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探讨PPH联合外剥内扎术治疗环状痔的临床疗效。回顾性分析莆田学院附属医院普外科2005年6月至2011年12月对262例环状痔行PPH联合外剥内扎术治疗的临床资料。结果,262例中除1例肛门狭窄、3例术后大出血外,其他病例恢复情况令人满意。结果表明,PPH联合外剥内扎术治疗环状痔具有恢复快、并发症少、术后美观等优点。  相似文献   
With the attendant rise of the number of medical colleges in India over past few decades, the demand for cadavers used in medical education and research is growing. However, there is an insufficient supply of donated cadavers available for dissection. This study was undertaken to assess the general population's awareness of body donation programs and willingness to donate in the State of Maharashtra, India. The willingness of participants to donate was compared with age, gender, and education of the respondents. A total of 625 adult individuals from the State of Maharashtra participated in a survey composed of questions about age, sex, education, awareness of body donation programs, and willingness to donate. It was found that 90.9% of the medical colleges surveyed reported an inadequate supply of cadavers. Of the general population, 32.1% of respondents were aware of body donation, compared to 95.83% of health care professionals. However, only 19.5% of the general population and 44.9% of health care professionals were willing to donate their bodies for anatomical education. Younger age groups, males, graduates, and postgraduates were found more willing to donate their bodies. Organ donation was preferred over body donation. A lack of awareness about body donation was the main factor responsible for respondents' "no body donation" response in the general population, along with firm religious beliefs and customs, the fear that the donated body will not be treated with respect and dignity, and the unacceptability of the dissection of one's own body. To overcome the current shortage of donated cadavers, efforts should be undertaken to change the mindset of the wider Indian society toward body donation. The authors believe this is possible through awareness campaigns and that prospective donors' concerns should be addressed appropriately. Proper guidance and assistance regarding body donation should be easily available for potential donors.  相似文献   
The dissecting competition in progress at the Otago School of Medical Sciences, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. In this issue of ASE, Drs. Samalia and Stringer describe a dissecting competition for third year medical students. Working alone, students undertake a detailed dissection during a single weekend day and present an appropriately labeled prosection, together with a 300 word abstract emphasizing the clinical relevance of their work. Dissections are judged on presentation, accuracy of labeling, and relevance to the clinical abstract.  相似文献   
Checklists have been widely used in the aviation industry ever since aircraft operations became more complex than any single pilot could reasonably remember. More recently, checklists have found their way into medicine, where cognitive function can be compromised by stress and fatigue. The use of checklists in medical education has rarely been reported, especially in the basic sciences. We explored whether the use of a checklist in the gross anatomy laboratory would improve learning outcomes, dissection quality, and students' satisfaction in the first-year Human Structure didactic block at Mayo Medical School. During the second half of a seven-week anatomy course, dissection teams were each day given a hardcopy checklist of the structures to be identified during that day's dissection. The first half of the course was considered the control, as students did not receive any checklists to utilize during dissection. The measured outcomes were scored on four practice practical examinations and four dissection quality assessments, two each from the first half (control) and second half of the course. A student satisfaction survey was distributed at the end of the course. Examination and dissection scores were analyzed for correlations between practice practical examination score and checklist use. Our data suggest that a daily hardcopy list of anatomical structures for active use in the gross anatomy laboratory increases practice practical examination scores and dissection quality. Students recommend the use of these checklists in future anatomy courses.  相似文献   
An innovative series of dissections of the canine abdomen was created to facilitate social distancing in the dissection room following COVID-19 restrictions imposed in the UK. In groups of six, first-year veterinary students took turns dissecting selected parts of the canine abdomen while maintaining social distancing and documenting their work with video and photographs. Here, students learned about the canine abdominal anatomy by dissecting, recording the dissections of others in their group, and compiling the recorded material into a collaborative electronic media portfolio (Wiki). An online formative multiple-choice test was created to test students' knowledge of the canine abdominal anatomy. The result analysis showed that although students achieved the learning outcomes only by studying the Wiki, they had better performance in the anatomical areas where they learned through the dissection (p < 0.05). Student performance was very similar in the areas in which they were present in the dissection room and participated in recording the dissection compared with the areas that they effectively dissected (p > 0.05). A qualitative thematic analysis was developed to understand students' opinions via their feedback on this dissection approach. Our results showed that student collaboration and the development of practical skills were the most valued aspects of this dissection teaching initiative. Moreover, these results show that developing a group Wiki has a positive impact on student achievement of learning objectives, with a practical hands-on dissection being fundamental for the optimal learning of the canine abdominal anatomy.  相似文献   
