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不作为犯罪的作为义务是不作为犯罪理论的核心问题,是认定不作为犯罪的前提和基础.作为义务有:法律规定的义务,职务或业务要求的义务,先行行为引起的义务.深入研究这三项义务对司法实战大有裨益.  相似文献   
不纯正不作为犯在刑法中没有予以明确的规定,对其的处罚是以作为犯罪的法条定罪处罚的,那么如何实现不作为与作为的等值是一个值得研究的问题。但是通过对不纯正不作为犯的等值性的理论考察,可以发现等值性的认定应该从作为义务以外进行论述。等值性应该有自己的独立的存在地位,从作为义务内部论述等值性是不科学的、也是不完整的。等值性应该从不作为的客观载体,即作为义务的存在、作为义务的强度、危害结果以及实施行为时的客观情状等因素综合判断。  相似文献   
当前,性犯罪被害人普遍存在诉讼中遭受第二次被害、知情权不完整、民事权利得不到应有的保护等问题。基于性犯罪及被害人受害的特殊性,需加强对性犯罪被害人权利的保护,建立防止性犯罪被害人受到第二次伤害的保护制度,完善性犯罪被害人的知情权,赋予性犯罪被害人的精神损害赔偿请求权。  相似文献   
近年来,性侵运动员的犯罪行为频发,成为国际社会聚焦的热点。以此审视我国运动员性法益的保护,虽有强奸罪、强制猥亵罪的刑事立法,却缺乏对该犯罪行为特殊性的深入思考,既不能在惩治犯罪人方面达到理想效果,亦不能在预防犯罪方面发挥良好功能。同时,司法中的“以纪代法”、针对性缺乏、未回应被害人需求等诸多问题,亦使该犯罪行为的刑事规制效果大打折扣。所以,在该犯罪立法上应有针对性采用附属刑法进行修正,完善犯罪的特别预防与一般预防制度;司法上,积极回应被害人的诉求,努力克服刑事规制过程中的各种困境,让运动员的性法益得到全面而充分的保护。  相似文献   
To date, a predominant focus within the field of ‘clerical collar crime’ has revolved around institutional-level church responses to child sexual abuse events, survivors and offenders. Comparatively, little attention has been directed towards the micro-level and in particular, examining clerical responses to child sexual abuse. This article presents empirical findings concerning the ‘everyday’ child protective practices of Anglican clergy in the Diocese of Tasmania, Australia. Research data was acquired through open-ended qualitative interviews conducted with a sample of 34 clergy in a broader study of clerical culture, habitus and life amidst the ‘church abuse crisis’. The framework of Situational Crime Prevention is employed to evaluate the feasibility of clergy’s child-safe practices and comment on how these practices could be further altered through professional development. Research findings demonstrate that clergy possess an active awareness of risk, and execute a series of protective measures to minimise both sexual interactions with children and allegations of impropriety.  相似文献   
This article briefly discusses the long history of violence towards disabled people which sets the context for an analysis of the modern‐day form of violence known as disability hate crime (DHC). People who look or behave differently to others often find themselves victims of violent crimes. The language used to describe disabled people contributes to their diminished position in society. A brief review of definitions of DHC and exploration of news media coverage of the Pilkington and Askew DHC cases are undertaken. Cultural scapegoating of disabled people is discussed. Disabled people are perceived as contributing to their own victimisation, the lack of support afforded to them by society and the failure of systems meant to protect them. As long as disabled people remain outside mainstream society, they are unlikely to achieve the same levels of respect and protection from crime that other groups in society are afforded.  相似文献   
Previous research has identified several individual-level factors that modify the risk of childhood trauma on adult psychiatric symptoms, including symptoms of major depression (MD) and posttraumatic stress (PTS). Neighborhood-level factors also influence the impact of individual-level exposures on adult psychopathology. However, no prior studies to our knowledge have explored cross-level interactions between childhood trauma and neighborhood-level factors on MD and PTS symptoms. The purpose of this study was therefore to explore cross-level interactions between a neighborhood-level factor – neighborhood-level crime – and childhood trauma on MD and PTS symptoms. Participants in this study (N = 3192) were recruited from a large public hospital, and completed self-report inventories of childhood trauma and MD and PTS symptoms. Participant addresses were mapped onto 2010 census tracts, and data on crime within each tract were collected. Multilevel models found a significant cross-level interaction between childhood trauma and neighborhood crime on MD symptoms, such that the influence of high levels of childhood trauma on MD symptoms was enhanced for participants living in high-crime neighborhoods. Supplementary analyses found variation in the strength of cross-level interaction terms by types of childhood trauma and crime, with the strongest associations including emotional neglect paired with personal and property crime. The results provide preliminary support for interventions that help childhood trauma survivors find housing in less vulnerable neighborhoods and build skills to cope with neighborhood crime.  相似文献   
1997年的新刑法在第30条和第31条,对单位犯罪和单位犯罪的处罚制度做了规定,这是刑法理论界的重大突破。单位未完成形态问题是构建单位犯罪理论体系的重要部分,不论在刑法理论上还是在司法实践中,对于正确认定单位犯罪有着深远的意义。  相似文献   
根据刑法学上的定义,宏观上网络犯罪可分为侵犯计算机信息系统安全的网络犯罪和利用计算机、网络实施的其他网络犯罪。实践中,应克服网络犯罪神秘化倾向,正确认识网络犯罪的本质。与域外网络犯罪法规对比,我国计算机网络系统犯罪立法与国际先进水平基本同步,为网络犯罪的正确定性提供了较为科学的法律依据。在网络犯罪定性上,应坚持刑法的谦抑性和罪刑法定原则;坚持两分法,对涉嫌犯罪的行为先归入两类之一;坚持类型化归纳,正确认定具体的犯罪罪名。  相似文献   
客观归责理论是德国著名的一个刑法理论,而该理论的核心内容就是危险原则。这一原则的内容到底有那些具体的内涵,值得探讨。一般而言,该原则的内涵有:制造不被允许的危险、实现不被允许的危险、构成要件的效力。通过这个三个判断,从而归结一个行为是否具有刑事违法性。  相似文献   
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