》30卷。《全宋诗》、《全宋文》乃郭祥正诗文整理研究之集大成,然在郭祥正诗文辑佚方面遗漏尚多。在对郭祥正文献资料整理过程中,我们发现《全宋诗》、《全宋文》辑佚卷中有郭祥正重出诗文3则,又从地方文献中获得郭祥正佚诗文13则,希望有助于郭祥正之研究。  相似文献   
广告是市场经济环境中企业间竞争的一种极为有效的手段。优秀的广告作品在使企业获得经济利益的同时.也使消费者、社会文化从中获益,取得多方共赢的结果。然而广告业在高速发展的同时,也存在这样那样的问题,一些广告恶俗低劣,违背广告应遵循的道德,也给公众、社会和文化带来了危害。  相似文献   
拙著《古典戏曲外来语考释词典》由汉语大词典出版社、云南大学出版社出版发行,已经四年过去了。四年来得见民族出版社2002年出版的由麻赫默德·喀什噶黑编纂的《突厥语大词典》汉文本,其中收录了很多跟中国古典戏曲中有关的突厥语,可补拙著前书的不足;又年来个人钻研也偶有一、二所得,而《古典戏曲外来语考释词典》修订本一时尚难实现,因草成《古典戏曲外来语考释词典补正》,权当前书的续篇,以就教于有道及读者。  相似文献   
社区矫正制度是源于英美等西方国家的一种新型的刑罚执行措施,它体现了刑罚执行制度由严趋宽的国际趋势。在促进罪犯重返社会、减轻监狱压力、避免轻犯交叉感染、合理配置行刑资源等方面有着重要意义。社区矫正自2002年在我国开始试点,目前已大范围试行。我们认为,社区矫正在其理论渊源、执行主体等方面还有许多问题亟待厘定和澄清。只有真正解决好这些问题,才能构建起适合我国国情的矫正制度,从而发挥这一新型刑罚执行措施的应有功效。  相似文献   
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