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加强领导干部作风建设是反腐倡廉的必然要求和基础性工作,也是促进领导干部廉洁自律的关键.我们必须明确加强领导干部作风建设的重要意义,努力践行胡锦涛总书记倡导的八个方面良好风气,切实加强领导干部作风建设,促进党员干部特别是领导干部廉洁自律.  相似文献   
通过对浙江省13892例机关干部和知识分子的体育意识、体育锻炼情况、自我保健以及对国民体质监测的认识等方面的问卷调查与研究,发现浙江省机关干部和知识分子的体育人口已达到3774%,但存在各年龄段比例相差较大的现象;体育消费还处于一个相对滞后的水平.有73.4%的人平均每月用于体育的支出为65元,远远低于化、娱乐的消费水平;以自发的业余时间锻炼为主.主要在免费的场所、空地等进行跑步、长走等项目的锻炼;比较关心自身的健康状况.但缺乏准确、有效的健身手段;对体育的基本知识、体育政策、具体的锻炼方法等了解不够.认为开展国民体质监测有必要的。调查结果提示:应充分发挥政府的指导性作用.调动社会各界的力量.为大众体育提供必要的场地设施,普及科学健身的知识方法.是当前发展大众体育的关键。  相似文献   
唐代官员常服在继承前制的基础上,进一步巩固等级规范,品级的差别主要体现在品色制度和章服制度上,紫、绯、绿、青的常服制度已经确立。常服制度化的实现,是南北朝以来民族大融合、文明大交汇的直接反映,是大唐帝国继承传统并结合自身需求进行内部调整的产物。  相似文献   
官德定位问题是困扰官德建设的一个实质性的理论问题,官德定位的准确明晰有助于加强官德建设,增强现代官员的道德水平,有利于加强党的执政能力,树立现代官员的良好形象.本文试就现阶段官德的定位问题及产生的歧义进行论述和分析.  相似文献   
民国前期中央政府大量设置使职,这些使职名称远法隋唐,近效宋明;其职能接近于晚唐与五代。使职职能的行使对民国政治有很大影响,尤其是巡阅使制度对民国前期中央和地方政治体制产生了极为重要的作用和影响,是军阀政治得以运行的核心制度之一。它对民国前期三权分立的民主宪政制度的政治实践产生了逆向的反动作用。  相似文献   
文如其人,言为心声,本文通过考察贬官士人之作品和言语,窥视士人贬官后的一般心态,重在揭示其心态变革中的痛苦历程及其文学表现;通过描述古代贬官士人随命运变化而或喜或忧的心路历程,透析其在理想和现实中窘迫、奔突、异化与自省的痛苦求索和精神裂变,进而揭示贬官文学的某些历史特性.  相似文献   
降低我国行政成本的对策研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
文章首先界定了行政成本的定义,阐述了我国行政成本居高不下的现状,并分析了导致行政成本居高不下的原因,最后提出了降低我国行政成本的相应对策和对良好行政管理体制的期望。  相似文献   
南朝寒门、寒人虽巳在政治上崛起,但入政后。普遍表现出种种不成熟的心理状态:首先是入仕发迹的“侥幸”心理;其次是“自视犹不敢与世族较”的自卑心理;再次是贪婪粗鄙的“暴发户”心理。这些心理特征产生的原因主要是南朝社会门阀观念仍然十分强大,使入政的寒门、寒人无法摆脱其影响,只得将自己定位在“士庶之别”的社会习惯观念之中。同时南朝士族虽巳衰落,但其势力足以遏制来自外界力量的撞击,加之寒门、寒人本身在出身、文化素养等方面的差异,所以难以形成政治心理上的群体整合,自然比较士族来说要幼稚多了。  相似文献   
The onset of exercise facilitates an improvement in psychomotor performance until the second ventilatory threshold, after which performance is reduced. This inverted-U relationship appears valid for incremental and steady-state exercise, however, not for intermittent exercise. This study examined changes in psychomotor performance of team sport officials during a laboratory-based match simulation. Twelve elite Australian football (n = 5) and rugby league (n = 7) officials (32.5 ± 5.5 years; 180.0 ± 6.8 cm; 78.8 ± 7.6 kg) completed the match simulation on a non-motorised treadmill. Physiological measures were routinely taken, while psychomotor performance was assessed using the Eriksen flanker task (multiple-choice response time). Significant reductions (P < 0.05) were observed in distance covered and high-speed running during the second half when compared to the first. No significant differences (P > 0.05) in psychomotor performance at different time points were observed. Response time was significantly improved when running above 65% of maximal sprinting speed (P < 0.01). This data questions the application of the inverted-U hypothesis for intermittent exercise and suggests that the short high-intensity efforts may not result in the same physiological events that limit psychomotor performance during sustained high-intensity exercise. More so, the high-intensity efforts during the match protocol appeared to promote psychomotor performance during the intermittent exercise.  相似文献   
Decision-making is a key component of an umpire’s in-game performance, with each decision potentially having a direct impact on the result of the game. Additionally, umpires have to be physically fit to ensure they keep up with the gameplay. While research has identified the decision-making demands and running demands of umpires separately, few have explored the relationship between them. The aim of this investigation was to examine the relationship between physical exertion and decision-making performance of Australian football umpires at the sub-elite and junior levels. A total of 18 Australian football umpires (sub-elite, n = 10; junior n = 8) performed 10 × 300 m runs, with each repetition immediately followed by a video-based decision-making test, then 1 min of recovery. A Mann–Whitney U assessment indicated a significant difference between the sub-elite and junior level umpires for decision-making accuracy (U = 13.00, = ?2.43, P = 0.016, r = ?0.5). However, there was no significant difference in response time (U = 28.00, z = ?1.07, P = 0.315, r = ?0.25). The sub-elite umpires completed the running efforts in significantly less time than the junior umpires (P < 0.05). Further, there was no significant correlation between decision-making performance and running times for either skill level (P > 0.05). This suggests decision-making performance may not be affected by physical exertion. Therefore, it may be suggested coaches of football umpires allocate more time to the decision-making development of their umpires instead of focusing largely on the physical fitness side, as is currently the trend.  相似文献   
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