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英汉互借词对中西文化的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文化和语言的关系好比是内容和形式的关系,内容决定形式,形式反映内容。语言和文化密不可分,而词汇又是文化的最直接反映,因此透过词汇的互借可以看到中西文化之间的相互渗透和相互影响。  相似文献   
文章以黄宾虹先生对传统山水画的成功变革作为事例,阐述了传统文化与外域文化之间不可避免的冲撞和联系;旨在说明在当今的时代背景下,艺术创新的根基来自对传统文化的深入研究,艺术创新的动力和契机在于对外来文化的合理吸收和借鉴。  相似文献   
华裔美国作家谭恩美的成名作《喜福会》以其细腻的笔触讲述了四位中国移民母亲和她们的美国女儿的故事。谭氏淋漓尽致地勾勒了其间从冲突、对抗到适应、调和这爱恨交织的母女关系。对小说中典型的母女关系进行解析,并挖掘其所代表的异质文化即中国传统文化与美国主流文化从隔膜、碰撞到最终交汇、融合这一趋势和过程,具有多方面的启示意义。  相似文献   
在中西跨文化交际中,文化冲突的事例屡见不鲜,严重影响了交往的顺利进行,因此我们很有必要找出其深层次的原因,并采取一定的措施来培养跨文化交际的能力,避免文化冲突。  相似文献   
从认知语用学原理出发,探讨语言模因的传播运行机制,尝试性提出模因传播是宿主对已模仿的关联性语言模因信息的加工过程,即认知识解、重新审视和文化混搭,在人脑的主观选择复制作用下,在社会文化相互竞争中那些具有适应性的模因逐渐被接受认可得以繁衍传播;而那些不适应社会时代需要的模因不断地被淘汰直至消亡。总之,弱势模因的强化和强势模因的弱化是语言模因进化中的变异现象,符合人类社会的发展规律。  相似文献   
当今世界的国际化、都市文化对我们的传统文化带来较大冲击,大城市周边民俗文化旅游资源既具有较高的旅游开发价值,又是受影响严重区域和保护的薄弱环节。针对这一情况,本文以马山县为例,深入探讨传统民俗文化旅游资源在国际化、城市化进程中的开发、保护途径。  相似文献   

Although the benefits of teacher collaboration have been touted, school administrators often struggle to foster productive collaboration at their sites. This study takes a deep dive into teachers’ interactions to understand how administrators’ efforts to engineer collaboration play out in teachers’ relationships. Analysis of qualitative interview and observation data with a social network lens provides a nuanced understanding of teachers’ formal and informal interactions at two schools. Findings make clear why leaders are unlikely to build effective collaborative cultures without noticing and building off of the relationships teachers have built within their existing contexts. Overly regulated meetings impacted both formal and informal relationships between teachers, and productive collaboration during formal meeting time could not be sustained in teachers’ informal networks when other structural obstacles intervened. Few teachers were able to overcome either of these constraints to engage in meaningful collaboration, although the efforts of some provide insight for promoting collaborative cultures. This study provides insights for how leaders might notice and capitalise on existing relationships as well as on sometimes unintended structures to support teachers’ join work.  相似文献   
企业文化是企业生存的基础、发展的动力、行为的准则、成功的核心,在日趋激烈的市场竞争中发挥的作用越发明显.泉州民企的企业文化建设基本上处在一个初始阶段,存在许多问题,制约了泉州民企的转型升级.因此,泉州民企要寻求突破就必须重视企业文化的建设.  相似文献   
I want to use this essay – basically a commentary – as a context for some political reflections on what is happening to the governance and the labour processes at universities internationally. In the process, in addition to my critical reflections on the neoliberal impulses affecting universities, I want to do two other things. First, I shall expand the range of work and workers that need to be considered if our analyses are to be true to the range and depth of these transformations. And second, I also want to complicate the usual critical analyses of what is happening in higher education by broadening the discussion to include movements that include but go beyond the class-based models that are often employed. Thus, in a later part of this essay, I urge us to pay closer attention to conservative religious movements and institutions that are having an increasing impact on the politics of knowledge at universities in a number of countries.  相似文献   
信息文化是信息社会的主流文化,它是文化与科技整合走向的新兴文化形态。信息文化对增强全民族文化创造活力有重要意义,因为从信息文化的特征分析,它有利于全民族文化创作更加繁荣;有利于全民族文化的个性化发展;有利于满足人民群众的基本文化需要;有利于增强中华文化国际影响力;有利于民族文化的传承。在我国以信息文化增强全民族文化创造活力的同时,必须坚持以社会主义核心价值体系为指导,必须预防信息文化霸权主义对中华民族文化的伤害和挑战,必须预防信息文化中其它民族语言对中华民族语言的同化。  相似文献   
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