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全面建设小康社会的宏伟实践成为高等教育哲学原理教学改革的良好社会背景和改革发展契机,为此,哲学原理教学改革必须突出四个加强和四方面的对策。  相似文献   
《伦理学与哲学》一书是一部视角独特,立意高远,文思缜密,富于诗韵的著作。作者是一位历经磨难仍力践鸿志的学人,在学术界一直保持自己自由的思想和独立的人格,具有求道者的精神和殉道者的风范。其著作具有强烈的现实性,清醒的反思性和鲜明的批判性,把深邃的学理性和朴素的可读性有机结合,堪称伦理学和哲学研究不可多得的佳作。  相似文献   
荀子是以"礼"为中心构建自己的核心理念的,但他始终是把礼当作是人外在的道德规范加以重视的,并不属于人的天性范畴。人的天性就是好吃懒做,就是"饥而欲食,寒而欲暖,劳而欲息,好利而恶害"。仁、义、礼、智都是对人的天性之"伪"的扼制。从这一意义来看,它和孟子的出发点是一致的。  相似文献   
市民社会是马克思主义实践哲学乃至整个马克思主义理论的本体论基础和逻辑起点;无论是从发生学的角度来分析还是从事实判断以及价值判断的角度来考察,市民社会也是毛泽东实践哲学思想形成的逻辑起点。  相似文献   
弗里德里希认为,西方宪政论有着深厚的宗教根源,但这并不意味着立宪政府的生成以存在一种宗教和哲学的支持为先决条件,也不表示当一种原先培育宪政论成长的宗教和哲学意向消亡时,该立宪政府就失去了存续的依据。理由在于西方宪政论完成了从对宗教的超验正义的信仰到对人的尊重的正当性资源的转换。弗里德里希教授的法哲学思想对中国宪政建设具有深远的启示意义。  相似文献   
《野草》是鲁迅于黑暗年代的彷徨时期创造的文学产物,标志着鲁迅诗化生命哲学的成熟和文学现代性的初步探索。《这样的战士》展示了一个面对无物之阵永不妥协的战士形象,他用前行的步伐追求着自己的人生价值。孤独战士的超人意志、无物之阵中的悲观心态、历史中间物的绝望反抗,既是鲁迅独特的生命体验,也是其一生战斗精神的真实写照。这样的战士是鲁迅的自我画像,他高举投枪刺向无物之物的姿态,正是鲁迅这位孤独者悲情韧战精神的完美体现。  相似文献   
中国建设和谐社会是我国特色社会主义发展中的重要步骤和战略安排,在这样的历史进程中,建立与和谐社会相适应的马克思主义政治学不仅是中国现实的需要,也是中国未来和谐社会的实践基础。利用马克思主义的基本原理,分析中国特色社会主义和谐社会,解释和展望中国和谐社会的建设途径,是构建指导我国和谐社会建设的马克思主义的政治哲学发展需求,也是和谐社会最基础的研究领域。  相似文献   
布鲁贝克的《高等教育哲学》是基于当时美国各界对高等教育功能的混乱认识背景下写成的一部高等教育哲学名著。他以"高深的学问"为逻辑起点和核心,以认识论和政治论的哲学观为分析问题的线索,以与高深学问关系密切的八个问题为支点形成自己的分析框架和思路,对高等教育的本体功能,即探究高深的学问进行了回答和辩护。布鲁贝克的高等教育哲学是一部思想性哲学著作,他在这部著作中继承了西方理性主义的传统大学功能观,这也正是它的经典之处。  相似文献   
This paper aims to make a contribution to the stream of literature on action research by describing a longitudinal collaborative research project which evolved out of a long-term, participation partnership with Volvo Cars. The collaboration was aimed at developing innovation capabilities in the company and accumulating knowledge on how capabilities are developed. The paper provides insights into the design of collaborative research projects to enable mutual, sustainable learning. It draws on key notions in the literature on collaborative management research and action learning, highlighting the research design of the project at Volvo Cars and its relations to action learning. The paper describes how the research design opened the way to establishing a learning system at Volvo Cars while simultaneously generating new scientific knowledge within the area of innovation capabilities. The paper provides rich and detailed data on a collaborative research setting and highlights key aspects related to organizing and undertaking collaborative research.  相似文献   
The "emerging educational institutional decision-making matrix" is developed to allow educational institutions to adopt a rigorous and consistent methodology of determining which of the myriad of emerging educational technologies will be the most compelling for the institution, particularly ensuring that it is the educational or pedagogical but not the technological imperative that drives the technology integration agenda. The matrix is designed to be used after some initial research into an emerging technology. Once a technology is put through the matrix, a member of options are available: (1) shelving the technology; (2) putting the technology on hold and maintaining a watching brief until the technology matures in the market; and (3) researching the product further by conducting a trial or placing in testing sandpit. After further research, the technology can be tested as a pilot to determine how well or otherwise, the technology works within the institution. If an emerging technology has more than one product associated with it, a second and third step in the matrix has been developed, and the second step assigns a rating to each of the categories within the matrix. With many products containing similar features, a third step has been developed to compare products on a feature level.  相似文献   
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