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本课题旨在通过对高校残疾学生参加体育锻炼的现状调查与分析,主要采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、专家访谈法,目的在于掌握高校残疾学生参加体育锻炼的基本情况,结果表明:自身因素是次要因素,经济因素是次要因素,学校因素为主要因素。提出了拓宽残疾学生参加体育锻炼的经费来源,为残疾学生提供专门的锻炼器材;为残疾学生培养专业的体育指导人员;建立残疾学生体育协会等对策。  相似文献   
刘洋  张邦翔 《北京体育大学学报》2015,38(10):109-113+119
摘要:体育教育专业学生对残、健融合环境下进行体育教育的自我效能对于体育教育质量有着重要的影响。研究采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法,对残、健融合环境下体育教育的自我效能进行分析。研究认为我国现行的体育教育专业培养规格中,没有涉及教授随班就读残疾学生体育教学的知识和能力培养的相关内容,或许这是造成了学生自我效能水平偏低的主要的潜在原因,这有悖于当前残疾人教育领域融合、回归的实践。今后,可借鉴国外相关经验,一方面在体育教育专业人才培养规格中应该适当增加残、健融合环境下的体育教学能力培养的内容,另一方面通过政府或社会组织的资质认证培养加强在职教育,从而提高体育专业学生、教师的自我效能水平,满足融合于普通学校的随班就读残疾学生接受体育教育的需要。  相似文献   
Positive Behaviour Intervention and Support (PBIS) is an evidence-based approach that has been proven to be effective in remediating problem behaviours in children. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the family-centred PBIS approach when involving Taiwanese families in the treatment of off-task and non-compliant behaviours of three young children with disabilities. The single-subject design utilised multiple measurements to monitor dependent variables. Data of two targeted behaviours were collected in both centre and classroom settings from baseline to follow-up phases, though to meet the participating families' needs, intervention was primarily implemented in the centre setting. The results revealed that participants exhibited immediate and significant gains (i.e. a decreasing trend in the targeted behaviours) upon implementation of the intervention and that those gains were maintained after the cessation of intervention. Further evidence of efficacy of this intervention was found in the improvement in parents' ratings of acceptance of the PBIS approach and levels of parental stress. The follow-up data implied that PBIS may represent effective practices worthy of consideration for use with children in inclusive classrooms.  相似文献   
The authors of this position paper argue that there is currently very little evidence-based practice in relation to learners with severe learning disabilities (SLD) and profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD), and that which there is, has often been badly used and/or abused. More specifically, we argue that relevant educational research undertaken so far has a strong tendency towards: (i) conflating the need for common strategies to be universally used in teaching, with the ‘need’ for a common curriculum; (ii) quoting research that applies to children with certain types of SEND as though it applies to all children with SEND; (iii) assuming there is a homogeneity of learning disability among people with the same condition (for example Down's syndrome, autism) and (iv) encouraging assumptions that any academic progress, no matter how small the gain, is axiomatically superior in value for all pupils. The authors conclude that there is need for a new look at ‘evidence-based practice’ for these populations.  相似文献   
研究媒体折射出的残疾人身份对于当前我国构建和谐社会和传播正能量都有着重要的意义。文章从系统功能语法角度,考察情态和评价资源等语言项目,试图揭示新闻语篇中残疾人身份的建构。语料来自China Daily中有关残疾人报道,采用定性分析的方法。研究发现媒体折射出的残疾人具有弱势身份、患者身份和自强身份;媒体在构建残疾人身份时,运用的话语策略,不利于残疾人主体身份的构建,媒体有义务采用有利于话语和谐的策略推动和谐社会的建设。  相似文献   
本文从有利于促进社会和谐稳定发展、有利于提升残疾人高校的教育质量、有利于深化残疾人学校的思想政治教育工作三方面,论述了残疾人高校职业生涯规划与就业指导教育的实践意义。  相似文献   
In the last decades, strategy variability and flexibility have become major aims in mathematics education. For children with mathematical learning disabilities (MLD) it is unclear whether the same goals can and should be set. Some researchers and policy makers advise to teach MLD children only one solution strategy, others advocate stimulating the flexible use of various strategies, as for typically developing children. To contribute to this debate, we compared the use of the subtraction by addition strategy to mentally solve two-digit subtractions in children with and without MLD. We used non-verbal research methods to infer strategy use patterns, and found that both groups of children switch between the traditionally taught direct subtraction strategy and subtraction by addition, based on the relative size of the subtrahend. These findings challenge typical special education classroom practices, which only focus on the routine mastery of the direct subtraction strategy.  相似文献   
Social skills of students with special needs play a very important role in their successful integration into inclusive learning environments. The aim of present empirical research was to establish whether students with learning disabilities (LD) attending grades 7–9 of regular primary school in Slovenia experience difficulties in social skills compared to their peers without LD. The following measuring instruments were used: the Questionnaire about Interpersonal Difficulties for Adolescents, the Social Anxiety Scale for Adolescents and the Self-Concept Scale. The basic research findings indicated statistically significant structural differences between the students with LD and their peers. The two groups differ in terms of difficulties in social interaction. Students with LD experience more difficulties. Statistically significant differences between the groups also appeared in tension and inhibition in social contact and social anxiety, as well as in the area of self-concept: students with LD are more anxious and reserved in social contacts.  相似文献   
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