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文化自觉是对文化地位作用的深刻认识和文化历史责任的主要担当。而近代中国思想文化史就是一部中华民族在“文化自觉”视野下变迁与转型的历史,即中华民族思想文化在中西文化碰撞和融合背景下的自我觉醒、自我反省和自我创建的历史。在近代中国的历史进程中,各阶级集团的政治改革和革命活动都体现出他们自觉的思想文化诉求,代表着本阶级集团利益的思想文化水平,对中国思想文化的创新和发展有着积极的意义和深远的影响。  相似文献   
明朝中晚期,徽州底层社会动荡不安。在对失序的社会进行整合的过程中,官府通过革新诉讼制度,将国家权力再次渗透到基层社会;富于士大夫精神的行政长官励精图治,抚恤受灾百姓,推行乡约,神道设教,以儒家纲常伦理价值规范社会秩序,以民间信仰约束百姓行为;乡绅牺牲自我,提倡克己复礼,整齐风俗,凝聚地方人心,维持地方秩序。儒家传统价值在时代的变局中发挥了重要的稳定作用。  相似文献   
Evidence from Australia lends support to the “Asian high achieving syndrome” in Chinese-Australian students and “self-deprivation syndrome” in Anglo-Australian students. Applying ethnographic case studies approach for doctoral thesis the author collected data on a longitudinal basis from homes and school of these students. All of these students attended the same school located in a predominantly middle class suburb of Perth Metropolitan area in Western Australia. Chinese-Australian families had settled in Perth from Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong, whereas Anglo-Australian families had been residing in Perth for three generations. Impetus to revisit these students (now young adults with their own families) 10 years later came from an urge to test the validity of the prediction the author had made in the concluding chapter of his doctoral thesis. The author had claimed that “if Anglo-Australian parents keep on dwelling in the era of 1950s and 1960s and do not change their laid-back attitude about education, their children could eventually be under-privileged in their own country”. Ten years later, the author undertook a follow-up study on these young adults from six of the eight original families in order to find out their occupational destinations and future aspirations. Data for the follow-up study were collected from these young adults and their parents. These research cases were interviewed twice, each time approximately for two hours and their parents were interviewed once for two to three hours. The purpose of this paper is to report the findings of the follow-up study which reveals a remarkable relationship between the attitude towards schooling and academic performance with their subsequent occupational destination.  相似文献   
In this study, work ethic was examined as a predictor of academic motivation and performance. A total of 440 undergraduate students completed measures of work ethic and academic motivation, and reported their cumulative grade point average. Results indicated that several dimensions of work ethic were related to academic motivation and academic performance. Differences between correlations were examined, and work ethic dimensions were more strongly related to hypothesised dimensions of motivation than other dimensions of motivation. In addition, structural equation modelling was used to examine the mediating effect of academic motivation. These findings provide additional evidence for the importance of work ethic in academic settings, as well as important construct-related validity evidence for work ethic. Implications of these study findings, limitations and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   
教科书隐含着特定的性别意识形态,研究选择内地北师大版与香港新亚洲版小学语文教科书为文本,运用频度统计技术,从选文作者、课文主角、课文人名、插图人物、职业角色五个维度量化分析,认为两套教科书使用的是男性话语,隐含着男性文化或者说是父权意识形态,而且这种倾向香港比大陆更为突出。  相似文献   
从70年代,伊丽莎白·诺尔·诺依曼提出"沉默的螺旋"理论起,"言论偏向"问题开始频繁出现在人们的视野中。至此社会各阶层都遭受了这一理论的枷锁。本文从当下大学生这一特殊群体出发,阐述了"沉默的螺旋"在高校思想教育中的体现,并探究了在面对这一窘境时可行的解决办法,为其他群体的话语权研究提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
现今,“中国文学走出去”之风愈演愈烈,文学翻译事业受到国家和政府的高度重视,方兴未艾。在文学作品西行中,译作质量的高低决定了传播之路的成功与否,译作所传达国家形象的优劣决定了传播目的的达成与否。该文以安德烈·勒菲弗尔(Andrei Lefevere)提出的改写理论为基础,以意识形态、赞助人、诗学三个因素为切入点,剖析了许孟雄英译《子夜》中的改译情节和段落调整情况,以期进一步提高中国文学翻译工作的质量,助力于中国文学的西行之旅。  相似文献   
互联网是一把双刃剑,对与意识形态相关的经济利益、政治观念、文化实力、社会风气等因素的影响,呈现出利弊两方面。互联网对我国意识形态安全建设产生了正效应:它解放发展了生产力;使主流意识形态得到广泛的政治认同;实现了意识形态传播方式的革命性变革;它能形成良好的社会风气,传递正能量。同时,互联网对意识形态安全建设也存在着负效应:它加剧了经济结构变化、社会群体分化;削弱了主流意识形态的凝聚力和辐射力;演化为西方文化霸权的工具;它能催生出不良的社会风气,造成道德沦丧。  相似文献   
《哲学与技术:论历史与批判及资产阶级“技术哲学”的前提与功能》一书是原东德著名学者沃尔尕斯特与班瑟合著的一本技术哲学著作,此书因其独特的马克思主义立场而相当具有代表性,至今仍得到技术哲学界的高度评价。文章试图打破著作原有的结构以问题为纲对其进行简要的梳理和分析,以期展示一个认识与对待现当代西方技术哲学的“新”视角,引发国内学者对西方技术哲学地深入认识和反思。  相似文献   
加强和改进高校辅导员队伍建设,是做好大学生思想政治工作的关键,也是高校践行党的群众路线教育实践活动的重要着力点。通过对宁波市高校辅导员队伍的调研,认真剖析辅导员胜任力不佳的原因,提出地方高校在辅导员队伍建设中,通过完善辅导员选聘机制、健全辅导员培训体系、优化辅导员考评机制、畅通辅导员发展途径等举措来提升辅导员胜任力,促进辅导员队伍的专业化和职业化。  相似文献   
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