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Functional Behavior Assessments (FBAs) utilize direct and indirect methods to collect data on student behavior to generate a functional hypothesis and drive intervention development. School psychologists are trained to conduct FBAs and use them regularly in schools. However, no evidence exists describing the specific practices used by school psychologists when they conduct FBAs. In this study, 199 respondents completed a web‐based survey developed using expert review and cognitive pretesting. Most respondents reported their gender as female (87%), were between 30 and 39 years old (50%), and practiced at the Specialist level (57%). Respondents reported receiving training in FBA across multiple sources and utilizing multi‐method data collection methods when conducting FBAs. A large amount of variability was observed in the specific instruments used by school psychologists, with a substantial proportion using forms that were not standardized or pre‐constructed. Implications for current practitioners, trainers, and researchers are described.  相似文献   
Lack of racial and ethnic diversity in the school psychology workforce has been a concern since the profession's inception. One solution is to graduate more racially and ethnically diverse individuals from school psychology programs. This structured review explored the characteristics of studies published from 1994 to 2017 that investigated graduate student retention and school psychology. An electronic search that included specified databases, subject terms, and study inclusion criteria along with a manual search of 10 school psychology journals yielded two published, peer‐reviewed studies focused primarily on graduate student retention and school psychology over the 23‐year span. Two researchers coded the studies using a rigorous coding process with high inter‐rater reliability. Findings suggest that mostly Black and White individuals served as participants, undergraduate students represented the largest group sampled, and key school psychology stakeholders’ views were missing. Additionally, programs interested in retaining racially and ethnically diverse students should have a commitment to multicultural issues, expose students to diverse professional networks and mentorship, and cultivate an inclusive program environment. Implications point to a need for more studies focused on school psychology graduate student retention in general and in specific relation to retaining racial and ethnic minoritized students.  相似文献   
由于互联网以及网民的特殊性,网络语言也具有其独有的特点:夸张、热烈、传播流行快。这些特点和网民们的举动相结合,形成了一针见血的"杀伤力",同时它的流行性及暴力倾向也对使用者的独创力和心理具有不可忽视的影响。广大教育工作者和家长应该引导年轻的网民正确看待和运用网络语言。  相似文献   
在大学生的法律基础教学中进行认知心理学的应用,能够促使学生内在自发地实现思维方式的转变,进而为大学生的法律基础教育带来全新的体验。本文针对当前大学生法律基础教育课程中存在的教学弊端进行评述,从课堂教学以及实践教学两层面对前述全新体验作了重点阐释,论证了在大学生法律基础教育中运用认知心理学理念的必要性。  相似文献   
流行语作为一种时代现象,是一个国家、地区、民族普遍关注的问题或事物,是一根敏感的社会神经,一张现实社会的晴雨表。透过这些流行语的表面现象,我们可以洞视现实社会的百姓心理渴求。每个时代都会在社会世相中打下它的基本烙印,而流行语本身就是这一世相民情的真切反映,是民族文化心理态势的揭示。  相似文献   
公共心理学是构成高等师范院校学生专业知识体系的基础课程,也是提高师范生从业技能的重要课程之一。目前,公共心理学教学存在很多问题,为适应新课程改革的要求,公共心理学课程从教学内容、教学方法、师资队伍、评价方式等方面进行教学改革,以确保公共心理学课程的教学质量,为中小学培养合格的专业教师打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   
人本主义视角下学习心理支持服务的思考与探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学习心理支持服务是实现现代远程教育目标的重要因素。针对现代远程教育学生群体中存在的孤独、无助、迷茫、沮丧、焦虑等学习心理,学习支持服务者应借鉴"人本主义"思想,卓有成效地开展包括导学、心理疏导以及校园文化活动在内的系列学习心理支持服务活动。  相似文献   
要做好素质教育工作,需要从教育者的素质提升、教育的方式方法改变等方面来进行改进,尤其是提出了现代心理疏导和心理服务工作对素质教育的积极作用。  相似文献   
文章针对如何提高数学教学质量这一研究课题,从心理学角度,结合数学学科教育的特殊性与实践结果,分析了如何实现有效的数学教育,提倡知情意合一的数学教育模式.  相似文献   
运用诚信心理问卷,对1008名中学生在诚信倾向、诚实认知、诚信监控、诚信体验、信用认知等五个方面的诚信心理进行测查.研究结果表明,中学生的诚信心理发展特点是:在年级、性别、学校所处位置、学习成绩等四方面存在显著差异;而在民族变量上,中学生的诚信心理不存在显著差异.并且男生的诚信倾向和诚信体验两个维度好于女生,而诚信监控不如女生好;高二年级的诚信水平最高,与初一、初二、初三、高一、高三五个年级存在显著差异;农村学生的诚信倾向明显好于城镇学生,但诚实认知和诚信体验不如城镇学生好;优秀学生的诚信监控优于非优秀学生,而信用认知不如非优秀学生好.  相似文献   
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