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真理愈辩愈明,"百花齐放、百家争鸣"一直以来是我们历练学术暨政策的方针与对策,关涉原则问题和实践中不同做法问题上的"争论"是理论与实践不断创新的动力之所在。邓小平的"不搞争论"不是反对一切意义上的"争论",而是针对改革开放中出现的一些贻误时机、脱离实践的无谓争论而提出的重大战略决策。"不搞争论"凸显的时代价值就是要通过改革发展自己,突破"非此即彼"的思维误区,不动摇、不懈怠、不折腾,又好又快地发展中国特色社会主义。聚焦当前创新兴皖、实现安徽崛起之宏图,更需要思想解放、"不搞争论"。  相似文献   
In this essay, I argue that Roy Bhaskar's philosophy of meta‐Reality creates the middle way to theorize emancipation in critical science education: between empiricism and idealism on the one hand, and naïve realism and relativism, on the other hand. This theorization offers possibilities to transcend the usual dichotomies and dualisms that are often perpetuated in some feminist and multiculturalist accounts of critical science education. Further, meta‐Reality suggests a radically new way to re‐visit the suspect notion of emancipation. The implications for critical science education are discussed.  相似文献   
In this contribution, I explore how critical pedagogical perspectives can inspire adult and community education practices. The central argument is that today, in contrast with the heydays of emancipatory practices and theories, the classical critical approaches need reconsideration. The paper explores how these approaches sometimes have a stultifying effect on the participants in practice. In line with the French philosopher Rancière, a perspective is explored that departs from emancipated participants rather than from participants in need of emancipation. The theoretical investigation is inspired by reflections on art practices that struggle with similar questions on emancipation as the field of adult and community education.  相似文献   
This paper is a critical evaluation of what is believed by the author to be Kierkegaard's subjective, ambivalent, and arbitrary stereotyping of women. In particular, the paper examines the Kierkegaardian notion of equality, essential feminine characteristics, and finitude. The result is an attempt to apply Kierkegaard's ideas to those issues pertaining to inequality in musical performance; as well, a plea is made for the demystification of the notion of woman as whore or Madonna.  相似文献   
“三个代表”重要思想,是在新世纪我国面临机遇和挑战并存的历史背景下提出的。其巨大的理论和实践意义,主要在于是继邓小平科学地回答了什么是社会主义和怎样建设社会主义之后,科学地回答了怎样建设党和把党建设成什么样的党的历史性根本问题。“三个代表”重要思想,具有非常重要的思想方法论意义,从时代的高度深刻理解“三个代表”重要思想的内在精神,积极推进新时期的思想解放运动,才能开辟新境界,指导新实践,成功推进小康社会的全面建设。  相似文献   

In this article, I critically engage with a vital assumption behind the work of Paulo Freire, and more generally behind any critical pedagogy, viz. the belief that education is fundamentally about emancipation. My main goal is to conceive of a contemporary critical pedagogy which stays true to the original inspiration of Freire’s work, but which at the same time takes it in a new direction. More precisely, I confront Freire with Jacques Rancière. Not only is the latter’s work on education fully predicated on the idea of emancipation. For both Freire and Rancière, literacy initiation practice can be seen as an archetypical model for understanding the emancipatory moment in education. For both, educational practices are never neutral, as they decide to a great extent on the fate of our common world. Reflecting on similarities and differences in both their positions, I will propose to conceive of critical pedagogy in terms of a thing-centred pedagogy. As such, I take a clear position in the discussion between teacher- and student-centred approaches. According to Rancière, it is the full devotion to a ‘thing’, i.e. to a subject matter we study, which makes emancipation possible. Over and against Freire’s defense of emancipatory education, I highlight with Rancière the importance of educational emancipation.  相似文献   
人文精神是贯穿马克思哲学始终的精神主线。基于这层精神主线,马克思确立了自己与以往人学的分水岭:以“现实的人”为思考的中心,以对“人”的关怀为动力和以“人的自由和全面发展”为最终目的。马克思哲学中人文精神的形成不是马克思个人空想的成果,是多层条件共同作用下的产物,主要包括个人的精神底蕴、家庭熏陶和其所处的现实环境。在当代,面对科技对人性的奴役,马克思人文精神有了再次被重视的必要。关注人的自由,使人真正成为人,使人文精神在现实生活中发挥精神力量,是人类解放的必要途径。  相似文献   
We highlight the important lessons our contributors present in our collective project of fostering dialogues both between applied ethics and computer science and between cultures. These include: critical reflexivity; procedural (partly Habermasian) approaches to establishing such central norms as “emancipation”; the importance of local actors in using ICTs both for global management and in development projects – especially as these contribute the trust essential for the social context of use of new technologies; and pluralistic approaches that preserve local cultural differences alongside shared norms. May Thorseth then contextualizes our work vis-a-vis broader philosophical discussions of deliberation and democracy.  相似文献   
Critical research is becoming increasingly accepted as a valid approach to research in information systems. It is deemed to be particularly suitable for situations where researchers want to address conspicuous injustice, such as in areas of development or the digital divide. Critical research in information systems (CRIS), I will argue, is a possible approach to some of the ethical problems arising in the context of information and communication technology (ICT). It can be sensitive to the question of culture and therefore suitable for researching cross-cultural ethical questions in ICT. It is often unclear, however, what exactly critical research stands for and to what extent critical approaches are applicable across cultural boundaries. This paper will address these problems by proposing a definition of critical research as focused on changing the status quo and aiming for emancipation. It will then look at the question whether different cultures are compatible and comparable and what the role of culture in research on information systems is. The paper will then return to the question whether the critical intention to emancipate and empower humans is an expression of cultural imperialism or whether there are valid ways of promoting emancipation across cultural divides.  相似文献   
我们需要站在传统与现代相统一的高度,来认识中国的女性问题。男女矛盾,是人类社会普遍持久的矛盾。男女两性之间对立统一的关系,是人类社会的基本社会关系,也是文明的基本动力之一。过去把封建社会的政治压迫简单地归结为政权、神权、族权、夫权是错误的,把妇女的身心解放简单地等同于民族解放和社会解放是不全面的,片面地把妇女获得解放的水平等同于就业水平的认识和政策是不正确的。我们需要从根本上端正对女性的看法,尊重男女之间的性别差异,从认识上、道德上、制度上、法律上、社会保障上为建立真正保护女性的社会环境而努力。  相似文献   
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