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我国现行国家赔偿制度分为行政赔偿和司法赔偿两类。行政赔偿制度存在诸多疏漏,如行政赔偿范围过窄,赔偿标准过低,将精神损害赔偿排除在外,远远达不到弥补受害人损失的目的。因此,应从保障人权角度出发,建立多元化的归责原则体系,扩大赔偿范围,提高赔偿标准,使国家行政赔偿制度发挥应有的功效。  相似文献   
中国期刊出版在引进外刊版权的过程中,出现了一种不良倾向:相当一部分编辑出版从业者面对这份西方文化大餐,往往采取照抄照搬的态度,以为中国的读者也一定会甘之如饴,甚至形成一种版权依赖。21世纪的期刊交流,意义已经不仅仅局限于提供消遣、传播知识那么简单,其中还牵涉到文化竞争、牵涉不同价值体系的碰撞和冲突问题。因此,在学习借鉴外国先进办刊理念、打造民族期刊品牌的过程中,我们一定要有所取舍,坚持本土化定位。  相似文献   
主要提出对配电网中弱环网的潮流计算采用基于补偿法将弱环网转化为放射型网络后,运用前推回代法进行潮流计算,并通过算例进行验证。  相似文献   
本文在国内外文化地理学家提出的“四主题说”,“五主题说”基础上,提出了文化地理学研究的六大主题,并对这些主题做了深入而系统的研究,同时提出文化源地相继占用理论,文化冲突论,文化生态学,文化地理模型,文化感觉区,文化景观学说。  相似文献   
针对应变片工作时易受环境温度影响产生温漂,导致测量的准确度下降,提出了一种基于递归神经网络的应变片温度误差的补偿方法,利用神经网络良好的非线性映射能力,根据实际工作参数训练网络,从而实现应变片温度误差的智能补偿。结果表明:当环境温度从20℃~60℃变化时,应变片的温度漂移可从补偿前的0.23%下降到补偿后的0.02%,能有效地解决温度漂移现象。  相似文献   
房地产拆迁是近年来最敏感的问题之一,拆迁补偿价格是否公平公正关系着被拆迁人的直接经济利益。采用假设开发法评估房地产拆迁补偿价格有利于保护拆迁人和被拆迁人的利益,维护社会稳定。  相似文献   
精神损害赔偿制度虽然在我国起步较晚,但是发展却非常迅速,几乎人人都知晓精神损害或精神损害赔偿,司法实践中的案例也是层出不穷。但在生活口语中,“精神损害”和“精神损害赔偿”往往是同时表达同一个意思,即要么是表示受到了精神损害,要么是表示需要适用精神损害赔偿制度;我们不必对大众在法律术语的使用上做过高要求,但在理论研究上剐’有必要对这两个概念进行明确的区分,以避免理论上的混乱和立法上的瑕疵。  相似文献   
产品开拓海外市场遇到的第一步就是商标翻译,其翻译质量的优劣尤为重要,甚至影响到该产品在海外市场的命运。商标是企业区分产品的专用标记;作为一种特殊的商品广告语言,它通常极具原语民族的文化特色,这就使得音译商标会导致其原语文化的丧失,关键是要在译语里寻求某种程度的文化补偿。  相似文献   
Components of Conceptual Ecologies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The theory of conceptual change is criticized because it focuses only on supposed underlying logical structures and rational process processes, and lacks attention to affective aspects as well as motivational constructs in students’ learning science. This is a vast underestimation of the complexity and diversity of one’s change of conceptions. The notion of conceptual ecology provides a context for understanding individuals’ conceptual change learning, as it is the environment through which all information is interpreted. This research investigated how high school students’ statements, made in answering questions, reflect selected components of their conceptual ecologies. Data for this study was collected from six interviews in which seven students took part. The data also include the science teacher’s profiles of each student, the students’ personal journals, their assignments, and their examinations and answers in class. The analysis presented will here include only those components that were represented in the discourse of the seven high school students who were interviewed. When students were asked questions, there was evidence of the engagement of the various components of conceptual ecologies. These components include: epistemological commitments, metaphysical beliefs, the affective domain and emotional aspects, the nature of knowledge, the nature of learning, the nature of conceptions, and past experience. Evidence from this study suggests that these components might function as constraints to learning. This study contributes to the field by expanding our knowledge of the components of high school students’ conceptual ecologies through its definition of the categories and themes associated with those components. In examining across the range of components, the study illustrates the variety and sources of science conceptions within high school students’ conceptual ecologies.  相似文献   
当今关于媒介生态学的问题,学界多有关注;媒介生态问题,学界亦多有探讨。但笔者在学习和关注这一问题时,有颇多不惑之处,本文从概念界定、学科内涵、深层思考三个方面入手提出问题,并以笔者自己的理解略表浅见。  相似文献   
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