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人才流失的实质是知识流失。从知识持续管理角度来看待人才流失危机管理问题,介绍了知识持续管理的相关概念和基本假设,分析了其竞争优势,初步探讨了知识持续管理体系的开发与管理策略,为企业人才流失危机管理提供了参考依据。  相似文献   
青年农民是推动我国农业生产发展的生力军。近年来 ,由于农民负担过重、农业经营体制改革不彻底以及地区间经济发展的不平衡 ,导致大量的青年农民由农村流向城市 ,给我国经济带来了一系列负面影响 ,不利于我国农业产业现代化的要求 ,造成土地资源浪费严重 ,也在很大程度上影响着社会稳定。  相似文献   

In the past few decades, the internationalisation of higher education has become an increasingly popular trend across different parts of the globe. The fierce global competition and the aggravating unemployment rate, coupled with low teaching and research quality revealed by universities in mainland China, have inevitably compelled a growing number of Chinese students, in particular the financially-able ones, to pursue higher education overseas or to enrol in transnational higher education offered in mainland China. Realising the severe problem of ‘brain drain’ and having a strong conviction to transform its higher education system to become more international for enhancing the global competitiveness of its higher education system, the Chinese government has made different attempts to enhance higher education quality by learning and incorporating new ideas and practices from overseas institutions, particularly encouraging the development of transnational higher education to change the higher education landscape. With particular reference to examining the way these students evaluate their future prospects in choosing different alternatives for further studies in higher education, this study sets out against the context briefly outlined above to critically analyse the motivation of students who choose to study abroad or enrol in Sino-foreign cooperation universities. This study also discusses the extent to which the internationalisation of higher education would affect the situations of ‘brain drain’ and graduate employment in China.  相似文献   
The mobility of scientists and the concerns surrounding ‘brain drain’ are not new. Even in the Ptolemic dynasty, the first king set out to attract and influence the movements of scholars to shift the centre of learning from Athens to Alexandria. Yet after all this time, there is still much policy discourse and debate focused on attempting to define, redefine and solve this ancient problem. I argue that the continuing circularity of the debate supports the proposition that the policy issue of brain drain would value from being reconceptualised as a ‘wicked problem’, in order to move policy forward. Drawing upon a historical documentary analysis of the issue from 1990 to 2007 and interviews with current policy‐makers, I propose that reconceptualising this issue will enable actors to collectively and explicitly recognise the fundamental and conflicting perspectives inherent in this social problem that cannot be resolved. This reconceptualisation provides a platform from which policy‐makers can pursue a range of policy responses, attentive to the different perspectives on this issue, rather than spend more time and resources in futilely attempting to achieve a single definitive position and policy response.  相似文献   
IntroductionTherainstormintensityformulaisanimportantandfundamentalformulainmodernmunicipaldrainagedesign,asthebasisincalculatingrainstormgroundrunoffandengineeringtheflowvolumeofaproject.Itdirectlyinfluencestheinvestmentbudgetandthereliabilityofamunicipaldrainagesystemtobebuilt.AccordingtoSpecificationsofDrainageDesignOutdoor(GBJ14-87)[1],thedesignflowvolumeofarainwaterpipesystemshouldbecalculatedbythelocalrainstormintensityformula.Thereliabilityofadrainagesystemhasdirectrelationtotherains…  相似文献   
The emigration of highly-qualified academics (‘brain drain’) is considered an essential factor in the decline of the human capital of post-Soviet Russia. However, statistics show that the scale of this phenomenon since 2000 was minor. The Russian scientists who went abroad for permanent residence or for a contract job abroad represented no more than 2% of Russian scientists with Candidate or Doctor of Science degrees. Yet, at the same time, the relatively new concept of ‘brain circulation’ gains more popularity. The departure of Russian scientists abroad is not only a threat to the development of domestic science but, paradoxically, also the chance to give additional stimulus to its development.  相似文献   
随着酒店业的迅猛发展,酒店间的竞争加剧,而酒店间的人才竞争更是趋于白热化,酒店业人员的高流动率问题凸显,人才的高流失率困扰着酒店管理者,特别是低星级酒店,由于其经济实力等方面的劣势,人才的流失更严重,挽留人才的难度更大,本文分析了我国低星级酒店员工流失率高的原因,并进一步提出了一些防止人才流失的对策。  相似文献   
詹国辉  李泽恺 《科研管理》2018,39(6):96-102
智力资本已成为技术创新竞争力的核心载体。文章基于技术创新的投入与产出的基础模型,厘清了智力资本的国际化外流对技术创新的影响机制。实证发现,智力资本外流会对“本体国”的技术创新产生显著性正向影响,且比汇款效应,教育激励效应和网络效应更显著。进一步地以“门限特征”进行检验,研究表明了经济发展水平和研发投入水平与智力外流技术创新效应呈U型关系,人力资本水平和技术差距与智力外流技术创新效应呈倒U型关系。为此,通过相应的路径和制度安排来推动智力资本外流效应的有效性发挥,力图达成发展中国家的技术革新与发展进步。  相似文献   
高校国有资产是国有资产的一个重要组成部份,加强高校国有资产管理已成为当前高校一项重要而紧迫的任务.文章在分析高校国有资产管理普遍存在的问题,提出了在高校建立健全国有资产管理机构,建立国有资产分类管理制度,建立国有资产使用内部价格制度等对策.  相似文献   
随着经济体制改革的进一步深化及外国资本和跨国公司大量涌入中国市场,石油石化企业受到了强烈的冲击,人才流失日趋加剧,人才"流"与"留"的矛盾日益突出。正确认识人才流失对企业造成的影响,制定留住石油石化企业人才的对策,辨证的认识与处理人才流动与人才留用之间的关系,制定适应市场经济体制的人才管理机制,从而推动企业快速、健康、和谐、有效的可持续发展。  相似文献   
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