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苏轼《前赤壁赋》“如怨如慕”的“慕”一词向来鲜见确诂,今人或训为“怀爱”、“眷恋”、“爱慕”,顾久释为“悲哀”,虽较接近本真,然仍未达一间。据古代文献用例类比考释,“如怨如慕”的“慕”当训为啼哭之义,方较通顺妥帖。由“慕”组成的复词“哀慕”、“攀慕”、“痛慕”、“感慕”的“慕”是悼念怀思之义。  相似文献   
This article examines the historical and emotional consequences of the Victorian Football League's decision to ‘go national’. Many saw the emergence of the Australian Football League (AFL) as a threat to the authentic attachments of supporters. As many localized social practices were ‘rationalized’, however, engagement with the League increased across Australia. This article suggests that this success can be explained, in part, by the ways in which public representations of the AFL provided new points of identification for supporters. Drawing on recent work by critical theorists of emotion, I suggest that the already passionate culture of Australian rules supporting has been reworked by the animation of nationalistic attachments and the increasingly intimate representation of players in Australian public life. Ironically, though, these new modes of representation have opened the AFL out to heated debates about the emotions of the players themselves. The contested emergence of the crying AFL player in Australian public life since 2000 is both a product of these shifts and an example of the unruliness of identification and idealization. Attachments to players in the language of national identity, I suggest, are psychically volatile because they are connected to how supporters understand their own identities, lives, and losses.  相似文献   
75年来,丁玲以《莎菲女士的日记》的创作,而震惊了30年代的坛,因《太阳照在桑干河上》的获奖而驰誉国际苑。可是在“反右’,风暴的浪涛里.丁玲竟从“人类灵魂的工程师”变为令人齿寒的“复仇女神”,从而湮没了24年。新时期丁玲复出后,丁玲研究才从恶梦中惊醒过来.将丁玲研究由“拨乱反正”而逐步走向深入;1986年丁玲逝世后,研究站在时代和历史的聚焦点上,去告别死去的丁玲,同时又去寻觅还活着的丁玲,让丁玲创作的“生命力”要在“承受过去.向着未来”的时代浪涛里,闪烁艺术美的火花。  相似文献   
记忆单词是小学生学英语的一个薄弱环节,如何帮助学生高效率地记住所学的词汇,是一个值得探讨的问题。针对小学生学习方法上的问题,在英语单词教学上要让学生了解并运用一些记忆层面的策略:按照汉语拼音的正迁移规律,建立音形对应规律,进行“直呼式”音标教学法;充分利用单词的发音巩固单词记忆,用立体听觉刺激法来强化记忆单词;坚持在真实的语境中运用单词、句子促进学生牢固掌握词汇,培养学生灵活运用英语进行交际的言语能力。  相似文献   
由于译者在文学翻译中都会受到本族文化和自身文化意识局限性的影响,文学翻译中的文化缺失在所难免。英国语言学家埃杰顿的《金瓶梅》英文全译本TheGoldenLotus成功体现了译者的双语才能和双文化功底,但在《金瓶梅》中,"哭"的大量描写反映了"哭"一词除字典意义之外的丰富文化内涵,而在埃杰顿的TheGoldenLotus中cry,weep,sob,mourn,bemoan,lament等英文词的言辞语境并不能完整地传达原语的文化信息及文化语境。语言与文化、文学与文化的密切关系使翻译中的"文化传真"只能是一种理想的境界。  相似文献   
BackgroundAbusive head trauma (AHT) is a severe form of child abuse causing devastating outcomes for children and families, but its economic costs in Canada has yet to be determined. The Period of PURPLE crying program (PURPLE) is an AHT prevention program implemented in British Columbia for which success in reducing AHT events was recently reported.ObjectiveThis study estimated the lifetime costs to society of incidental AHT events and compared the benefits and associated costs of AHT before and after the implementation of the PURPLE program.Participants and Setting: Children aged 0–24 months old with a definite diagnosis of AHT between 2002 and 2014 in British Columbia were included in this study.MethodsAn incidence-based cost-of-illness analysis, using the human capital approach was used to quantify the lifetime costs of AHT events according to their severity (least severe, severe and fatal). A cost-effectiveness analysis of the PURPLE program was conducted from both a societal and a health services’ perspectives using decision tree models.ResultsThere were sixty-four AHT events between 2002–2014, resulting in a total cost of $354,359,080 to society. The costs associated with fatal, severe and least severe AHT averaged $7,147,548, $6,057,761 and $1,675,099, respectively. The investment of $5 per newborn through the PURPLE program resulted in a $273.52 and $14.49 per child cost avoidance by society and by the healthcare system.ConclusionsThis study provides evidence to policymakers and health practitioners that investing upstream in well-developed AHT prevention programs, such as PURPLE, not only promote child safety and health, but also translates into avoided costs to society.  相似文献   
“故事征集令”活动开始后, 老编的信箱里一下子收到n 多原创作品, 原来咱们身边都是卧虎藏龙呀! 本期经精选所刊登的两篇佳作, 欢迎大家点评并投票选出您最喜欢的原创故事哦! 如果你愿意刊登与故事相关的图片或照片, 请随同文章一起发给我们。  相似文献   
In the current study associations between parents’ experiences of childhood maltreatment and their perceptual, behavioral and autonomic responses to infant emotional signals were examined in a sample of 160 parents. Experienced maltreatment (both physical and emotional abuse and neglect) was reported by the participants and, in approximately half of the cases, also by their parents. During a standardized infant vocalization paradigm, participants were asked to squeeze a handgrip dynamometer at maximal and at half strength while listening to infant crying and laughter sounds and to rate their perception of the sounds. In addition, their heart rate (HR), pre-ejection period (PEP), and vagal tone (RSA) were measured as indicators of underlying sympathetic and parasympathetic reactivity. Results indicated that participants did not differ in their perceptions of the infant vocalizations signals according to their maltreatment experiences. However, maltreatment experiences were associated with the modulation of behavioral responses. Experiences of neglect during childhood were related to more handgrip force during infant crying and to less handgrip force during infant laughter. Moreover, a history of neglect was associated with a higher HR and a shorter PEP during the entire infant vocalization paradigm, which may indicate chronic cardiovascular arousal. The findings imply that a history of childhood neglect negatively influences parents’ capacities to regulate their emotions and behavior, which would be problematic when reacting to children’s emotional expressions.  相似文献   
湘西土家族的哭嫁音乐,从深层来说要分成哭嫁与哭嫁歌,二者同为一体,却又互为承载关系。哭嫁,通俗地称为“哭嫁歌”,又名“出嫁歌”,土家语叫做“毕基卡锉柱祭”。哭嫁歌是土家族女子在出嫁时用歌声诉说着封建时期买办婚姻制度下无法获得自由的悲惨命运以及对亲人的不舍之情的哭唱仪式活动,而这种仪式活动的表达方式就是演唱哭嫁歌谣。哭嫁歌谣来源于生活,反映着生活,其旋律哀婉动人,扣人心弦,催人泪下。笔者通过搜集当地有关资料和实地考察调研,对湘西土家族哭嫁音乐有了初步的认识和探讨,旨在学习、宣传。同时希望更多的人来热爱它,保护它,让湘西土家族的哭嫁音乐世世代代传承下去。  相似文献   
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