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王韬一生勤于笔耕,著述颇丰,且其日记之勤、情感之真,为近代知识分子所鲜有。其现存日记,尤其是沪上日记,对包括其本人在内的众多洋场文人在上海开埠之初的日常生活和思想状态进行了真实记录,展现了他们的心路历程、生活方式和西方现代科技在中国的早期传播等重要情况。王韬日记极具文学与史学价值,为后学提供了了解晚清知识分子的心理、生活和工作状态的宝贵资料。  相似文献   
乳业具有产业链条长、产业关联度大等产业特点.论文分析我国乳业发展的基本状况,认为我国乳业与国外发达国家的技术差距主要体现在养殖环节上,产业政策对解决乳业技术追赶起着重要的作用.分析讨论我国乳业的产业规划、法律法规、科技计划、产业标准等对乳业发展的作用和影响,并围绕我国乳业技术追赶提出了具体的政策建议.  相似文献   
In the present study, we tested intra-individual feedback loops between competence beliefs, value beliefs, and goal achievement (virtuous circles), and intra-individual feedback loops between goal failure and procrastination (vicious circle). We analyzed data from five independent intensive longitudinal studies with university students (N = 841, k = 23,448 observations). Pre-registered hypotheses were tested across the five studies and aggregated using meta-analytic methods. Results provided support for virtuous circles in self-regulated learning: Students who reported higher competence and value beliefs in one study session reported higher goal achievement, and higher goal achievement predicted higher competence and value beliefs in the subsequent study session. Results provided only partial support for a vicious circle: Procrastination was associated with lower goal achievement but goal achievement did not predict subsequent procrastination. The results have theoretical implications for models of self-regulated learning and methodological implications for the design of experience sampling studies.  相似文献   
The article is a reflection on the use of an oral diary as a qualitative research tool, the role that it played during fieldwork and the methodological issues that emerged. It draws on a small-scale empirical study into primary school teachers' use of group discussion, during which oral diaries were used to explore and document teacher reflective thinking across time. The paper considers the design of the oral diary tool in this context and how its use created both a window on the developing construction of teachers' ideas about their practice of using group discussion in science and also a space to explore emerging analytical themes. The way in which the regular routine of the oral diary entries helped to make connections between the researcher and the participant and nurture fieldwork relationships is discussed in addition to the limitations of this specific research tool.  相似文献   
周作人在创作《知堂回想录》时,大量引用其日记,据统计凡120则。他对日记在何时引用、引用数量、引用内容以及对原内容的修改等都并非随意为之,而是有其特别的考量,这是颇耐人寻味的。周作人对其人生不同阶段所作日记的引用数量相差悬殊,对绍兴童年时期日记大量引用,是晚年的知堂老人对童年的温馨追忆以及时过境迁而记忆有所不逮,故而借助早年日记以求准确;“五四”前后也多有引用,颇有“忆往昔峥嵘岁月稠”之感;绍兴“卧治”时期百无聊赖,故而无所引用;苦雨斋时期是周作人身心苦闷彷徨的时期,故而引用不多;至于“落水”生涯,因触及周作人内心深处的隐痛而讳莫如深。对引用日记内容的选取,多是关于人事交游、饮馔起居、出游行止、读书写作等方面的内容,展现了周作人的趣味和思想,同时也蕴含了其日后文学与人生选择的若干线索。此外,对引用日记内容的某些删改,或因爱憎,或因敏感,或因避嫌,也展现了其不为人知的隐秘的内心一角,值得耐心咀嚼品味。  相似文献   
这篇文章以学生的日记为研究材料来说明第二语言学生作者已有的元认知意识。从分析中得知,大多数学生清楚地意识到写作有三个方面的因素,即自己的角色,写作的要求和过程以及写作策略。同时,也讨论了本次研究对写作教学和学习写作的启示。  相似文献   
当前随着基础教育课程改革的全面推进,教育科研的作用愈来愈得到人们的重视,许多学校纷纷提出“科研兴校”、“科研强师”的口号,教师科研出现了前所未有的、令人欣喜的景象。本就教师科研的指导思想、选题范围、研究方法及应注意的问题谈谈自己的陋见。  相似文献   
数学日记是一种全新的学习方式和新型的师生交流方式,它是新课改的一个亮点,它是师生反思成长的镜子,是师生情感交流的纽带,是数学与生活联系的桥梁与发展性评价的支点。正被广大教师应用于实践中。  相似文献   
作为教学对话的"教学日记",在教师职业生涯的发展历程中,起着十分重要的作用。它不仅是一种教学的对话形式,教学现象的剖析工具,教学思考的真实记录,而且是教师所担当的一种教育责任,是形成教学思想,优化教学方法,培育教学精神的锐利武器。为此必须从教学战略的高度来认识教学日记的重要功能,从制度层面上建构教学日记的结构体系,养成记日记、用日记、析日记的习惯,使教学日记成为展现、记录、完善教学生命历程的重要工具。  相似文献   
影响英语写作质量的因素包括学生的语言知识积累程度和英语写作思维能力,其中,英语写作思维起决定性作用。本研究通过分析学生作文中的元语篇特征和读者意识,得出反思性日志有利于提高学生英语写作思维能力和作文质量的观点。  相似文献   
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