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“科技以人为本“的广告品牌理念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科技使商品获得利润,但科技的出发点应该是为人服务.社会文明的演进,表现为人的质量的提高.因此,社会的整个运行与发展,应当始终围绕人来展开.“科技以人为本“的人文精神体现了品牌重视人、服务人的价值尺度,体现了商业品牌发展科技必须以人的利益为核心的基本原则.其表现为品牌通过科技的发展不断满足消费者需求, 为消费者创造价值体验,维护生命权,忠诚于消费者,以及从消费者角度出发进行广告传播.  相似文献   
当前大学生犯罪原因与预防对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前大学生犯罪呈现出新的趋势,原因包括主观和客观两个方面.预防大学生犯罪,学校要加强教育和管理;家庭要营造良好的家庭氛围;司法机关可以适时作出司法建议.  相似文献   
青少年网络情结的心理分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
青少年对互联网构筑的虚拟世界表现出较高的认同感和参与热情,典型的表现是参与的人数较多、花费的时间较长、卷入的程度较深。互联网文化和技术满足了发展中的青少年的好奇、探险、体验、交往、价值、自主、性等多种心理需求。  相似文献   
许多研究材料表明4~5岁幼儿的心理发展比2~3岁时迅速得多。这个时期的幼儿不仅活泼好动,而且好奇心强,提问多,想象、思维等各方面能力都有了较大程度的提高,这就给家庭教育提出了更高的要求。本文试图从儿童心理发展的角度,对这个年龄阶段幼儿的家长提出一些粗浅的建议,希望对家长有所帮助。  相似文献   
符号加工和联结主义是认知心理学的两种研究范式,二者在认知心理学内部产生了一系列的争论。在一般 认知问题上的争论主要表现在语义理解、心理表征以及一些具体的认知问题上;在方法论问题上的区别主要表现在是 结构模拟、黑箱方法、还原主义还是结构与功能模拟、灰箱方法和整体主义上。两种范式争论的本质问题是究竟哪种 范式更加符合认知过程的本质。联结主义范式似有取代符号加工范式的趋势,但它也不能完全揭示人类的高级认知功 能,因此出现了行为主义的进化论研究范式。  相似文献   
悲剧的灵魂并非依附于作品,而是存在于作家的意识中,但更多的,悲剧是人类的“百年之梦”,是人类社会的“原始意识”。  相似文献   
There are established links between education and well-being, and between poverty and education. This article draws on interviews with parents of school-aged children impacted by a policy in the UK commonly referred to as the ‘bedroom tax’. A critical psychology perspective to education is put forward, acknowledging the complex interrelationships between psychological well-being, sociopolitical factors and education.  相似文献   
Competing perspectives and debates about the meaning of health promotion and the best ways to evaluate the effectiveness of initiatives that focus on enhancing wellness pervade the literature. Given the emergence of health promotion, the impetus for outcomes-based practice in psychology, and the push for evidence-based care in the health system (Thorogood & Coombes, 2000), demonstrations of value and effectiveness are fundamental to the sustainability of mental health promotion activities. Psychology (and counseling as a sub-set field) needs to place itself as a profession vital to the sustainability of wellness initiatives. This paper proposes that psychologists’ awareness and understanding of six key concepts from health promotion evaluation are essential for advancing psychology as a profession and enhancing applied practice for wellness initiatives. The key concepts include: formative, process and outcome evaluations, the qualitative/quantitative debate, the ecological nature, the participatory approach, the focus on community and the underlying philosophies of empowerment and utilization. The use of key concepts from health promotion evaluation strategies support psychologists to a) deal with issues of major public health importance and b) collaborate with other disciplines for the benefit of the public (Sartorius, 1999). Finally, this paper makes recommendations to secure psychology’s place as a vital contributor to future research directions in health promotion, in part because of adherence to the scientist-practitioner model.Whilst Psychology is the generic term used here to represent the broad field, counseling as a sub-set in the discipline is particularly relevant for the ideas and issues discussed. Rather than adding the sub-set qualifier each time the broad field is referred to, the reader in this context is encouraged to hold this perspective of the place of counseling in regard to psychology as they work through the materials presented.  相似文献   
青少年时期的生理和心理均处于急骤的发展变化中,但这种发展又是不平衡的,从而引发了一系列矛盾反映。因此,教育工作需要高度重视这一时期的教育。要运用科学的方法加强其理想和道德教育,广泛开展有利于其健康发展的活动,进行生理卫生教育,使其顺利成长。  相似文献   
潘光旦用精神分析理论的模型对明末冯小青影恋性心理的分析,超越了传统文学批评"以心见心"的思路,使中国古代社会女性心灵被摧残、扭曲的状况,获得了有深度的个案分析,也为当代中国文学批评学的理论建设提供了历史的参照和有益的启示:文学批评的人文意义不可忽视;科学性是古代批评现代转换的关键;西方理论本土化必须以理论范式与阐释对象的对应为前提。  相似文献   
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