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二十世纪二三十年代,晏阳初在河北定县开展了一项轰轰烈烈的平民教育运动,前后历时十年。儒家的民本主义教育思想一直是晏先生从事平教工作的强大精神支柱,但先生在他的实践活动中并没有将其精华与糟粕全盘接收,而是通过理性思考对儒家教育思想有扬有弃。本文以"弃"为立足点,就先生对儒家教育思想的批判继承,从教育内容、教育目标、教育方法三方面加以阐述,并对当前的农村教育做出几点思考。  相似文献   
伊犁事件是张之洞参议外交事务的肇始。张之洞在伊犁事件中的言行反映出其早期外交思想蕴含着浓厚的儒家道德观念和近代外交意识的双重内容。这种集传统与现代于一体的外交思想不仅是西潮冲击下传统中外观念的嬗变,也是近代中外格局的大变动在外交领域的缩影。  相似文献   
Resolving conflicting linguistic traditions and struggling with new identities are significant challenges for immigrants to the United States. This case study introduces an immigrant mother from Mexico who renamed her youngest son on his first day of first grade to avoid the widespread stereotypes and academic stagnation experienced by her two older sons. Such (re)naming practices constitute and represent the very precarious social and institutional relationships taking place in schools involving immigrant children. In this case study, there was indication of negative aspects of assimilation processes taking place as the family adapted to a new culture and language. For example, the misconception is still widespread that efforts to learn two languages rather than just one diminish a child’s ability to learn other things, which should be learned. However, research in language acquisition and development, points to bilingualism and multilingualism as resources rather than deficits (Souto-Manning, 2006).  相似文献   
城堡, 是欧洲典型的建筑之一, 每个城堡都有一个美丽的传说或是一段历史。从本期开始, 我们将推出“城堡之旅”, 带各位读者去浏览、观赏欧洲各地的城堡, 开始一段文化与历史的旅途!  相似文献   
今年正值武汉抗战71周年,武汉抗战对于抗日战争的胜利有着非常重要的意义。尤其是武汉在抗战初期对日军南京大屠杀纂行的大量有力的早期揭露.不仅推动了抗战胜利的到来,而且对其后的历史都产生了重要影响。  相似文献   
张楠 《培训与研究》2009,26(6):61-63
第二次鸦片战争后,汉口开埠,传教士进入武汉传教,并且兴办了一大批教会中小学校。教会中小学客观上将近代办学模式和理念引入内地,在特色办学上也颇有成效。它的出现对武汉教育及社会的现代化产生了一定的催化作用。  相似文献   
二十世纪初期,中国出现了赴国外学习的三大热潮:一是与"庚子赔款"相联系的留美运动热潮;二是留法勤工俭学运动热潮;三是早期留苏热潮.这三大热潮使中国在自然科学领域、社会科学领域、革命干部领域产生了一大批的精英人才,从而推动了社会的发展.从思想文化史的角度来看,中华民族一改明代中叶以来被动吸取国外文化的姿态,积极派遣自己的莘莘学子赴国外学习,主动吸取国外文化的精华,为尽快摆脱经济文化的落后状态,缩小与西方国家的差距做出了积极的贡献,对中国社会产生了重大影响.  相似文献   
儒家文化作为中国传统文化的主流价值系统,不仅在历史上产生过重大影响,而且对今天的社会生活也依然具有一定的启示意义。文章立足于图书馆管理这一特定角度,从儒家的人本思想与图书馆的管理理念、儒家的义利之道与图书馆的管理取向、儒家的贵和思想与图书馆的管理艺术、儒家的权变智慧与图书馆的管理机制等四个方面着眼,论述了儒家文化对当今图书馆管理工作的启示意义,并强调图书馆管理者接受儒家等优秀传统文化的启迪以管理好图书馆这一精神殿堂,正是遵循精神遗产管理之内在规律的体现。  相似文献   
In this article, author Bill Ptacek says that the future is now, and, at least from the 1970s through today, in the field of early childhood work, the future has come so fast that it is constantly upon us. That reality means that those concerned about young children in libraries have been about adaptation on a continuing basis. In this world of rapid change, innovation is constant: City firefighters come to the libraries in uniform to read stories to children, library outreach specialists take programs to daycare centers in their communities, and staff members create a space in a library devoted to early childhood reading. This tradition of rapid change means that the early childhood staff of most large public libraries in North America is changing for the future on a regular basis. The work unit should be considered seriously as one model for 21st century public library reform.  相似文献   
在高职院校中,因为各种原因导致学生违纪现象普遍存在,学生的违纪行为给正常的教学工作和学生日常管理工作都带来了不良影响。文章在对高职学生违纪教育与管理现状分析的基础上,积极从违纪预警机制、违纪学生处理、违纪学生跟踪教育管理等方面探索高职学生违纪教育管理体系的构建。  相似文献   
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