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通过三年的跟踪调查和教育实践摸索,了解了成教学生的心理特点和思想动向,并有针对性地开展以“激励、约束与关爱相结合”教育教学工作,收到了很好的效果,得到了学生、家长和企业的好评。本文从成教学生的特点、教育管理对策等几个方面进行分析。  相似文献   
近年来,网络上频现各类让人触目惊心的学生"门"事件,这些门事件充斥着暴力、凶残、色情,已经引起了社会各界的广泛关注,"问题学生"的出现对广大教师提出了更高的要求。联合国科教文组织21世纪国际教育委员会强调",教育质量和教师素质的重要,无论怎么强调都不会过分"。只有加快教师发展,转变教育观念、更新知识结构,提高教师的综合素质,才能胜任教书"育人"的重任。教师发展对促进问题学生的转变有非常重要的影响作用。  相似文献   
针对现代教育技术课程特点及教学中所存在的问题,就如何达到更好的教学效果、如何培养师范专业学生教育技术能力等,探讨了对该课程的改革,即将教学内容划分成模块,不同模块采用不同的教学策略、充分利用专题学习网站开展研究性学习、改革考核方式等。  相似文献   
主要从笔者对现代教育技术跟踪中发现的一些问题出发,采用文献法分析高师现代教育技术课程的现状,从教学要素角度总结课程中存在的问题并进行分析,最后从目标和内容、理论和实践、教学方法、与其他专业结合4个方面总结需注意的问题。  相似文献   
The way schools address migratory movements has a direct impact on integration and social cohesion, making the in-depth study of factors that affect the lower performance of immigrant students in comparison with non-immigrants essential. Using a methodology based on random coefficient models, this paper analyses the differential effect of individual level and school level variables on the estimation of mathematical competence in non-immigrant and immigrant populations. Data are extracted from an educational assessment programme carried out in the Basque Autonomous Community. The sample consists of 16,981 students with an average age of 13.7 years, of which 1,369 are immigrant students. The results reveal that individual and family-level variables show significantly higher impact on student performance than school-level variables. The article concludes by emphasizing the importance of investing in policies to support diversity that work at family level, as a means to achieve fuller equity.  相似文献   
解读了《福建省教育用地控制指标(试行稿)》(下简称控制指标)主要内容及其重要参数,结合92指标①、福州地区某普通高等院校新校园区建设用地个案,比较分析新校园区建设用地相关参数,认为该控制指标总体上全方位地有力控制了教育用地,有一定的合理性和现实指导意义,为了更有利土地资源集约利用、并满足高校可持续发展需要,尚需在控制指标某些条款进一步斟酌修订,如:规划选址用地指标细化及其前瞻性、建筑容积率更科学合理的计算等。  相似文献   
While case-based discussions can empower students to apply knowledge to contextual clinical situations, scheduling these activities is a challenge in crowded curricula. Case-based eLearning activities, derived from existing cases discussed within anatomy small group tutorials, were created incorporating principles such as interactivity, reinforcement, and feedback. Over half of the students accessed one or more of these online cases, with 18% accessing all eight online cases provided. Access increased as the semester progressed, particularly just before summative examinations, implying students used these primarily as revision aides. Students rated both formats highly, but favored the online format with regard to enjoyment (P = 0.048), learning (P = 0.101), and feedback (P = 0.086). However, more students discussed these cases in small group tutorials within the anatomy dissecting room than completed them online (122 vs. 67) and themes emerging from free text comments included a desire to have more time dedicated to these cases during small group tutorials, and an appreciation for the opportunity for discussion with staff and learning through doing. Additionally, native English speakers rated the anatomy room discussions significantly higher in all aspects than non-native English speakers, suggesting that non-native speakers may be hesitant or reluctant to fully participate in front of peers. While online case-based learning activities are a useful adjunct to anatomy teaching, particularly for revision, assumptions that “digital natives” have an innate preference for digital resources require critical evaluation, as students still place a high value on opportunities for discussion with staff during their studies.  相似文献   
Four theoretical frameworks were used to explore causations of turnover amongst high school teachers in Nigeria: (1) teachers’ personal health, (2) work–family life, (3) job satisfaction, and (4) actual turnover intention. Quantitative data were obtained from 925 public high school teachers in Ogun State, South-Western Nigeria. Cronbach's Alpha reliability procedure, regression modelling and t-test were used to analyse a total of 96 causations of turnover. Ad hoc analysis returned an Alpha value of 0.78. However, this improved to 0.93 when the causation factors were reduced to 64 – those with highest item-rest and itemtotal correlations. The findings showed that job (dis)satisfaction, personal health and work– family life conflict are prominent amongst the issues that trigger the intention of Nigerian high school teachers to quit their jobs voluntarily. Insights from the findings will help funding administrators in prioritising strategic decisions around mitigating turnover.  相似文献   
采用自编问卷,考察丽水学院女生对婚恋观的认知。调查结果表明,环境与心理状态的不同导致部分高校女生对婚恋观的认知存在较大偏差。当代女大学生婚恋观偏差主要有以下几个类型:功利型、虚荣从众型、空虚型、游戏型。分析了这些婚恋观产生的原因,并提出相应的教育对策。  相似文献   
目前,关于职业教育制度的各种研究层出不穷,学者们不仅对职业教育制度概念的看法有很大差异,而且对职业教育制度所包含的内容等也各持己见,当然对于新时期职业教育制度的构建更是仁者见仁智者见智了。但归纳起来,关于职业教育制度的研究大致涉及到内涵研究、比较研究、高等职业教育制度研究、农村职业教育制度研究、职业教育公平问题研究、新时期职业教育制度的构建研究等几大方面的内容。  相似文献   
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