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当今中国经济发展速度居世界前列,而如何令社会主义体制发展与经济发展的脚步协调一致,是我国社会主义改革的重要课题。卢卡奇曾在《民主化进程》一书中从正统的马克思主义出发,对20世纪苏联模式和社会主义国家危机进行了深入分析,揭示了当时社会主义国家在发展过程中经济与民主严重失调的原因.并提出进行社会主义民主化改革的重要性与紧迫性,进而实现人类解放的远大目标。他的理论对当今我国的社会主义改革与发展仍有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   
This paper puts forward the hypothesis that in recent decades, pupils of schools in the western world have been given a new form of individuality. This construction has been nourished by both the demand for emancipation as it was expressed in the critical sociology of education (and pedagogy) and by the neoliberal turn in education policy. It unfolds consequences of such an alliance between romantic and neoliberal individualism, and argues that some of Simmel's concepts might fruitfully be engaged to grasp important aspects of today's educational culture. Against this backdrop, the paper discusses the construction of the new individuality in regard to educational changes in control and discipline, individually adapted education and assessment and finally academic knowledge. Primarily by using examples from the Norwegian case, the paper analyses how recent opinions on these issues can be viewed as different expressions of an educational culture promoting alienation as emancipation.  相似文献   
梁启超在其学术史著中,使用了反动与先驱、复古与解放诸观念。在特定的时间背景下,对于前面一段学术潮流的反动,却可以成为后面一段学术新潮的启迪;对于历代学术问题的复兴,同时也就是对历代学术的解放。承接其意,也可以说,在传统中绝的时态下,对于古学的保守,亦即是重要的创新。  相似文献   
创造性是人的生存状态,人的创造活动具有超越性、反思性和现实性。思想解放是人的反思性、超越性、现实性的内涵、规定和需要。因此,不能将其归结为达到某种现实目的的工具、不能归结为某种意识形态,它是人的生活状态,是具有普遍、永恒的意义的,是我们始终应该坚持的思想路线。当前,中国正在进行社会转型,出现了一些新的问题,要解决这些问题只有进一步解放思想。  相似文献   
思想解放与人的解放是有区别的,同时又是紧密联系的。回溯改革开放30年的历程,思想解放与人的解放同步进行,思想解放、人的解放与体制改革同步进行,思想解放与人的解放,是从上层开始,关注下层,落实到民生问题上。当前思想解放和人的解放必须深切关注和解决三个问题:一是必须从以"官本位"为核心的政治集权主义中解放出来;二是必须从以"情本位"为核心的"关系学"中解放出来;三是必须从以"虚拟的集体主义"为核心的传统偏见中解放出来。然而,人的解放是核心,继续深化体制改革是关键。体制束缚人,体制也解放人。体制改革如果滞后,思想解放和人的解放皆是空谈。  相似文献   
The article presents a case of community art education in Leuven, Belgium. Participants who belong to disenfranchised groups of the local community were invited to engage in artistic actions and performances aiming at familiarising them with modern art practices. Such experiments are often disqualified as being irrelevant to the life‐conditions of these families in poverty, and hence as non‐emancipatory. In this article, the emancipatory quality of such initiatives is explored with reference to the art practices of the Belgian/Mexican artist Francis Alÿs and the reflections on emancipation by the French philosopher Jacques Rancière. These reflections help to shed a new light on the emancipatory dimension of community art practices and to consider theoretical concepts such as ‘poor pedagogy’.  相似文献   
This article assembles some ideas on equality and learning in relation to the notions of truth and emancipation. It considers learning as a political act, as defined by Jacques Rancière and Alain Badiou, rather than, for example, an incremental process of psychological or sociological development. Practical exemplifications will be taken from contexts of art practices and art in education, but the general argument is directed at learning and equality across all human endeavours. The article discusses the idea of the truth of learning as something which ruptures existing frameworks of practice and knowledge and ponders the kind of pedagogies we require to inform effective pedagogic action. To this end it proposes what might be termed pedagogies against the state, or pedagogies of the event, in order to respond to acts of learning that involve leaps of becoming into a new or reconfigured world.  相似文献   
对于人的历史性存在何以可能这一问题,马克思的共产主义学说给予了初步的回答。在共产主义社会中,人的真正的历史性存在在世界历史发展中不断敞开,人的新型的社会关系在现代生产活动中正在形成,人的全面的自由个性在人类自我解放中逐步实现。这种回答与其说为我们提供了某种解决现代社会生活矛盾的答案,不如说为我们展现了一条更加深入地理解现代社会生活矛盾的道路。  相似文献   
近代中国在经历了器物变革、制度变革之后,新文化者们掀起了以思想革命为核心、以政治救亡为最终目的、以文化批判为基本内容的新文化运动,表达了他们对民族文化结构改造的迫切愿望。《中国新文学大系(1917—1927)》是新文化的缔造者们对新文学的首次集体回顾,而小说集、戏剧集的入选篇目集中体现了新文化者们对民族文化结构改造的具象性表达内容。中国封建伦理道德是构成国民性和“家国同构”政治体制的核心,而伦理道德革命是救亡图存和思想解放的先决条件,所以在新文化者们对民族文化结构进行批判改造的核心内容中,伦理道德革命首当其冲。  相似文献   
中国30多年的改革以思想解放为前导,当前推进改革和体制转型,需要冲破旧思想旧观念的束缚,需要发挥思想上层建筑的巨大推动作用,为市场经济发展提供思想理论保证,以适应变革时代对变革思想的要求。为此,通过深化改革来创新思想解放的制度环境,建立健全放活言论、放开舆论、畅所欲言的体制机制,培育思想上的"源头活水"。  相似文献   
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