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本文以张谷若对《还乡》的翻译为个案,运用操纵学派重要代表人物勒菲弗尔的重写理论,试从历史和文化的角度探索译者在特定社会历史文化大背景下的译材选择和翻译策略选择,说明译者在翻译活动中的被动性和主动性,提出应该充分肯定译者在翻译中的主体性。  相似文献   
对我国证券投资者投资行为的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
薛耀文 《中国软科学》2002,(2):36-38,105
本文认为,中国A股市场中的各个角色,为股价操纵提供了主观上的可能性;股市周围环境和条件为股价操纵提供了客观上的可能性;而投资机构在资金、技术、人才、信息等方面的优势,以及收益与成本和风险的极不对称性使操纵股价成为可能和必然。股票市场要清除操纵行为不但要靠自身市场的完善,更要看我国市场经济体制改革的进程。  相似文献   
本文从对称性入手,阐述了物理操作的对称性的实质即为守恒律,并从系统的机械能对坐标的平移、旋转及时间平移的对称性出发。推导出动量、角动量及机械能守恒律。同时进一步阐述了“对称性破缺”所包含的深远意义。  相似文献   
随着计算机软件技术的飞速发展,遥感数据处理软件越来越受到人们的关注,遥感影像数据处理的好坏直接影响到信息提取的效果。以广东省从化市Landset7 ETM 遥感影像为研究对象,借助ENVI软件着重阐述了图像处理的一些理论与具体的操作方法,并对图像分类的流程做了详细的探讨。  相似文献   
结合勒菲弗尔的赞助系统、诗学以及意识形态的理论,对赵苏苏译《查泰莱夫人的情人》进行个案分析,具体阐释译语文化语境对文学翻译的影响,揭示了依然有以历史的观点评价译者及其译作的必要性。  相似文献   
综观上个世纪至今的毛滂研究。一般认为他创立了别具一格的词风,而对这种词风所具有的特点、内涵多语焉不详。毛滂词豁达潇洒的情怀,超凡脱俗的气度等都酷肖苏轼词的风貌,体现着苏词的革新精神。当然,毛词与苏词也明显有所不同,他的多数词作表现出来的那种超绝尘网、追求个性自由的品性不应该轻易否定。  相似文献   
形成于西汉中叶的督邮监县制,当上承秦及汉初的"都吏循行"。督邮按部刺举,上至王侯、令长,下至乡亭有秩、豪强,无所不纠,而以监县长吏为要。此举标志着西汉已形成了郡县二级地方监察体制。初,督邮对郡守负责,与刺史无涉。但刺史在地方官化的过程中,逐渐左右了督邮。至东汉,郡县两级纵向垂直监察系统得以打通。两汉政治经济之大环境,督邮与郡守之关系,督邮自身之素质,是影响督邮监察效果的三个基本因素。  相似文献   
With the availability of the whole genome sequence of Escherichia coli or Corynebacterium glutamicum, strategies for directed DNA manipulation have developed rapidly. DNA manipulation plays an important role in understanding the function of genes and in constructing novel engineering bacteria according to requirement. DNA manipulation involves modifying the autologous genes and expressing the heterogenous genes. Two alternative approaches, using electroporation linear DNA or recombinant suicide plasmid, allow a wide variety of DNA manipulation. However, the over-expression of the desired gene is generally executed via plasmid-mediation. The current review summarizes the common strategies used for genetically modifying E. coli and C. glutamicum genomes, and discusses the technical problem of multi-layered DNA manipulation. Strategies for gene over-expression via integrating into genome are proposed. This review is intended to be an accessible introduction to DNA manipulation within the bacterial genome for novices and a source of the latest experimental information for experienced investigators.  相似文献   
In product concept design, not only designers with professional CAD skills, but also final customers take part in the design and evaluation of product shape styling. Because customers usually lack surface modelling background and are not familiar with concrete operations of commercial CAD systems, it is difficult for them to express their change intentions of product shape through professional CAD tools if they are not satisfied with the current shape design. This paper puts forward a method for creating, dragging and manipulating constraint and load represented in form of icon entity in interactive sculpting of product shape in virtual environment. The method supports customers manipulation of sculpting constraints or loads on sculpting shapes in virtual reality interaction to control the deformation of product shape. Constraints management based on icon entity is similar to spline lofting operation that is familiar to engineers, so users do not need to know surface details or have any professional knowledge of surface modelling, by only using their physical and engineering experience, they can manipulate the sculpting of product shape intuitively.  相似文献   
郑珍有丰沛诗才与渊博学识。他的山水诗多写雄奇瑰丽的川、滇、黔山川风光,表现真切,具有鲜明的地方色彩与浓郁的生活气息,既表现大自然的气象、神采、风姿,也传达他的性情品格、理想志趣以及他对宇宙人生的感悟与冥思,更蕴含着他忧时伤世、同情人民疾苦的思想感情。他的山水诗擅长白描,又富于想像与幻想,构思奇巧,章法曲折跌宕,能熔写境与造境、平易与奇奥于一炉。他写故里遵义的诗,兼绘山水与田园,简净空灵,淡中寓浓,情味深长。郑珍是中国古代山水诗的巨擘。  相似文献   
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