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20世纪20年代末至30年代初,中国思想理论界围绕着中国社会性质问题、中国社会史问题以及中国农村性质问题展开了论争。这场大论战持续时间长,影响也很深远,而且参加论战的人员比较复杂,牵动着社会各个阶层和群体。但令人不解的是,当时史学界的“正统派”——科学史学派却对这场论战态度冷淡,几乎无人参与其中。究其根源,主要是因为:论战的起因和目的都带有浓厚的政治色彩;科学史学派不是马克思主义者,他们不会参与马克思主义者之间的争论;论战的议题不在科学史学派的研究范围内;论战的参与者并没有被主流学术圈接纳;科学史学派与论战各方在治史方法上有着巨大差异;论战的起源、发展都与苏联和共产国际有着密切的关系,论战的党团性使得科学史学派对它敬而远之。  相似文献   
Which issues do political parties emphasize in campaigns? Selecting the issues to emphasize in campaigns is treated with the same importance as policy positioning. Nevertheless, little attention has been paid to understanding parties’ strategies of issue competition in presidential elections under multiparty systems. By analyzing statements of presidential candidates in the 2002, 2007, and 2012 Korean presidential debates, we find that presidential candidates use their issue emphasis strategies differently in presidential elections according to party size and ideological relationships with other parties. Specifically, a small party’s candidates have been more likely than mainstream parties’ candidates to pursue their issue ownership advantage. In addition, a mainstream party’s candidates have emphasized the issues of a small party more than those of his own party when the two parties have had a similar ideological foundation, whereas, when there were no such ideological similarities, a mainstream party’s candidate has only focused on issues of the mainstream party. Our results imply that the political communication used by political parties and candidates is conditioned not only by political contexts such as electoral systems or party systems but also by the size and ideology of parties.  相似文献   
学界一般是从京派和海派二元对立的角度来解说京海派论争,其实,租界文化现象才是论争的原发点和问题的核心.租界的文化风气和文化规则,构成了京派文化的"他者",一定程度上规约了京派的文学理念和京派文化身份的重构,京派的文化品格在与租界文化的对象性关系中得以展开,京派对海派恶劣品性的批判,从反面确证了自身的合法性和正统性.  相似文献   
当代生物学哲学存在激烈思想碰撞,其中三大争论影响深远:生物学哲学是基于生物学的智慧还是科学哲学的分支?达尔文主义是科学还是哲学?生物学能否还原为物理学?笔者所在课题组基于大量西方生物学哲学一手文献,旨在通过系统文献的爬梳剔抉,重新思考并追问生物学哲学的性质。我们以为,生物学哲学并不囿于科学哲学的一个分支,更可能是一种以生物学为基础的有别于传统物理主义的强调整体性和系统性的哲学新智慧。  相似文献   
科学争论如何终止?——柯林斯对实验的社会学分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
科学知识社会学以科学知识为探讨对象。科学知识社会学巴斯学派的主要代表人物柯林斯在对科学、技术争论进行案例分析时,提出“实验者回归”这一概念,指出实验方法与实验结果是互为因果的,实验证据不能作为终止一场科学争论的判定性标准;并用“经验相对主义纲领”对此加以解释,认为社会因素在终止科学争论中发挥着重要作用,实验结论是科学家协商的结果。  相似文献   
论晏殊思想性格中的儒释道结构特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
晏殊在庭议党争盛行的北宋,既表现出不喜争斗喜调和、喜静不喜张扬的个性,但又不失积极进取,这是他按照儒家中庸之道、道家处政以无为和佛教中道观修习的结果。论文描述了儒释道三家思想在晏殊性格中结合的独特方式。  相似文献   
“故事征集令”活动开始后, 老编的信箱里一下子收到n 多原创作品, 原来咱们身边都是卧虎藏龙呀! 本期经精选所刊登的两篇佳作, 欢迎大家点评并投票选出您最喜欢的原创故事哦! 如果你愿意刊登与故事相关的图片或照片, 请随同文章一起发给我们。  相似文献   
《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):341-349
The traditional design for the study of language variables is a controlled message design in which one kernel message is manipulated to produce message variations that represent the language variable contrasts. Thus message content is the same across treatment conditions and hence crossed with the treatment factors. Jackson and Jacobs (1983) criticized this design on three grounds. They argued that messages should be natural rather than contrived, that messages should be nested within treatment conditions rather than crossed with treatment factors, and that each study should use as many messages as possible. Their paper has been used by reviewers as the basis for rejecting studies done using the traditional design. This paper presents a detailed analysis of the arguments presented in Jackson and Jacobs (1983) as well as subsequent papers by Jackson (1984) and Jackson and Jacobs (1987). The arguments are shown to contain both methodological and substantive errors. When the arguments are corrected, it is shown that nested designs and multiple messages should be used only when absolutely necessary. It is the traditional controlled message, crossed design and not the naturalistic message, nested design which is robust; robust against not only incidental but fundamental confounding, robust against message by treatment by message interactions, and relatively robust against Type II error. Taken together with meta‐analysis, the traditional single message, crossed design can detect and identify message by treatment interactions. On the other hand, the multiple message design makes it impossible to identify such interactions.  相似文献   
应当开展教育思想论争史的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在教育发展历史上,教育思想的论争贯穿始终,一部教育思想发展史在某种程度上又是一部教育思想论争史。在不同的阶段围绕不同的主题,开展了程度不一、激烈各异的思想论争,不仅对于解决当时的教育实践有一定的指导意义,同样是推动教育思想发展的一个重要途径。论争是正常的,但其目的不是一种理论取代另一种理论,而是促进各自理论进一步完善,加强自身的理论发展。研究整个教育论争史对进一步深入认识教育思想有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   
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