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肽聚糖是构成细菌细胞壁基本骨架的主要成分,结构具有多样性的特点.青霉素等药物能抑制肽聚糖的生物合成.细菌肽聚糖分子中肽尾第三位氨基酸的种类、肽桥的结构以及邻近肽尾交联的位置,常被用作现代微生物分类鉴定中的重要依据,肽聚糖是免疫系统的免疫增强剂,能用于疾病的诊治研究.把肽聚糖用于水产养殖等方面有利于解决生物抗药性问题及食品的药物残留问题.  相似文献   
宋丽外交关系由于受到北方少数民族政权的影响,时断时续,并很快断绝。但是,在两国官方交往断绝的情况下,不仅其民间贸易仍得以继续,而且双方政府之间仍有牒文往来,互通信息,这其中宋商起了主导作用。宋商在宋丽交往中的活跃,与当时特殊的国际关系、双方政府重视贸易活动、造船术和指南针等航海技术的发达以及商人在社会阶层中身份的上升不无关系,是当时多种因素合力的结果。宋商这一特殊群体成为宋丽关系史上不可或缺的独特风景。  相似文献   
目的:了解高职学生患者常见致病菌的种类及耐药情况,为临床抗感染治疗提供参考依据。方法:对来自高职学生患者的68株致病菌进行菌种鉴定和药敏试验,并对结果进行统计分析。结果:高职学生患者致病菌种的前三位分别是金黄色葡萄球菌(36.76%)、铜缘假单胞菌(17.65%)、大肠埃希氏菌(16.18%);药敏试验结果显示,金黄色葡萄球菌对万古霉素、利奈唑胺和达福普汀的敏感率较高保持为100%,但对青霉素G的耐药率很高,达到97.5%,铜绿假单胞菌对各类抗生素的耐药性均较强。结论:金黄色葡萄球菌对多种抗生素耐药率提高,临床上应重视药敏试验,根据药敏试验结果合理选用抗菌药。  相似文献   
20世纪550年代针对中日官方外交难以启动的情况,中国政府基于两国人民之间的传统友谊,从民间外交入手实现了中日关系的正常化。对于这段历史过去多从中国的角度研究,然而不容忽视的是日本民间力量对两国邦交正常化同样起到了积极的促进作用。对该问题作进一步探析,以期再次唤起人们对民间交流的关注,进一步拓宽两国民间团体和个人的交流与合作。  相似文献   
高效液相色谱因为其独特的优势,在药物分析上有着巨大的作用。文章综述了近年来国内外学者对于高效液相色谱在生化药物分析中的应用进展,简述了一些新的方法和新的应用。  相似文献   
现实主义外交将国家利益置于核心地位,中国建国初期的外交就是现实主义外交。"另起炉灶"、"打扫干净屋子再请客"、"一边倒"和抗美援朝等外交实践表明,中国外交的战略选择是倒向社会主义阵营。这一战略选择有效地维护了中国国家安全,促进了经济社会发展,实质上也维护了东亚乃至世界的和平。  相似文献   
长期以来,美国对外的文化和教育交流活动一直是由民间组织和个人发起并实施的,1938年国务院建立文化关系司,是美国政府致力于"文化外交"的开端。美国试图通过与其他国家及其人民之间观念、信息、艺术和文化的其他要素的交流来促进相互理解。1941年末太平洋战争爆发以后,为了扶植中国以抵抗日本的攻势,减轻对美国本土的威胁,从而赢得太平洋战争的胜利,美国国务院开始筹划实施专门针对中国的文化教育交流与合作项目。  相似文献   
Objective:To evaluate the differences in presentation (formatting) of adverse drug reaction (ADR) information within drug monographs in commonly used drug information (DI) mobile device applications.Methods:A cross-sectional analysis of ADR formatting of twenty commonly prescribed oral medications within seven DI mobile applications was performed. Databases were assessed for ADR information, including presence of placebo comparisons, severity of ADR, onset of ADR, formatting of ADRs in percentile (quantitative) format or qualitative format, whether references were used to cite information, and whether ADRs are grouped by organ system. Data was collected by two study investigators and discrepancies were resolved via consensus.Results:The seven DI mobile applications varied significantly on every analyzed ADR variable with the exception of ADR onset, which was absent in all databases. Significant differences were found for variables known to impact clinical judgment such as placebo comparisons and qualitative versus quantitative formatting. Placebo comparisons were most common among monographs in Lexicomp (30%) but were absent among monographs within other applications. Quantitative information was commonly used in most databases but was absent in Epocrates. Qualitative formatting was present in all Epocrates and Micromedex applications but absent in the majority of other applications. Substantial variations were also found in severity and grouping information.Conclusion:Substantial variation in ADR formatting exists among the most common DI mobile applications. These differences may translate into alternative interpretations of medical information and thus impact clinical judgment. Health care librarians and clinicians should consider ADR formatting when choosing between DI applications.  相似文献   
2018年朝鲜成功开展一次体育外交行动参加韩国平昌冬奥会,向韩国政府表达出善意的政策倾向,朝鲜半岛的紧张局势也因此得到缓解,体育外交的政治收益又一次得到验证。以新时期体育外交为研究对象,采用文献资料法、逻辑分析法研究新时期开展体育外交活动的政治诉求,如何推动中国的外交事务和体育行业的发展。研究认为:体育外交能够以相抵柔和的方式表达政治意见或者政治态度;中国优秀传统文化、中国传统体育项目需要传承和发扬光大,需要适合根据国际文化变化做出调整,更需要加强对外交流;国家领导人或者体育明星在体育外交中塑造国家形象的功能不容小觑;积极培养能够在国际体育组织任职的人员、积极参与国际体育事物能够缓解中国在体育界话语权薄弱的问题。  相似文献   
While dance was a common element of international diplomacy activities around the world during the 1950s and early 1960s, scholars have only recently begun to focus attention on this topic, especially as it concerns relationships forged beyond those of the Cold War superpowers. Using previously unexamined historical materials such as rare photographs and performance programs, dancer biographies, autobiographies and personal interviews, unpublished institutional histories, and contemporary periodicals, this article demonstrates not only that dance was an integral part of China’s inter-Asian cultural exchange between 1953 and 1962, but also that the PRC developed a distinct approach to dance diplomacy. Through a series of exchanges with India, Indonesia and Burma, China’s foreign ministers and dancers developed and refined a method of dance diplomacy in which the primary goal was to learn from, rather than export to, these neighboring countries. This approach harnessed the affective power of embodied aesthetic culture to literally “perform” Bandung ideals, namely, cooperation and mutual respect among Asian nations and an anti-imperialist cultural stance. Through the establishment in 1962 of the Oriental Song and Dance Ensemble, the PRC institutionalized this model of dance diplomacy, expanding it to include the entire Third World. Bandung-era dance diplomacy initiatives of the 1950s and early 1960s not only supported important new international alliances and political movements, but also asserted China’s self-identity as part of the East in the way that challenged Eurocentric ideals previously entrenched in China’s domestic dance field.  相似文献   
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