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赵树理在一个历史转折期,站在反封建的立场上,以对妇女命运的关注和对妇女处境的深切同情,写出了一批以农村家庭关系和妇女解放为题材的作品,这些作品中却渗透着强烈的男权意识。  相似文献   
解放思想就是实事求是,不能简单地把解放思想归纳为胆子大小,“过”与“不及”都需解放思想。应把解放思想放在一定的历史条件中去具体地分析其内涵。要做到解放思想,就必须掌握客观规律,就必须在一定的客观条件下发挥主观能动性,就必须不断创新。创新要求我们学习科技知识,注重调查研究,发扬民主精神。  相似文献   
在马克思的视野中,人的解放必然要经历政治解放、社会解放和人类解放三个依次递进的阶段。政治解放固然具有历史进步性,但它还只是资产阶级的解放,因此,政治解放必然要被人类解放所超越,以实现每个人的自由全面的发展。社会解放是实现从政治解放到人类解放的过渡阶段,它通过建立无产阶级民主和生产资料公有制,为最终实现每个人的自由全面的发展奠定社会政治经济条件的基础。  相似文献   
高晓声塑造的陈奂生人物形象今天看来仍觉有味。通过对陈奂生及宋老大、闺土、阿Q等形象的对比,得出精神和思想的贫因是更为可怕的事情的结论。要使富起来的陈奂生们解脱精神和思想的贫困,任重而道远。  相似文献   
在20世纪的中国思想文化发展史上,“五四”新文化运动和新时期思想解放运动所占据的突出地位是任何一种形式的任何一场革命都无法替代的。它们分别标志着两个思想解放和历史情境的规范以及由此所决定的价值取向。人道主义在这两个历史时期尽管在其勃兴的历史根据、理念及其特点、演变及其影响等方面呈现出了不同的流变,但是却都表现出了对思想解放和文化发展所具有的进步意义和重大价值。  相似文献   
人性假设是教育理论的立论之基,有怎样的人性假设,就会有什么样的教育理论。在现实教育中,往往以物性逻辑来认识人及其教育世界,人等同于物件、器具。以物性代替人性,是现实教育之惑,诠释的是教育中人性之事实如何。人性解放是教育所应秉承的理念与价值追求,是教育之道,诠释的是教育中人性之应当如何。因此,我们应建基于人性假设,认识教育之惑,从对人的贬抑和控制中走出来,达至人性解放,实现教育之道。  相似文献   
In Venice between the middle ages and the modern era, a number of cultural entertainments as well as sporting contests and popular games were performed to celebrate the carnival and other important religious and civil events; these might include state visits of important people from abroad. Under control of the government, the organizers and participants of these events were of both noble and modest origins. Among them were the rival Castellani and Nicolotti groups who were common people living in the two main districts of Venice, and the well off young members of the Venetian aristocracy enrolled in numerous Compagnie della Calza (Companies of the Hosiery). The Castellani and Nicolotti regularly competed in popular games, such as the Gioco del Ponte, the Forze d'Ercole, the Moresca dance and in different kinds of boat races; the aristocrats enjoyed to personally practice sports such as hunting, fishing, horse riding and ball games. In addition, the latter collaborated in important state events leading to feasts and theatrical performances, and organized popular games, mock naval battles and regattas together with those in power. Among the regattas, the female rowing contests that started to take place in the middle ages was a unique, as, in general, the Venetian women were only allowed to be the gracious spectators in the numerous festivities organized for important visitors celebrating the glory of Venice. Drawing on both ancient and modern sources the paper will mainly focus on the less familiar Companies of the Hosiery and their contribute in the organization of mock naval battles and regattas till 1797, when Venice definitively lost its independency under Napoleon the First. Special stress will be given to the humble female rowers who were able to overcome the usual gender barriers training and racing for their own pleasure and amusement; they gave birth to an early model of female emancipation.  相似文献   
建国初期的扫盲教育运动,采取的方式是以政府为主导、动员全民参与、强制性推行的运动式模式,这种模式有其自身的优势和弊端。扫盲教育运动带有极强的泛政治化色彩和激进主义的革命化倾向,在革命语境中和"文化翻身"视角下对于建国之初的农民扫盲识字运动要加以客观的历史评价。  相似文献   
公民资格理念初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
公民资格(Citizenship)是一个历史范畴,随着它植根于其中的社会、政治条件的变化,“公民资格”的涵义及其背后蕴涵的政治价值理念都在不断地发生演变。但历史演变的背后,却是人类完善自身、追求自由和解放的永恒价值诉求。  相似文献   
马克思的学说是关于人的解放和人的全面发展的学说,这个学说既表达了人的解放旨趣,即对人的全面发展的价值理想的承诺,又表达了人的解放历程,即对人的全面发展实现过程的探索。人的解放的价值理想是贯穿马克思全部思想的一条红线。  相似文献   
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