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本文运用文献资料、专家访谈、问卷调查等方法,结合具体事例,对当今"终身体育"观念存在的不同观点与运动方式进行了重新审视,研究认为:"终身体育"运动方式具有显著的多样性、互补性、差异性和目标一致性特征,同时构建出"终身体育"的基本结构模式,对当前全民健身运动中"终身体育"的开展具有一定的借鉴与指导意义。  相似文献   
Prior research indicates that providing participants with positive augmented feedback tends to enhance motor learning and performance, whereas the opposite occurs with negative feedback. However, the majority of studies were conducted with untrained participants performing unfamiliar motor tasks and so it remains unclear if elite athletes completing familiar tasks respond in a similar fashion. Thus, this study investigated the effects of three different versions of false-performance feedback on punching force (N), pacing (force over time) and ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) in 15 elite amateur male boxers. Athletes completed a simulated boxing bout consisting of three rounds with 84 maximal effort punches delivered to a punching integrator on four separate days. Day one was a familiarisation session in which no feedback was provided. In the following three days athletes randomly received false-positive, false-negative and false-neutral feedback on their punching performance between each round. No statistical or meaningful differences were observed in punching forces, pacing or RPE between conditions (> 0.05; ≤ 2%). These null results could stem from the elite status of the athletes involved, the focus on performance rather than learning, or they may indicate that false feedback has a less potent effect on performance than previously thought.  相似文献   
This investigation assessed the effect of dietary nitrate (NO3?) supplementation, in the form of beetroot juice (BR), on repeat-sprint performance in normoxia and normobaric hypoxia. 12 male team-sport athletes (age 22.3 ± 2.6 y, VO2peak 53.1 ± 8.7 mL.kg?1.min?1) completed three exercise trials involving a 10 min submaximal warm-up and 4 sets of cycling repeat-sprint efforts (RSE; 9 × 4 s) at sea level (CON), or at 3000 m simulated altitude following acute supplementation (140 mL) with BR (HYPBR; 13 mmol NO3?) or NO3depleted BR placebo (HYPPLA). Peak (PPO) and mean (MPO) power output, plus work decrement were recorded during the RSE task, while oxygen consumption (VO2) was measured during the warm-up. There were no significant differences observed between HYPBR and HYPPLA for PPO or MPO; however, work decrement was reduced in the first RSE set in HYPBR compared with HYPPLA. There was a moderate effect for VO2 to be lower following BR at the end of the 10 min warm-up (ES = 0.50 ± 0.51). Dietary NO3? may not improve repeat-sprint performance in hypoxia but may reduce VO2 during submaximal exercise. Therefore, BR supplementation may be more effective for performance improvement during predominantly aerobic exercise.  相似文献   
Increased activity of multiple stakeholders (e.g. agents and owners) have created new challenges for some coaches working in professional sports clubs. The purpose of this project was to draw attention to the normative or accepted practices inherent in sport work, some of the day-to-day realities of some coaches working in this context, and to understand how coaches’ perceptions of other stakeholders come to bear on their individual circumstances, career expectations/objectives and professional agency. Data were generated from semi-structured interviews with seven professional basketball coaches who worked in top-level European clubs. The analysis reveals the coach’s relationships between some owners and agents differed with respect to exercising professional agency, and, coach’s decisions and actions were tied to their professional ideals as well as understandings of what they need to undertake their work effectively and negotiation and/or adjustment strategies. Occasionally coach’s work practices could be viewed as antithetical to employment security, however, the presence of insecurity was at times embraced and used strategically to affect workers’ career decisions. Amid contemporary regional geo-political shifts, this work aids examinations of global sport settings, structures and issues that may contour sporting professionals’ lives.  相似文献   
《Sport Management Review》2019,22(5):667-681
