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"文学是审美意识形态"这一文学观念是对马克思主义文艺观的创新和发展.该理论在"观念的整一性"、"文学客体"、"主体个性"等问题上存在疑窦.文学客体是有审美价值的社会生活,是在实践中产生的客观存在.审美主体的个性和情感投入必须以高尚的审美理想为前提才是积极的.  相似文献   
构建新型社会主义思想道德体系的目的是解决长期以来存在的道德失范,扬弃传统道德,发展先进文化,促进人的全面发展,构建和谐社会。从《公民道德建设实施纲要》提出社会主义思想道德建设的基本要求到胡锦涛提出以“八荣八耻”为基本内容的社会主义荣辱观,我国新型社会主义思想道德体系已基本形成。要在实践中使之转化为公民的自觉行动,必须加大教育引导力度,激励公民道德实践与追求;必须强化约束规范,维护社会公平正义;必须大力褒奖道德典范,培育公民“舍生取义”的高尚情操。  相似文献   
孔子是一个具有超越体验、终极关怀、宗教义趣、宇宙情怀的哲学家、思想家和教育家。孔子的原创儒学是涵个体维度、群体维度、社会维度、超越维度于一身的相当完备的思想学说。个体维度包含自主性、独立性、独特性、全面性等属性。群体维度可分为家庭、团体和人类等层次。社会维度具有重视道德、轻视法治等特征。超越维度包含着内在超越与外在超越两个向度,而非单一的内在超越向度,亦非单一的外在超越向度。孔子思想在当代需要现代化、人类化、全球化、个体化。  相似文献   
通过无机化学实验课程体系的改革,在实验教学中有机融入思政元素,充分利用线上资源与线下教学相结合,采用PBL与TBL等多种教学方式,促进课程思政的顺利开展,采用过程评价与终结评价相结合、教师评价与学生评价相统一、多元评价与标准评价相协调等多项评价机制,全面、客观地评价学生的实验技能与思政素养.教师的思政意识与能力也通过团...  相似文献   
技术与伦理能够发生联系的中介是科技道德价值。克服技术异化、回归人的本质、伦理学具有的文化形态的独特性、构筑抵御现代技术负面效应的思想屏障都需要技术伦理教育的实施。本文在阐明技术伦理内涵的基础上,分析了开展技术伦理教育的必然性和重要性,并探究了开展技术伦理教育的主要途径。  相似文献   
党的建设的指导思想和目标关系到把党建设成什么样的党和如何建设党。把党的建设的指导思想和目标说成是“廉政建设”、“围绕经济抓党建,抓好党建促经济”都是不对的。十五大提出的“伟大工程”,才是党的建设的总目标。党的建设的指导思想应是党的基本路线,把“围绕经济”一说当成是党的指导思想也是偏面的。  相似文献   
A survey experiment (N = 529) was used to test the moderating effects of intergroup ideologies (assimilation, multiculturalism, and interculturalism) on the relationship between social dominance orientation (SDO) and expressions of prejudice under conditions of intergroup threat. Moderated multiple regression analyses suggest a multicultural integration frame moderates the relationship between SDO and feelings toward Syrian refugees in Canada when the target outgroup is portrayed as a source of intergroup threat. This moderating effect was unique to the relationship between SDO and feelings toward Syrians and did not extend to other correlates of prejudice including beliefs in zero-sum group competition or a multicultural ideology, nor did it extend to more general measures of prejudice (i.e., attitudes toward immigrants or evaluations of intercultural contact). Findings suggest the prejudice-reducing effects of a multicultural integration narrative affect group evaluations and functions by targeting beliefs in social dominance, rather than zero-sum group competition or ideological support for cultural diversity. The results offer insights into the prejudice-reducing potential for two alternative integration narratives that are institutionalized in Canada.  相似文献   
我国女性在体育参与中相对于男性遭遇了很多不平等的现象,这些现象必然有其文化历史根源。通过文献梳理和逻辑分析,从意识形态层面的审美取向、形成意识形态的氏族制政治生态与形成政治生态的社会及人类进化论根源三个角度,对我国女性的体育参与特征进行剥离式解读,总结出女性参与体育的时代特征。同时从经济学的视角分析了女性体育参与的机会成本或许在短时间内不会降低到与男性相同的水平,但过去阻碍女性参与体育的桎梏将随时间一一消弭。  相似文献   

Over the summer and autumn of 1739 Philadelphia’s two newspapers published competing versions of a hearing in the Pennsylvania assembly that was described as the ‘Affair of the Tanners’. What began as a minor property dispute in the colonial assembly became, with the aid of the local press, a citywide paper war for the support of the urban populace. This article argues the affair provides unique evidence for competing conceptions of the common good in the eighteenth-century colonial city, and was an expression of conflict with deep roots in Philadelphia’s history. The affair also shows how the medium of print could reflect both transatlantic cultural processes as well as distinctly local grievances, as a group of prosperous city artisans and their opponents utilized the city’s newspapers to articulate competing commonwealth ideologies.  相似文献   
美育与体育在教育中的目标和途径各有其特点,二者的相互交融和渗透是培养、塑造全面发展的新人的重要方法和途径,探讨美育在体育应用过程中制约美育教育的一些主客观因素,能促进美育在体育教育中取得更好的效果。  相似文献   
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