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Focusing on disabled teenagers living in a community where the underprivileged and impoverished population gathered, this paper explores, through re-examining their conditions of living and their survival strategies, the liberating possibility of notions such as “disease” and “craziness.” By emphasizing how the underprivileged resists becoming the imagination of the intellectual class, the article attempt to complicate and differentiate the acts of “caring” and further imagine the possibilities of other discourses and resistances.  相似文献   
高校图书馆捐赠图书的组织与管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校图书馆开展接收捐赠图书工作,应注重组织宣传,着力挖掘捐赠图书渠道,重在细致的科学管理上做文章。  相似文献   
从范进中举前后胡屠户语言、行动的变化以及所送礼物的不同,可以看出科举引起的癌变已经扩散到社会的每一层面,它使世风更为浇薄、人们更加势利、人情更趋淡漠。在科举阴影下,郎丈之情被亵渎、被异化。通过重新解读《范进中举》可以看出,抨击世风日下是其主题,作者除了关注士子外,也"为市井细民写心"。  相似文献   
For some time there has been debate about differing perspectives on musical gift and musical intelligence. One view is that musical gift is innate: that it is present in certain individuals from birth and that the task of the teacher is to develop the potential which is there. A second view is that musical gift is a complex concept which includes responses from individuals to different environments and communities (Howe and Sloboda, 1997). This then raises the possibility that musical excellence can be taught. We have already explored this idea with practising musicians ( ). Our research has now expanded to include music teachers in formation, and, in this paper, we look at the influences in their musical development which have either ‘crystallised’ or ‘paralysed’ the musical talent which they possess. Our research has a comparative dimension, being carried out in Scotland and in Australia. We conclude that there are several key influences in the musical development of the individual, including home and community support, school opportunities and teaching styles and that there may be education and culture‐specific elements to these influences.  相似文献   
唐五代的助礼钱与诸司礼钱   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
助礼钱是唐五代时期藩镇进献给朝廷用于举行重大祭祀活动的经费。诸司礼钱包括光署钱(光省钱)、光台钱、光院钱、光学钱等,是唐五代时期的三省、御史台、翰林院与国子监等机构,向新任职的官员、检校或兼任本司的官员以及从本司升迁的官员所征收的礼钱。诸司礼钱主要作为这些部门的公使钱使用,如用于公廨维修、食料开支、购置办公用品以及其他各种开支。唐五代的这一制度实际上是一种弊政,是唐后期及五代时期财政开支紧张的一种折射,对后世尤其是两宋时期产生了较大的影响,并为其所沿袭。  相似文献   
气是一个十分古老的概念,许多圣人先哲、文坛巨匠都不同程度认识到了它对写作活动所起的决定作用。“才有清浊,气有修短”。对一个写作者来说,从一生下来就带有自己独特的个性特征,只有充分了解自己才情禀赋,才能发挥自己的优势,创作出独具个性特色的作品。写作者更要通过后天的不断学习,加强自我修养,读万卷书,行万里路,才能创作出有益于人类社会的发展和自我完善的佳作。  相似文献   
影印《四库全书》是民国政界、出版界、图书馆界的一桩公案。从1920年应法国总理班乐卫倡议、总统徐世昌首次正式下令翻印《四库全书》,到1935年最终印成《四库全书珍本初集》,这一过程十分曲折。在分批出版后,《珍本初集》即被国民政府分赠诸国。目前国内外学术界日益重视作为物质的书籍在不同时空中的流通与传播,本文即着眼于《四库全书》的物质性,重点考察了其作为国礼在民国时期的翻印出版及对外赠送过程。  相似文献   
西欧中世纪,修女院普遍存在两大门槛限制,一是财产限制,二是血统限制,这两大条件限制导致进入修女院的大部分妇女都来自贵族家庭,妇女修道成为一种贵族现象。  相似文献   
《才鬼记》是一部以"才鬼"为专题的小说集。它的编纂缘由、文本情况、价值评定等各方面都存在不少史实不清和价值错位的情况。为此,梅鼎祚《才鬼记》研究,应在"才鬼观的流变史"、"文本生成"、"选编比较"等方面拓展和深化。此处以文本生成考察为中心,对其进行梳理和探析。  相似文献   
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