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采用自编大学生恋爱动机问卷,用分层随机取样的方法抽取2014名大学生作为有效测试的被试。结果表明,当代大学生恋爱动机总体上是积极的,主要以情感性与婚姻性的积极动机为主,但在消遣性上存在显著的年级、性别、是否独生子女、专业类型、恋爱情况、家庭教养方式差异。根据当代大学生的恋爱动机的发展特点,从个人、学校、家庭方面进行相应的恋爱动机教育。  相似文献   
The current study investigated the associations between three maternal and paternal parenting styles, moral intelligence, academic self-efficacy and learning motivation in three serial mediation models. Omani adolescents enrolled in 7th to 11th grades (N = 296) responded to an online survey containing demographic items and scales measuring the variables noted above. Results of Path Analysis indicated that the three models had a good overall fit. In detail, the three paternal styles (authoritative, authoritarian and permissive) had direct associations with moral intelligence and indirect associations with learning motivation. However, only two maternal parenting styles (i.e., authoritative and authoritarian) correlated directly with learning motivation and these two styles did not associate with moral intelligence. All effects were in the hypothesized direction except the effect of authoritative maternal and paternal styles. Moral intelligence had a positive direct correlation with students’ academic self-efficacy and learning motivation. Moral intelligence also mediated the negative associations between three types of fathers’ parenting styles and students’ motivation. Academic self-efficacy had a positive association with students’ motivation. These findings provided useful insights about the various association between external factors (e.g., parenting styles), internal factors (i.e., moral intelligence and self-efficacy) and students’ motivation among adolescents in middle and high schools.  相似文献   
结合广州市花都百业商业中心基坑支护工程的监理经验,对深层搅拌桩+锚杆喷锚网基坑支护在施工阶段的质量监控进行探讨.  相似文献   
This article emphasizes the need to encourage undergraduate students to develop arguments, which involves enhancing their analytical skills and capacity for critical thinking, across disciplines regardless of level. It argues that these skills, required by the Quality Assurance Agency's (QAA) benchmarks, are developed not by instruction but by engaging with the philosophic process that leads to the deep learning. This process of learning is based on a dialectical approach, viewing dialogue with colleagues, primary texts and written assignments, as central to developing an inductive argument and a critical perspective. This article proposes an analytical framework to analyze the extent to which a tutor is facilitating the development of argument. It suggests that while, if required one must provide students with explicit guidelines about this process, nevertheless this practice is problematic because of the inherent tension between explicit teaching and deep learning, which facilitates the acquisition of these analytical skills.  相似文献   
这部短篇名不见经传,架构基本上是线性的,按时间顺序排列,反映的却是极严肃的主题:一切都毫无意义。作品可分三部分:第一段是第一部分;文章最后一段是最后一部分;中间大篇的对话和极少的说明性的文字为正文部分。没有并行的线索和同时发生的几个事件,文章表面看,描述的是人们琐碎的日常生活,但反映的内涵则是作者对人生和世界的思索与感悟。  相似文献   
网络和网络文学是伴随着西方“后现代化”而孕育、萌芽、成长、繁荣起来的,因而不可避免地带有后现代主义的特征,诸如认知上的反理性主义、道德上的犬儒主义和感性上的快乐主义。尽管学术界对网络文学众说纷纭,莫衷一是,但网络文学大量客观存在着。网络文学具有以下特征:创作主体的网民化;创作动机的娱乐化;文本特征的立体化;作者读者的互动化;文本传播的快捷化:文本价值的多元化。网络写手大多年轻化、城市化、小资化,主要为白领阶层和大学生,往往从事网络、金融、法律、编辑、广告、艺术设计等工作,网络技术异常娴熟。网络文学自诞生之日起就带有游戏的味道,不少网络写手就曾坦言,自己的创作就是为了自娱娱人。在创作主题和思想内容上,网络文学回避崇高,消解载道,拒绝代言,推卸责任,追求愉悦。在创作手段上,网络写手广泛运用“拼贴”、“意识流”、“蒙太奇”等艺术表现手法,使网络作品呈现出前所未有的独特魅力和意蕴。网民的点击、评说以及网站的定期TOP排行榜大大激发了网络写手的创作热情,网民的参与不仅仅表现在阅读的选择和评点上,有时更直接地表现在参与创作上,即网民的回帖和评论,也成为网络小说的有机组成部分。文本传播的快捷化表现在作品面世的快捷化、读者反馈的快捷化和文本更新的快捷化。网络文学活动的核心是网民的创作、阅读、评论几乎同时展开,同步进行,共同完成,所以它比以往任何传媒对文学的推动力、冲击力都大。  相似文献   
为评价芦岭矿Ⅱ1018工作面开采危险性,结合大量钻孔资料、抽水试验成果、底板隔水层裂隙统计和水源识别判别,分析了太灰中1灰~4灰薄层灰岩的赋存特征,评价了工作面底板隔水层阻水能力,识别了Ⅱ1018工作面上位工作面(Ⅱ1016)的出水水源。研究结果表明:1)经Fisher判别分析,Ⅱ1016工作面出水水源为灰岩水;2)1灰到4灰各单层灰岩逐渐增厚,富水性增加,但灰岩作为一整体含水层时,其富水性有随深度弱化趋势;3)10煤底到1灰隔水层厚度稳定,裂隙发育较弱,富水性差,具备有效隔水岩层的基本条件。  相似文献   
无论是科学主订还是人本主义的现代西方哲学和后现代西方哲学,他们之所以高举反形而上学的大旗,其理论原因在于他们都没有异清形而上学的深层本质和深层关怀,因而割断了古代西方哲学和现代西方哲学的历史联系,其实,在玳西方哲学中已经孕育着现代西方哲学的精神,无论是亚里士多德,康德还是黑格尔等哲学巨人的思辨的形而上学体系中已经包含着一种现代哲学的人文主义精神,不过这种精神由于历史的原因,它们都被种种思辨的浓雾遮蔽着。  相似文献   
论公平理论对教师激励的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在影响教师工作积极性的诸多因素中,公平感是极为重要的因素.美国行为科学家亚当斯的公平理论能帮助学校管理者科学地分析教师的公平感,有效地实施公平激励,以提升教师的公平感.  相似文献   
语言与思维是紧密相关的,教师在英语教学中将提问作为教学手段,从提问中激活学生的已有认知,关注学生思维品质的提升,可以促进学生的深度学习。在语篇教学中,教师要善于聚焦问题,激活主题,在阅读前生成问题,衔接新旧认知经验;在阅读中提出问题,促进学生深度学习;在阅读后追问,拓展学生英语阅读视野。  相似文献   
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