In this article, the authors examine interorganisational conflict between provincial and national sport organisations in China. The authors theoretically ground the research in work related to interorganisational relationships and interorganisational conflict. The three case studies are artistic gymnastics, swimming, and cycling, and the authors conducted interviews with 11 staff from the relevant national-level sport organisations. Secondary data was sourced from official publications, websites, and influential domestic media. The key finding is that, whilst famed for its top-down bureaucratic system, there is considerable interorganisational conflict within the Chinese sport system. The extent and characteristics of the national-provincial conflict vary between sports. But there is also some consistency regarding the causes of the conflict and the measures adopted to mitigate the tension. Interorganisational conflict provides a useful heuristic for articulating and understanding the interorganisational relationships within the Chinese elite sport system and hence advances elite sport management research.  相似文献   
Given sport has been largely absent from U.S. public health policies and discourse, the author suggests ways that sport can be better managed to promote health. Using a critical perspective and grounded theory approach, the author examined the experiences of 14 men in the grassroots recreational program, F3. Data were collected through observation and semi-structured interviews. Based on the results, a conceptual model that suggests how sport should be managed to address illnesses related to physical inactivity is put forth. The resulting Sport as Medicine model indicates that Creating a Team Structure, Providing a Place to Be Accountable, and Ensuring No One is Left Out, led to meaningful Health Outcomes, including Physical Health, Mental Toughness, and Social Connections. As the distinctiveness of sport continues to emerge, the author provides a framework to consider how sport can be part of public health efforts to address physical inactivity. Thus, this work positions sport as medicine by pinpointing how sport can be managed so that holistic health outcomes are more likely achieved.  相似文献   
In this study, we investigated what drives players to endorse an aggressive style in Swiss ice hockey and football. We selected a sample of 16 players on the basis of their penalty statistics. We used semi-directed retrospective interviews to collect players’; biographic narratives. The results show a socialization process into an aggressive style, supported by the dominant gender and socialization norms of the sport, which is under the influence of the structure of the sports organization. However, there are large differences between players, with only some of them adopting an aggressive style. Although many studies have underlined the influence of moral disengagement, the present results suggest that time also matters and that the diversity of career paths may explain the diversity in attitudes. Socialization differences in the sports field, bodily capital, a career path marked by thwarted reputation are the key factors that drive players to adopt an aggressive style.  相似文献   
为备战2010年温哥华冬奥会,加拿大联邦政府设计了“登上领奖台”战略,委托OTP组织负责财政援助的划拨和绩效管理。OTP组织采用“决策层—执行层”的双层治理架构,以“奖牌至上”为原则,创建了由“项目文化”“以往成绩”“夺牌潜力”“领先优势的可持续性”4个一级指标的协会分层分类资助制度,邀请国家奥委会和残奥委、国家运动项目协会、体育科研院所等利益相关者组成协同治理网络。通过梳理加拿大治理经验,建议我国当前的备战2022年北京冬奥工作,应重视“一臂之距”理念,明确政府在冬奥备战中的职责;尊重专业自治准则,锻炼社会力量成为竞技体育治理主体;改进绩效管理模式,优化冬奥备战财政资金的申请和使用程序;重视科学创新,促进体育智库组织网络化。  相似文献   
通过SCCS自我和谐量表以及自编问卷,对2391名大学生体育态度对自我和谐影响做U检验和相关研究,实验结果表明:体育态度与自我和谐之间具有高度负相关性(相关系数为0.92).其中,男大学生体育态度得分高于女大学生;艺体类体育态度得分最高,理工次之,文史最差;大一学生体育态度得分最高,大二、大三次之,大四最差;在自我和谐度上,男大学生的自我和谐度优于女大学生;艺体类大学生自我和谐度最好,理工类次之,文史类最差;大一学生自我和谐度最好,大二、大三次之,大四最差.  相似文献   
摘要:现在是一个传统文化发展最为美好的时代。这一点不仅仅存在于文化界,而更为火热的却是在学校教育领域。作为长期存在于学校教育中的武术教育,正是在这一背景下开始被国家行政主管部门的高度重视。在文献资料查阅的基础上,运用历史学研究方法,对学校武术教育发展历程进行分段梳理和特点归纳;并在“思想是变革的先声,理论是实践的指南”指导下,就学校武术当代发展的一些问题在进行了学理上的思考。研究认为:坚持从传统武术拳种出发的学校武术教育内容的实施,才应该是我们的正确选择;下大力气建构起具有独立文化体系的学校武术教育平台抑或是校本课程,才是实现学校武术教育繁荣发展的有效路径;通过武术在学校教育中的务实推进和开展,让更多的学生体认和感知中国传统文化的精神实质,才应该是我们找回学校武术教育在学校教育中主导地位的最强动力;那种只将中国武术看成学校体育教育的部分内容或者一个领域的做法,显然是不明智的。  相似文献   
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