翻译文学这一概念在跨学科范围内引发了一场认识观念的革新,其有机组成部分翻译文学史也受到相应的关注。近年来,有不少翻译文学史方面的著作问世,但其并未跳出传统编撰手法的藩篱。文章通过将译作作为线索式叙述对象,并改变常见的本质上以原作或原作者为中心因而本末倒置的叙事方式,从而提出另一种翻译文学史呈现方式。  相似文献   
The teaching of gross anatomy has, for centuries, relied on the dissection of human cadavers, and this formative experience is known to evoke strong emotional responses. The authors hypothesized that the phenomenon of cadaver naming is a coping mechanism used by medical students and that it correlates with other attitudes about dissection and body donation. The authors developed a 33‐question electronic survey to which 1,156 medical students at 12 medical schools in the United States voluntarily responded (November 2011–March 2012). They also surveyed course directors from each institution regarding their curricula and their observations of students' coping mechanisms. The majority of students (574, 67.8%) named their cadaver. Students most commonly cited the cadaver's age as the reason they chose a particular name for the cadaver. A minority of the students who did not name the cadaver reported finding the practice of naming disrespectful. Almost all students indicated that they would have liked to know more about their donor, particularly his or her medical history. Finally, students who knew the birth name of the donor used it less frequently than predicted. The authors found that the practice of naming cadavers is extremely prevalent among medical students and that inventive naming serves as a beneficial coping mechanism. The authors suggest that developing a method of providing students with more information about their cadaver while protecting the anonymity of the donor and family would be useful. Anat Sci Educ 7: 169–180. © 2013 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   
While debate about the use of—and alternatives to—human cadaveric dissection in medical training is robust, little attention has been paid to questions about timing. This study explores the perspectives of medical students and recent graduates with regard to two key questions: when in the degree program do students prefer dissection opportunities and what are the students getting out of participating in dissection? Self-report survey data from students in preclinical years (n = 105), clinical years (n = 57), and graduates (n = 13) were analyzed. Most (89%) preferred dissection during the preclinical years, with no effect by training year (χ2 = 1.98, p = 0.16), previous anatomy (χ2 = 3.64, p = 0.31), or dissection (χ2 = 3.84, p = 0.26) experience. Three key findings emerged. First, the majority of students prefer to dissect in the preclinical years because they view dissection as important for developing foundation knowledge and delivering an opportunity for consolidation prior to transitioning to primarily clinical studies. In addition, students recognize that it is a time-consuming activity requiring specialized facilities. Second, three main understandings of the purpose of dissection were reported: depth of learning, learning experience, and real-world equivalence. Third, these student perspectives of the purpose of dissection are associated with timing preferences for dissection opportunities. The results identify the preclinical phase as the optimal time to strategically integrate dissection into medical training in order to maximize the benefits of this unique learning opportunity for students and minimize its impact upon curricular time.  相似文献   
Anatomy is recognized to play a central role in the education and training of clinicians, healthcare professionals, and scientists. However, in recent years, the perceived decline in popularity of anatomy has led to a deficiency in the numbers of new anatomy educators. The tide is now turning with anatomy once again taking its rightful place in a wide of variety of disciplines, and therefore it is imperative that a new generation of anatomists is in place to meet this need. In response, the Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland has made the training of the next set of anatomists, one of its strategic priorities, and in collaboration with the American Association of Anatomists has developed a dedicated Training Program. The overall aim of the Program is to provide trainees with the necessary knowledge, understanding, aptitudes, and attitudes in appropriate detail, sufficient to enable them to teach and examine Anatomy with full competence at the undergraduate and postgraduate level. The Program offers opportunities to consolidate knowledge and deepen understanding of anatomy, improve skills in teaching and communication with students, and be competent in preparing teaching materials and assessment modalities. The Program uses a distance‐learning approach with an incorporated Residential School and is particularly aimed at those undertaking a career in the biosciences. Early indications suggest that initiatives such as the development of this Training Program will help deliver the next generation of anatomists and ensure that anatomy continues to play a fundamental role in the education of clinicians, healthcare professionals, and scientists. Anat Sci Ed 2:119‐125, 2009 © 2009 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   
The efficacy of clay modeling compared with cat dissection for human muscle identification was examined over two semesters at LaGuardia Community College in Queens, NY. The 181 students in 10 sections in this study were randomly distributed into control (cat dissection) and experimental (clay modeling) groups, and the results of the muscle practical examination were analyzed. The clay‐modeling group was significantly better at identifying human muscles on human models than the cat‐dissection group, and was as good at identifying muscles on their self‐made clay mannequins as the cat‐dissection group was at identifying cat muscle on their specimens. This study demonstrated that clay modeling is more effective than cat dissection for learning human muscles at the community college level. Anat Sci Ed 2:19–23, 2009. © 2009 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   
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