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全球化视野下的文化冲突与融合   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
全球化是在新的科学技术革命的推动下,世界各个国家、各个地区、各个民族的政治、经济、文化的相互联系和相互作用的日趋紧密,相互间的信息沟通、依存性和互动性加强。在世界全球化的进程中,各种文化间的冲突和融合已经成为不可避免的普遍现象。我们要防止那种强调和夸大文化上的冲突忽视融合的片面性观点,也要避免那种强调和夸大文化上的融合忽视冲突的形而上学理解。在对这个问题的理解上,应坚持唯物辩证法的对立统一观点,在文化冲突中看到它们相互融合的一面,在文化融合中看到它们相互冲突的一面。  相似文献   
Basic work in universities is carried out in departments representing diverse disciplinary communities. While tasks, goals, perspectives, and social values may vary considerably between different disciplines, it is difficult to find research texts dealing with the question whether, and how, such differences should be taken into account in quality management. The paper is based on a recent study on quality management in diverse disciplinary settings, in which thirty-three interviews have been carried out in Finland and in the UK, and on the author's previous studies on the disciplines under study. The paper provides some preliminary interpretations of the effects of basic disciplinary features on the suitability of approaches of quality assessment in four diverse disciplines (physics, biology, sociology and history).  相似文献   
四川是全国五大客家人聚居省之一。生活在成都地区的这支一直保留着浓郁的岭南风俗习惯的四川客家人大约是在1680年至1800年左右从粤东、粤北、闽西、赣南等地迁入的。本文将探讨17世纪以来川西客家民居的特点,从思想文化的角度探讨客家民居在地域文化中的生存演变方式及其变迁,从建筑文化领域反映客家移民融入不同地域文化的过程。  相似文献   
Evidence from Australia lends support to the “Asian high achieving syndrome” in Chinese-Australian students and “self-deprivation syndrome” in Anglo-Australian students. Applying ethnographic case studies approach for doctoral thesis the author collected data on a longitudinal basis from homes and school of these students. All of these students attended the same school located in a predominantly middle class suburb of Perth Metropolitan area in Western Australia. Chinese-Australian families had settled in Perth from Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong, whereas Anglo-Australian families had been residing in Perth for three generations. Impetus to revisit these students (now young adults with their own families) 10 years later came from an urge to test the validity of the prediction the author had made in the concluding chapter of his doctoral thesis. The author had claimed that “if Anglo-Australian parents keep on dwelling in the era of 1950s and 1960s and do not change their laid-back attitude about education, their children could eventually be under-privileged in their own country”. Ten years later, the author undertook a follow-up study on these young adults from six of the eight original families in order to find out their occupational destinations and future aspirations. Data for the follow-up study were collected from these young adults and their parents. These research cases were interviewed twice, each time approximately for two hours and their parents were interviewed once for two to three hours. The purpose of this paper is to report the findings of the follow-up study which reveals a remarkable relationship between the attitude towards schooling and academic performance with their subsequent occupational destination.  相似文献   
"代表中国先进文化的前进方向"这一思想对院校建设具有重大的指导意义,因为学校是传播文化和发展文化最直接的、最重要的阵地.要用先进的观念解决存在的现实问题,才能建设先进的院校文化.  相似文献   
泉州外来宗教文化的传播,与"海上丝绸之路"的文明历程有着密切的关系。其中,伊斯兰教在泉州的传播是泉州"海上丝绸之路"兴起的直接结果,印度教在泉州传播的历史命运与泉州"海上丝绸之路"的盛衰过程相始终,摩尼教和基督教在泉州的传播是泉州"海上丝绸之路"的环境产物。外来宗教文化的传播,促进了中外文化大交流,进一步加强了泉州国际大港的地位。当泉州"海上丝绸之路"趋于衰落,泉州外来宗教文化的传播也就陷于低谷或走向衰落。但多元的宗教精神及信仰的某些形式依然长期影响着泉州社会,其所蕴涵的文化价值成为泉州人乃至中华民族的共同文化财富。  相似文献   
文章以黄宾虹先生对传统山水画的成功变革作为事例,阐述了传统文化与外域文化之间不可避免的冲撞和联系;旨在说明在当今的时代背景下,艺术创新的根基来自对传统文化的深入研究,艺术创新的动力和契机在于对外来文化的合理吸收和借鉴。  相似文献   
Eve Gregory 《Literacy》2004,38(2):97-105
The promise to raise literacy standards significantly at age 11 in economically disadvantaged areas has been an important part of the present British Government's educational policy. Integral to this promise has been the introduction of official home/school ‘contracts’ or ‘agreements’, which oblige parents to engage in specific literacy activities with their children. However, evidence from a longitudinal study of family literacy practices in East London suggests that family and community members other than parents might play a crucial role in initiating young children into literacy. Siblings particularly have been found to be efficient ‘teachers’ of school literacy practices. In this paper, I investigate particularly ways in which an unspoken collusion takes place between teacher and older sibling revealed during ‘play school’ sessions in Bangladeshi British households in East London.  相似文献   

Although the benefits of teacher collaboration have been touted, school administrators often struggle to foster productive collaboration at their sites. This study takes a deep dive into teachers’ interactions to understand how administrators’ efforts to engineer collaboration play out in teachers’ relationships. Analysis of qualitative interview and observation data with a social network lens provides a nuanced understanding of teachers’ formal and informal interactions at two schools. Findings make clear why leaders are unlikely to build effective collaborative cultures without noticing and building off of the relationships teachers have built within their existing contexts. Overly regulated meetings impacted both formal and informal relationships between teachers, and productive collaboration during formal meeting time could not be sustained in teachers’ informal networks when other structural obstacles intervened. Few teachers were able to overcome either of these constraints to engage in meaningful collaboration, although the efforts of some provide insight for promoting collaborative cultures. This study provides insights for how leaders might notice and capitalise on existing relationships as well as on sometimes unintended structures to support teachers’ join work.  相似文献   
英、汉两种截然不同的语言体系产生于不同的生产劳动方式。遣词造句时体现出了说话人的思维模式。学习者在缺乏真实语境的情况下,深刻体会英语的文化渊源,思维表达模式,经过大量的交流训练以逐渐脱离汉语思维,避免中国式英语的产生,在听说读写译等方面实现根本性突破。  相似文献   
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