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西部地区的师范院校教学水平在全国高师院校中居于中等或中等偏下水平,我国西部师范院校教育学专业研究生在录取生源、培养目标、硬件设施、课程设置、师资队伍、学生评价方面存在着诸多问题,因此提高西部地区教育学专业研究生的培养质量刻不容缓。  相似文献   
中国传统文化教育应在高职院校文化教育中占据基础性的地位,但目前高职院校传统文化教育状况并不令人乐观。为此,有必要对高职院校传统文化教育进行重新规划和设计。本文在分析传统文化教育特点和高职院校学生学习特点的基础上,提出了高职院校推行传统文化教育的制度设计、具体路径与方法。在制度设计上,以学分制和课程分类为核心,实行学分兑换制度。路径和方法上,克服课堂教学的扁平化弊端,多种方法并用,开拓立体式的传统文化教育路径。  相似文献   
In urban school districts across the USA there are mandates to implement zero tolerance policies. As this occurs, there is an increasing number of students, specifically students of colour, who are being jettisoned out of the educative process. When school principals have little autonomy regarding how they handle disciplinary infractions within their schools, it becomes relatively easy for them to opt out of making tough decision. The authors assert that Culturally Relevant Leadership is a framework that, if applied correctly, can help school leaders reduce the multiple school suspensions and expulsions that are occurring among students of colour.  相似文献   
Currently educational research literature demonstrates wide discussion and endorsement of ‘distributed’ leadership while concurrently traditional, hegemonic forms prevail in practice. This article investigates understandings about educational leadership held by Australian school principals. The article describes the contradictory conceptions about educational leadership currently in circulation. It interrogates underlying assumptions and questions how both hegemonic and newer leadership conceptions and assumptions serve educational leaders. Data from principals around the country and across education systems reinforced the predominance of un-theorised or under-theorised notions about leadership, with similar assumptions found in important policy artefacts and practices. This article emerges from interviews with 100 principals focusing on their professional learning needs, which revealed interesting ideas, issues and dilemmas concerning ‘leadership’. It fills a gap in research on distributed leadership by exploring contradictions inherent in policy, practice and understandings in this area. The article is structured into four sections. First, extant literature on this topic and the research are explained. Second, the article focuses on principals' conceptions about leadership and those inherent within important policy and practical artefacts. A discussion of the findings focuses on the discrepancy between theory and policy endorsement and the views of practitioners. Finally, the article canvasses the implications of the research.  相似文献   
This article explores a contemporary perspective of education that aims to radically re-construct schools through the integration of information and communication technologies (ICT). Through the analysis of key texts produced by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, leading ICT industries, and international educational researchers, the article looks at the apparently neutral and desirable regime of truth surrounding education, where concrete problems are created and certain solutions provided. The findings discuss how the integration of ICT in schools is embedded in a perspective of education based on: new modalities of soft government, the centrality of a self-regulated and entrepreneur learner, and the representation of schools as flexible, autonomous and non-hierarchical environments organised around non-standardised modalities of public ‘accountability’.  相似文献   
As a result of their high contact time with children, particularly children identified with special educational needs, it is widely acknowledged that teaching assistants (TAs) have great influence on pupils' education (Balshaw). However, recent research into the impact of TAs on pupils' learning has questioned TAs' usefulness in improving pupils' learning (Blatchford, Bassett and Brown; Higgins). This paper argues that TAs' influence on pupils' education has not yet been researched effectively. Previous research has primarily focused on determining TAs' influence on pupils' achievement in terms of academic outcomes and has neglected to explore social outcomes. Two interconnected literature bases are reviewed in this paper; the current research exploring TAs' role and influence on pupils' learning is first explored, followed by a critical discussion of the literature regarding the process of social inclusion in mainstream primary schools. This paper concludes that for TAs' influence on pupils' learning to be effectively researched, TAs' influence on the process of social inclusion must be researched within mainstream primary schools.  相似文献   
晚清时期,随着西学东渐的不断深入,郭嵩焘和梁启超都在寻求救亡图存的时代主题下,进行了中西文化的比较和融通。二人虽处于不同的年代,但在中西政治思想、教育思想和国人道德整肃的比较等方面,都提出了许多近似的观点,这推进了中西文化比较和社会变革的进程。他们的中西文化比较就内容而言,呈现出由浅入深的趋势;就比较方法而言,呈现了由简到丰的特征。这反映出了近代中西文化比较和社会变革逐步深入演变的轨迹。  相似文献   
基于马克思的实践观以及杜威和陶行知对“做”的教育理论探索,结合对中国社会和教育实践变革的反思,本文对话双方提出了实践教育哲学这一饱含鲜明时代精神的新教育哲学形态。在实践教育哲学看来,实践不仅是教育的现实品格,还是人的教育和生成的本质要求。离开了实践活动,不惟没有本真的教育,人和社会也会处于一种异化状态。实践教育哲学观照下的知识教学追求人的培养目的与手段,教育内容的感性活动基础与理性认识,科学真理与生产劳动之间的统一,旨在实现教育实践本身之理性自我澄明、人性无限完满和教育价值创造这三者之间的有效整合,通达万物一体之审美人格这一实践教育哲学的至高境界。  相似文献   
通过对某大学16份实习生的实习材料进行定性分析,研究了影响实习生教育实习效果的影响因素.研究表明:影响实习生教学能力发展的因素有实习生自身的努力,实习生的教学反思等.据此提出的建议是:编写符合实情的实习指南;以QQ群为基础搭建实习生集体交流平台;要求实习生拟写教学反思;高校指导教师定期检查、点评;以实习生所在实习年级为小组,建立实习共同体;实习结束之前,组内举行汇报性质的讲课比赛,中学指导教师当评委,以提高师范生实习的效果.  相似文献   
双模式高考制度的探索对于发展高职教育具有重要而特殊的意义.双模式高考对高职院校的影响主要表现为人才观念的转变、生源素质的竞争和人才培养水平方面.国家应加强政策引导和教育宣传,转变国人传统观念,做好高考框架设计,确保教育的公平和效率,高职院校应积极创造条件,提升人才培养水平,积极应对双模式高考制度给职业教育带来的挑战.  相似文献   
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